My first impression after watching the video is that most of the girls in the video are very brave! The other party is so fierce, and they dare to stand up to protect their companions. This is the strength that comes from their bones...

My first impression after watching the video is that most of the girls in the video are brave! The other party is so fierce, and he dares to stand up to protect his companions. This is the strength that comes from his bones...
Now girls feel more like boys than boys!
I love the way you don't kneel
I love you and persist through despair
I love your tattered clothes
But you dare to block the gun of fate...
This song sounds so good now, and it sounds even better with these girls!

When I watched the video for the first time, I thought the woman in black was very brave! Can you turn a blind eye to such barbaric behavior? It's a friend who is being bullied! Loyal enough, but unfortunately not strong enough. Why is the girl in black who hits a man on the head with a wine bottle missing from the video? Why aren't all the full videos released?

In fact, the second girl in white was on the phone outside when the incident occurred. She saw her companion, the girl in white, being brutally beaten by a group, and came over to protect her at all costs! Pure quarrel and pure protection, she is the most dedicated and righteous person to protect the first girl in white! Far ahead of the many men who were watching, and far ahead of the boss lady who was so used to it that she was almost insensitive! But I have a vague feeling that this good girl who acted bravely may have been the most seriously injured! In the video, the woman in white was pushed to the ground by Chen Jizhi , and the back of her head directly hit the rock. Judging from the high intensity, she was either unconscious or had a bloody head! The girl in gray clothes in the

video is recognized by everyone as the most worthy best friend. No matter who was beaten or bullied by the perpetrator, she used her weak body to protect her: when the girl in black hit the man on the head with a wine bottle and was beaten violently, the girl in gray picked up the girl in black who fell to the ground and used her body to protect him. Fight the violence for her with fists and kicks. And when he saw the second girl in white being thrown down the steps by Chen Mouzhi and others, she rushed forward to hug the girl in white, but she was slapped hard by the cruel perpetrators. But the girl in gray did not have a long memory. Instead, when the girl in white who was initially violated was surrounded and beaten by Chen Mouzhi and others, she stepped forward to protect her. When Chen Mouzhi and others saw the second woman in white making a phone call, they were afraid that the matter would be exposed and dragged her into the alley. The girl in gray followed them again. It is conceivable that she wanted to use her body to protect the beaten sister. She It’s the girl in gray who “never has a long memory”! We don’t know what happened in the alley... God will definitely bless these kind-hearted girls! ^

They all ran towards the alley. Even the victim who was knocked to the ground quickly got up and ran towards the alley. The perpetrator also ran towards the alley. Alley running, so what happened in the alley. Could it be that when big stars came to the alleys at that time, they all went to take photos and sign autographs with the stars? What happened in the alley? With such great attraction, a group of people huffed and ran into the alley? What wasn't captured on the surveillance footage that night was the real crime.

The girl’s injury is particularly strange. What kind of person is hiding it? For what purpose? If everything can be handled fairly, it is not a big deal to announce the injury. Even if the girl has some shortcomings, just pay with her life. I can’t figure out why it wasn’t announced.
Why do I always feel that after watching the video, it is an understatement to say that the girl was beaten and the evaluator is still alive. It is just a minor injury. If the injury is more serious than the minor injury, the beating will be sentenced to a heavier sentence. Isn’t this what it should be? ? Who did the girl provoke to suffer this unreasonable disaster? , although these girls paid a heavy price, they were not afraid of danger, helped each other, and their courage to stand up is admirable. Those people who say on the Internet that girls should not fight back do not know what they think. If a woman encounters If you are afraid of something like this and don't fight back, the murderer will be more ferocious, and girls will be hurt more. You are brave girls. You are good. I wish them a speedy recovery. The culprits will be severely punished as soon as possible.

Actually, you can think about why those who committed violence fled to other provinces overnight! If it was just a small matter of fighting, I think it would be a bit of a fuss to them. During the arrest, they abandoned their car and ran away... One person was caught hiding in the bushes... The victim girl has never been seen... All this information tells me that this matter is very complicated.What wasn't captured on the surveillance footage that night was the real crime.

What is more sad than sadness is the inability to be sad...

Not being severely punished is not enough for the people to be angry!
Without severe punishment, it will not be enough to heal the scars!
Without severe punishment, it is not enough to protect dignity! If
is not severely punished, it will not serve as a warning to others!
Without severe punishment, it is not enough to establish law and authority!