From 00:00 to 24:00 on May 19, Jiangsu reported 2 new imported confirmed cases and no new asymptomatic infections. There were 6 new discharged cases and 42 asymptomatic infections released from isolation and medical observation.


From 0-24:00 on May 19, Jiangsu had 2 new imported confirmed cases from abroad (1 case imported from the United States and 1 case imported from Germany, both of which were isolated and treated in designated hospitals in Nanjing), and there were no new asymptomatic infections . There were 6 newly discharged cases (4 local cases and 2 imported cases), and 42 asymptomatic infections (all local) were released from isolation and medical observation.

Details of newly confirmed cases and asymptomatic infections will be released by the relevant districts and cities.

Currently, there are 5 confirmed cases (2 local cases, 3 imported cases) being treated in isolation in designated hospitals, and 302 asymptomatic infections (298 local cases, 4 imported cases) under quarantine medical observation.


The Shanghai Municipal Health Commission reported this morning (20th): From 0 to 24:00 on May 19, 2022, there were 88 new local confirmed cases of new coronary pneumonia and 770 asymptomatic infections, of which 71 confirmed cases were As for the outcome of previously asymptomatic infections, 17 confirmed cases and 767 asymptomatic infections were discovered during isolation control. There were 2 new imported confirmed cases and 3 asymptomatic infections, all of which were discovered during closed-loop control.

Build a platform

Enterprise-friendly policy "Precision Drip Irrigation"

In order to coordinate epidemic prevention and control and economic and social development, and focus on resolving the pain points, blockages, and difficulties faced by enterprises, Wujin District immediately issued a special action implementation plan and launched "Spring breeze "Ten Articles of Benefiting Qiwu". At the same time, through a "face-to-face" leadership contact visit, a "point-to-point" special service group for enterprises, and a set of "real-life" corporate relief policy packages, we will centrally coordinate and solve the "urgent, difficult and anxious" problems of a group of enterprises. In particular, in order to promote the transformation of policy services from "flood irrigation" to "precision drip irrigation" and change "people looking for policies" to "policies looking for people", Wujin is the first government service in the city to launch "one enterprise, one policy, precise push". The policy precision service platform was launched on the 19th. The platform collects more than 2,000 policies that benefit enterprises at all levels and in various fields at the national, provincial, municipal, and district levels. On this basis, it uses big data algorithms and artificial intelligence technology to accurately match enterprise information and policy information.

Know and respond immediately

Governments and enterprises work together to overcome difficulties

In order to seize the time lost by the epidemic, the Wujin District Administrative Approval Bureau has increased coordination and service efforts, and has adopted proactive services, assistance agencies, credit commitments and other methods to fully serve Wujin in accordance with enterprise policies. District key projects. Quectel wireless communication module industrial housing and supporting facilities project, Ideal Auto customized machinery factory building and test track construction project, Wuhan High-tech Industrial Wastewater Treatment (Phase I) project, Bairen Medical annual output of 50,000 sets with supplementary knife A number of major provincial, municipal and district projects, including cutting and staplers and 18,750 sets of artificial heart valve interventional delivery systems, have started construction one after another. As of April, a total of 132 projects have been registered, with a total investment of approximately 31.1 billion yuan. 18 key projects at or above the district level have received construction licenses through full-process assistance and agency services (including 4 provincial key projects and municipal key projects 8).

Regarding the shortage of factory buildings reported by Aiante, Wujin National High-tech Zone actively coordinated to help companies rent about 5,000 square meters of workshops;

Regarding the labor shortage problem reported by Kangpuri, the District Human Resources and Social Security Bureau customized a recruitment plan, and the first batch of 5 Famous machine processing professional and technical personnel were hired;

Farmers and agricultural enterprises encountered obstacles in their sales. The District Agriculture and Rural Affairs Bureau took active actions and teamed up with the Wujin District Agricultural Association to build a "one square meter" sales carrier for farmers, and 8 companies joined the company.

