In recent years, house moving service fees and house rental prices have continued to rise. There is a certain gap between the compensation standards for house expropriation on state-owned land in the original urban areas and the current market situation.

In recent years, house moving service fees and house rental prices have continued to rise. There is a certain gap between the compensation standard for house expropriation on state-owned land in the original urban area and the current market situation. The reporter learned from a press conference held by Wuhu Municipal Housing and Urban-Rural Development Bureau on June 15 that in order to narrow the gap between policy and reality, the owners of expropriated houses on state-owned land in urban areas (excluding Wanjun District and Fanchang District) were protected. To protect the legitimate rights and interests of the people, improve the living conditions of the people, and enhance the level of urban construction, the municipal government revised the original (Wu Zheng Ban [2017] No. 10) notice and the new "Regulations on Compensation Subsidies and Awards for House Expropriation on State-owned Land in Urban Areas of Wuhu City" ( (hereinafter referred to as the "Regulations") was officially implemented on May 27, making reasonable adjustments to the original standards, and appropriately increasing incentives, temporary resettlement fees, relocation fees, ancillary facilities, decoration fees, etc.

The new "Regulations" have a total of 8 chapters, mainly including the following content

(1) Subsidies and rewards

First, the standard expression of subsidies and rewards is adjusted, is adjusted from "compensation for expropriated houses" to "value of expropriated houses";

2 The first is to refine the "reward" regulations, and distinguishes "rewards" into "residential houses" and "non-residential houses" based on the nature of the houses;

The third is to improve the reward standards, encourages relocation, and "residential houses" and "non-residential houses" are Those who contract to relocate within the contract period for "commercial and office buildings" will be given a reward of no more than 15% of the value of the expropriated house (including the value of ancillary facilities and decoration). For non-residential houses whose production and storage houses are contracted to be relocated within the contract period, a reward of no more than 400 yuan/square meter will be calculated based on the legal construction area of ​​the expropriated houses.

(2) Temporary resettlement fee (residential housing)

With the rapid development of the real estate market, house rental prices have increased significantly. The original standard of temporary resettlement fee is no longer in line with the current market situation, so the standard of temporary resettlement fee is appropriately increased.

The compensation amount for in the "first-class" area of ​​ has been increased from 17 yuan/square meter per month in the original standard to 20 yuan/square meter per month. The compensation amount for in the "second-class" area of ​​

has been increased from 14 yuan/square meter. ·The monthly increase is to 16 yuan/square meter·month, and the compensation amount of

in the "three category" areas is increased from 11 yuan/square meter·month to 12 yuan/square meter·month.

(3) Loss due to suspension of production and business (non-residential housing)

In order to increase the enthusiasm of non-residential house expropriators to take the initiative to move and hand over housing, after analyzing the actual situation of the city's housing market, the calculation standard for "commercial and office housing" is as follows: 5‰ (yuan/month) increased to 7‰ (yuan/month).

(4) Relocation fees

With the increase in market prices for labor, materials, etc., the compensation standards for relocation fees, ancillary facilities, decoration, etc. are no longer in line with the current market situation. In order to narrow the gap, the compensation standards for relocation fees, ancillary facilities, decoration, etc. have been adjusted. Make adjustments accordingly. The relocation fee is increased from "12 yuan/square meter" to "15 yuan/square meter".

(5) Ancillary facilities and decoration

The first is to clarify the names of ancillary facilities, interior decoration and trees;

The second is to appropriately increase part of the original compensation amount based on the market research results;

The third is to clarify overhead floors , basements and attics identification standards and compensation amounts.

(6) Housing security

In order to improve the living conditions of low-income residents in the city and promote the harmonious and stable development of society, the expropriated houses are the only houses of the expropriated families in the city and the families are unable to purchase property rights exchange houses due to family difficulties. Implement leasing. Expropriated persons who meet the conditions for affordable housing rental subsidies can apply for affordable housing rental subsidies.

(7) Renting of public housing

If the directly managed public housing and the unit-managed public housing can be sold, the property owner will, in principle, give priority to selling to the lessee according to relevant regulations when the house is expropriated.

(8) Others

First, the specific plans involving subsidies, incentives and compensation for unregistered buildings in the "Regulations" shall be clarified by the house expropriation department before the house is expropriated;

Second, compensation fees such as temporary resettlement fees during house expropriation shall be borne by both parties to the house expropriation. The parties shall negotiate in accordance with the standards of the "Regulations". If the negotiation fails, they may entrust a real estate appraisal agency to make an assessment and determination;

The third is the time when the "Regulations" will be implemented, the subject of interpretation, and the relevant provisions on how to deal with projects for which housing expropriation decisions have been made before the implementation of these regulations. .

specially reminds that projects for which housing expropriation decisions have been made before the implementation of the new "Regulations" will continue to be handled according to the original regulations.

Source: Dajiang Evening News reporter Rui Juan Compilation

Editor: Zhu Chenwan

Review: Zheng Shen

Final review: Huang Yaoqin