Well-known actress Xu Xiyuan has been frequently searched after her second marriage. It’s not that her net worth has doubled, but that her husband has become very popular after her second marriage. She has received many jobs and invitations. Many of them are currently scheduled.

Well-known actress Big S Xu Xiyuan has been frequently searched after her second marriage. It is not that her net worth has doubled, but that her second husband has become popular after the marriage. She has received many jobs and invitations. Many of them are currently scheduled. She originally planned to enjoy A newlywed couple in a world of two, but now Big S has revealed the changes that have taken place in his life after marriage. He can't even decide on the next time they get together. This shows how popular Big S's husband has become after marriage!

Since Big S officially announced his marriage to his first love last month, the topic of Big S and her husband Gu Junye has not stopped. Either S’s mother or her younger sister Little S accepted interviews to create topics, which made the outdated Gu Junye Now that it has become popular again, some businesses have seen the value of Gu Junye's marriage, and have invited newlywed grooms to attend events or perform.

The mother of two children officially announced her second marriage in a high-profile manner, but she did not post any photos of her post-marriage life, and has always maintained a sense of mystery! It is reported that sisters Big S and Little S are very good at controlling traffic. They made full use of the topic of Big S Gu Junye's first love and dominated the hot search list. Until now, if there is any news about Gu Junye, it is popular. On the other hand, Big S does not appear on the scene through his agent. Still a hotly discussed figure.

Just now, Big S’s husband posted: See you at the AL club tomorrow, perfect defense! I think I couldn't sleep just thinking about meeting you today. I can't wait. See you tomorrow! This is to warm up his performance in the club in advance, and he also posted a cool and handsome photo with the four words "Tomorrow night" written on it. I believe many of Big S's friends and fans will come to support him!

The two originally met thousands of miles away to rekindle their relationship. Unexpectedly, Gu Junye was so popular. He was already invited to perform a few days before meeting Big S. He will also go to New York to work next month. The newlyweds wanted to make money. I can only bear the pain of separation. Big S's agent also said: Currently, he has received many job offers, the original plan has changed, and the child is being coordinated and scheduled. It seems that Big S has to endure the marital life of separation in two places again. I wonder if she will compromise and follow her husband this time?

Big S was really surprised that Gu Junye became so popular after marriage, and his life plan after marriage couldn't keep up with the changes. If Big S didn't follow her husband, the two would still spend less time together and more separation. Such a marriage can How long will it last? Big S has made it clear that he will not go to see her husband perform, but little S said that he will go. By then, Gu Junye will be on the front page again!

It seems that the second marriage of Big S is a money-spinner. Gu Junye must be earning a lot of money if he is so busy! Gu Junye has always been active in front of the camera, but Big S has not appeared on camera. The couple cooperates very well. Is this all a script? After all, they are all in the entertainment industry, and there are many ways to attract traffic and eyeballs, just like Xiao S, who constantly consumes his sister and new brother-in-law in order to sell his album.

The former lovers have reunited, but Big S is no longer alone. She still has a son and a daughter to take care of. It is simply unrealistic to follow Gu Junye all over the world. She occasionally gathers with friends and never takes photos. This post-wedding photo was posted by a friend. Big S, immersed in the joy of the wedding, looks good.

Big S never expected that Gu Junye would be so "popular" after marriage! Big S's newlywed life has changed a lot. In addition to a son and a daughter, Gu Junye has also become a part of Big S's life. Now her husband has gained a lot of fans through the popularity of the wedding and has also added a lot of work. As long as they separate, It’s hard to get together, after all, Goo Junye’s schedule is too busy!

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