"Good financial rain"

sinking to the grassroots

"Policy Basket" to implement precise policies. The district continues to strengthen financial services during the epidemic, and supports the growth and development of " specialized special new " enterprises and "intelligent digital transformation" enterprises through policy products such as "innovation loans" and "small and micro loans". We will fully and efficiently promote the implementation and implementation of various policies such as "green financial product incentives", provincial inclusive financial development fund declarations, and financial incentives to support technology "whitelist" enterprises. Further operate the "Park Guarantee" government-bank-guaranteed special loan service for small and micro enterprises, providing loan services of 5 million yuan to single-family enterprises, reducing corporate guarantee fees and exempting corporate guarantee deposit fees. As of the end of April, the balance of "park insurance" on guarantee was 970 million yuan. In April, there were 32 loans issued in a single month, with an amount of 121 million yuan. “real money” helps companies bail out. Jiangsu Hanheng Medical Technology Co., Ltd., as an important supplier of Changzhou nucleic acid testing and screening throat swabs, will give priority to all 10 million throat swab products originally intended for export after the outbreak of this round of epidemics. Provides Changzhou region. After learning that Hanheng Medical faced certain financial pressure in paying its upstream suppliers for materials, Bank of China Changzhou Branch approved a total credit of RMB 100 million for the company as quickly as possible. Various financial institutions in the area have also combined to create a "financial product supermarket". Changzhou High-tech Guarantee guarantees all existing businesses and insists on not withdrawing loans, continuing to lend, and not suppressing loans. The guarantee rate has been reduced from 1% to 0.9%, which is expected to benefit more than 100 companies, involving a guarantee amount of nearly 500 million yuan. .

Rent reduction and exemption

Help small and micro enterprises

In order to effectively help small and micro enterprises and individual industrial and commercial households alleviate the impact of the epidemic and overcome operating difficulties, the New Taipei District Finance Bureau actively implemented the spirit of the document and exempted and exempted qualified enterprises within its jurisdiction from March to August 2022. 6 months rent. According to preliminary statistics, this round of rent reduction and exemption for state-owned enterprises in the region has benefited 672 small and micro enterprises in the service industry and 414 individual industrial and commercial households. The rent reduction and exemption is expected to reach 140 million yuan.

Jiangsu Ruixin Information Technology Co., Ltd. was established in 2008. The company focuses on research in the field of network security and currently has 55 employees. According to this rent-free policy, the company will reduce rent by 230,000 yuan. Jiangsu Qihang Chuangchuang Software Co., Ltd. was established in 2009 and specializes in the development and maintenance of medical software systems. Affected by the epidemic, the progress of business expansion by corporate sales staff has slowed down, with a decrease of 30% compared with the same period last year. The person in charge of the company decided to use all the rent reduction and exemption to improve employee benefits.

Strengthen services

Stimulate vitality

"Today, a batch of fabrics from Taiwan, China, came to the centralized warehouse, totaling 169 boxes." On May 17, Wang Jiutong, assistant general manager of Changzhou Hualida Garment Group Co., Ltd. came to the The "Centralized Warehouse for Imported Goods of Key Enterprises in Tianning District" in the Diaozhuang Street Building provides on-site supervision of the entry of imported goods into the warehouse. "With the 'centralized warehouse', a 'firewall' has been built to ensure the stability and quality of enterprise production. Moreover, sampling and testing are free, which reduces the burden on enterprises."

The "centralized warehouse" is transformed according to the "three zones and two channels" standard , set up contaminated areas, semi-contaminated areas, and clean areas, mainly to conduct zoning supervision on the entry, loading and unloading, storage, and exit of imported goods.

At Changzhou Hanwu Intelligent Technology Co., Ltd., the workshop is still busy. General Manager Wang Chengzhi told reporters that in order to alleviate the pressure on production and operation of enterprises under the epidemic, Tianning Economic Development Zone actively contacted enterprises and exempted and exempted enterprises from rent from March to August, which gave enterprises stability during the difficult period of declining corporate profits. A powerful boost to production.

Cloud services

Boost confidence

Recently, the Tianning District Federation of Industry and Commerce held the "Tianning Private Enterprise Lecture Hall - Helping Enterprises Develop 'Cloud Lecture Hall'" event, specially inviting the District Science and Technology Bureau, District Industry and Information Technology Bureau, and District The Bureau of Human Resources and Social Security, the District Local Finance Bureau, and the District Taxation Bureau interpret the policies to benefit enterprises and help enterprises to alleviate difficulties. The cloud lecture hall is full of useful information, with more than 2,000 online views. "In the future, we will accurately match the actual needs of private enterprises, and organize experts, scholars and entrepreneurial lecturers to offer a series of public welfare courses through live broadcast on the cloud to help private enterprises analyze the situation, strengthen development confidence, improve management capabilities, and jointly cope with new challenges. , seize new opportunities," said Xu Liyan, deputy director of the United Front Work Department of Tianning District and secretary of the Party Committee of the District Federation of Industry and Commerce. In order to provide guarantee for the resumption of work and production of enterprises after the epidemic, has also carried out policy promotion and implementation through multiple channels in Tianning District, carefully selecting products that are in need of epidemic prevention, inclusive of small and micro businesses, specialties and new products, and accurately pushed on the cloud. In addition, the company changed its conventional thinking and helped Tianning enterprises transfer loans from to through the "cloud review" method. It only took 2 working days to solve the problem of being unable to conduct offline approval during the epidemic, helping enterprises to overcome the difficulties of the epidemic.

Environmental protection "shop waiter" sent

"Green Tips" for relief

Since this year, the Zhonglou District Ecological Environment Bureau has actively responded to new changes and new impacts of the epidemic, continued to deepen the " decentralization, regulation and service " reform, and resolutely implemented the provincial, The city has introduced policies and measures to assist enterprises in response to the impact of the epidemic, integrating ecological and environmental protection into the overall economic and social development, and actively supporting enterprises to resume work and production. So far, the environmental protection procedures for Zhonglou District96 key industrial projects in provinces, cities and districts are progressing smoothly.

"It was so timely. The Ecological Environment Department made special arrangements and allowed the project to start more than 100 days earlier than originally planned!" The person in charge of Changzhou Meikangyuan Medical Technology Co., Ltd. recently made a thank-you phone call. Tengqi Power's new generation digital intelligent transformer radiator R&D and manufacturing project is one of the city's key industrial projects. In the preparatory stage, the Zhonglou District Ecological Environment Bureau has customized the most optimized environmental protection plan guidance services for enterprises, providing a strong guarantee for enterprises to successfully obtain environmental assessment approval. The Zhonglou District Ecological Environment Bureau has also launched a special service model, linked to key service enterprises, established random "visit days", regular "reception days", and expert "consultation days" systems to further strengthen government-enterprise communication, and actively serve as "waiters".

issued a 520 million yuan "red envelope"

benefiting more than 3,000 enterprises

"In the past two years, the company has expanded its production scale and built multiple new production lines. The initial investment is large and the financial pressure is high. This time tax refund will be refunded Nearly 3,000 companies Ten thousand yuan, the confidence of corporate development has greatly increased!" On May 10, when talking about the new tax refund policy, Jiangsu Yuxing Thin Film Technology Co., Ltd. financial manager Wu Meiduan was very emotional. On the one hand, the district's financial department actively communicated upwards to obtain financial support; on the other hand, it cleared existing funds and transferred them to the national treasury to replenish the treasury. At the same time, a daily negotiation mechanism has been established with the tax department. Issues on the day will be cleared and settled on the same day, and tax refunds on the next day will be discussed in advance to ensure that policy dividends are paid in full and in a timely manner and that the fiscal treasury does not incur payment risks. As of April, the region’s retained tax refunds amounted to 520 million yuan, benefiting more than 3,000 companies, and the tax refund funds were 1.5 times that of last year.

policy gift package

delivered to your door

"Thank you to Changzhou Economic Development Zone Economic Development Bureau for sending policies to enter the enterprise and helping us apply for more than 800,000 yuan of subsidy funds step by step." Changzhou Jia, located in Lucheng Street Ren Jun, the person in charge of Sheng Food Marketing Co., Ltd. said. “We are confident that we can take the company to a higher level from this year to next year.”

On May 6, Fu Yi, deputy director of the Economic Development Bureau of Changzhou Economic Development Zone, led a team to Jiasheng, SF Express, Hengshanqiao Comprehensive Wholesale Market and other enterprises to discuss the recent development and Jiangsu Provincial Department of Finance and Jiangsu Province. The "Notice on Organizing the Declaration of Financial Subsidy Funds for Epidemic Prevention and Control (Logistics and Key Agricultural Wholesale Markets)" issued by the Reform Committee will be carried out "one-on-one" publicity and interpretation to ensure that various fiscal and taxation and financial preferential policies are implemented. It is understood that. This round of subsidies for logistics and key agricultural wholesale markets involves a total of 3 companies. The total amount of subsidies applied is nearly 3 million yuan.

Warm-hearted service

Problem solving

"Our large-scale distribution center is now in normal use. , I am really grateful to Changzhou Economic Development Zone Economic Development Bureau and Hengshanqiao Town Government. "On May 2, Liu Kang, the public affairs manager of SF Transportation (Changzhou) Co., Ltd., expressed his gratitude to the staff of the Economic Development Bureau. "This distribution center is our large parcel processing warehouse, with an average daily processing capacity of 300 tons of large express delivery. Logistics guarantee is of great significance. "The normal use of the large-size distribution center has greatly eased the company's transportation and labor costs.

On April 19, Changzhou SF Express's 18,000-square-meter large-size distribution center proactively cooperated with epidemic prevention measures to upgrade silent needs. SF Express 一On the one hand, it actively upgraded the epidemic prevention configuration, and on the other hand, the upgrade progress was synchronized to the Hengshanqiao Town Government. After approval and reporting, the Changzhou Economic Development Zone Economic Development Bureau officially issued a letter to assist. On May 2, the large-scale distribution center was able to be used normally.

Since the outbreak, Changzhou Economic and Technological Development Zone has focused on various problems encountered in the operation and production process to speed up the "Longcheng Smooth" review efficiency and establish a party member volunteer service station, adopting a "6+1" working model. Service companies, a total of 935 companies have been visited to help companies implement closed-loop management of freight drivers and create "healthy stations" to meet the living and accommodation requirements of truck drivers.

With policy support and warm-hearted services, the service industry in Changzhou Economic Development Zone has developed rapidly this year. . Since the first quarter, Changzhou Economic and Technological Development Zone’s restricted trade sales have reached 9.72 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 13.2%, ranking first in the city.

Accurately pocketing "red envelopes"

Protecting "Happiness on the Tip of the Tongue"

Changdang Lake relies on abundant water resources. , the water quality is fresh and rich in aquatic products such as crabs, rice shrimps, whitebait , and is known as the "Lake of Gourmet Food". Its Huadiao Drunken Crab, Chopped Pepper Catfish, Steamed Turtle and other delicacies are highly sought after by diners, thus driving the popularity of the lake. The accommodation and catering industry near Changdang Lake is booming. However, due to the recent epidemic, taxpayers in this industry have been hit hard.

Based on the brand advantages of Changdang Lake’s catering industry, the Jintan District Taxation Bureau mobilized business key personnel to form a tax service team. Customize tax services for specialty restaurants, organize the preferential tax policies applicable to restaurants into "packages", and develop a "one-to-one" accurate delivery mechanism for tax policies, so that small catering shops can fully enjoy the preferential policies and help their important businesses. Rejuvenated. “During the epidemic, our hotel operation was under great pressure. Not only did the employees’ salaries need to be paid normally, but the store is in a prime location, and the financial pressure was like a stone, weighing on me. Fortunately, the tax department took the initiative to provide door-to-door services, allowing the company to enjoy a tax discount of nearly 60,000 yuan. hedged some of the costs with , alleviating financial pressure. " Wu Yunfeng, the person in charge of Holiday Inn Changdang Lake No. 1 in Jintan District, said with confidence: "The state has reduced costs and added momentum to the catering industry, which has allowed us to survive the most difficult time. In the next step, in addition to constantly researching new dishes, the hotel will also flourish in both dine-in and take-out services, allowing the restaurant's business to quickly recover."

Focus on "Aiding enterprises and stabilizing jobs"

Increasing service efforts

"Affected by the epidemic, early recruitment faced difficulties, but the government quickly introduced a series of supporting policies such as talent reward and subsidy policies, enterprise social security subsidies, and provided continuous online services Online recruitment, we have participated in 2 special events this year and attracted a number of talents. "On May 11, the person in charge of the human resources department of Jiangsu Shangshang Cable Group Co., Ltd. said. Leaders of the Liyang Municipal Human Resources and Social Security Bureau led a team and brought business backbones to visit major companies. They visited 36 companies to provide answers to the company's questions and concerns. There are 43 issues of concern to employees. "Fourteen" policies and measures have been formulated to help enterprises resume work and production, stabilize jobs and increase efficiency, and vigorously carry out a special service campaign for hundreds of social security specialists to serve key enterprises in the city, from talents, In terms of employment, training, labor relations, social insurance, and other aspects, "one-on-one, point-to-point" surveys and guidance are provided both online and offline. "What enterprises need most now is help in times of crisis. We still don't know many policies to benefit enterprises. Human and social security." The specialist gave us a detailed explanation one-on-one, such as the implementation of job stabilization returns of unemployment insurance, delayed payment of pension, unemployment and work-related injury insurance premiums, etc., which all played a positive role in reducing our burden! The relevant person in charge of Jiangsu Huapeng Group Co., Ltd. said.

In the first quarter, a total of 529,200 yuan in one-time subsidies has been issued to Liyang City2,646 people with employment difficulties, and 234 people have completed the qualification review of the Enriching People's Entrepreneurship Guarantee, and issued the Enriching the People's Entrepreneurship Guarantee The loan was 31.943 million yuan, and entrepreneurship created 1,728 jobs.

Source: Healthy Jiangsu, Changbao New Media

All-media reporter: Zhou Qian, Tong Huagang, Wang Shujun, Wu Yanling, Hou Zhengping, He Yizhi, Tu Xianping, Song Jing, Yang Chengwu, Jia Yanbo