In a house in Wannai Village, Wandan Township, Pingtung, Taiwan, the living room, kitchen, and bedroom are all filled with leftover lunch boxes and used baby diapers, piled as high as a hill.

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Recently, Mr. Fang saw a piece of news that raised blood pressure:

A couple let their one-year-old baby sleep next to a garbage dump!

In a house in Wannai Village, Wandan Township, Pingtung, Taiwan, the living room, kitchen, and bedroom are all filled with leftover lunch boxes and used baby diapers, piled as high as a hill.

In addition to the stench, cockroaches and rats are scurrying around.

Young parents actually let their young children live in such an environment because they usually only play games in front of the computer and are too lazy to clean up the area other than the desk.

Of course, not everyone is willing to live in a "garbage dump" just because of laziness. There may be other reasons -

suffered psychological trauma and then gradually developed into a hoarder.

For example, the three protagonists that Fang Jun will introduce next all turned their good houses into garbage dumps due to the death of their relatives.

Among them, there are rich second-generation mothers and daughters, single women with exquisite appearance, and elderly people in their seventies living alone. You have no idea why these people live like this.

7-year-old Akane Tanaka lives in Japan with her 83-year-old mother Nachiko Tanaka.

Although mother and daughter look simple, they are truly "charters".

They own a single-family mansion with a total of 7 rooms, 3 of which are rented out. With a monthly income of at least 400,000 yen (approximately RMB 21,000) , they don’t have to worry about food and clothing.

But if you think that the life of a "renter" is unrestrained and comfortable, then please enter their home and you will find that you are completely wrong.

This two-bedroom apartment is obviously very spacious, but it is filled with all kinds of food and garbage, and there is nowhere to stay.

No wonder my daughter said: "The house is very messy, it needs to be mosaic."

At the entrance of the house, you can't see its original appearance at all.

Various plastic bags, boxes, and newspapers seem to be overflowing in the next second. is not so much that there are too many things, but that the garbage is about to "explode".

So the question is, the entrance is such a mess, how do the mother and daughter live in other areas of the house?

Regarding this, her daughter Akane Tanaka explained that if you want to go inside, you have to step on the garbage, and you even have to "crawl" through some places.

But even after everyone "climbed" to the living room with great effort, the scene they saw was the same "miserable" as the entrance -

The ground was full of garbage, and there was no open space for people to sit comfortably. .

In fact, looking through the garbage, most of it is food hoarded by the mother and daughter. They bought too much but couldn't finish it, and then formed a "garbage mountain".

Mother and daughter usually sleep on top of this garbage. They don’t have quilts and can only cover themselves with coats to keep warm.

Go out to look for food when you are hungry, or look around to see if there is anything edible.

Why do you have to suffer yourself and live in such a bad environment when your living conditions are obviously quite good?

Mother Nachiko Tanaka said that when she was young, her family was very rich and she never had to do housework because there were always maids at home.

Under the care of her parents, she is a eldest lady who "does not touch water". Of course, her self-care ability is also very poor.

later married a doting husband and had children. The family was happy and happy, and they also raised a dog. There was no "mountain of garbage" at home.

But her life changed after her husband passed away unfortunately three years ago.

Nachiko Tanaka began to buy a lot of things, piling up more and more things at home. Although the mother and daughter tried to clean them up many times, they always gave up halfway. This was a vicious cycle, which finally led to the current situation.

suddenly had no support, which was undoubtedly a huge blow to the old woman. Even if she has two children, no one can replace her husband's position in her heart.

With her sense of security suddenly reduced, she hoarded a lot of things just to make up for the gap in her heart after her husband left.

Over time, this vicious cycle also caused her psychological illness. She believed that she was old and did not need any support from faith. She could just muddle along and it would not matter even if her home was a garbage dump.

Like Tanaka and her daughter, Michiyo, a 76-year-old empty nester in Japan, also turned her home into a garbage dump due to the death of all her relatives.

Michiyo’s home is a two-story house.

The aisle entering the door was filled with various cardboard boxes, blocking the way to the room. If you want to get in, you can only move these large items one by one.

When talking about why the house is so messy, the old man said it is because he can't help but "buy, buy, buy" when he likes something, and he accidentally accumulates a lot of unused sundries.

For example, unopened rice cookers, wallets bought at bargain prices, various popular items, etc. It can be described as a hoarding addiction.

When talking about why he suffered from this kind of "hoarding addiction", the old man said that it started after his parents passed away five years ago.

There are piles of things at home just to fill up the lonely and empty soul.

For Ms. Michiyo, after her husband died young, she has been dependent on her parents.

Now that the old people are gone, she is left alone in the world. needs to keep shopping, hoarding, and then "surrounding" herself to feel safe and satisfied, and her soul will be healed.

So for the past five years, Michiyo has slept in the middle of the "garbage pile" every day.

She said: "As long as you are surrounded by things, you can forget loneliness."

Unlike the Tanaka mother and daughter and Ms. Michiyo, Miss Erika who lives in Japan is "forced" to live in Japan because of her boyfriend. In the trash.

8-year-old Erika looks very delicate and capable, with the unique charm of a mature woman.

But you wouldn’t expect such a pretty girl to describe her home like this:

“Clothes pile up like a mountain of garbage, and there is no place to put your feet.No matter when I go home, I always feel so stinky! ”

Facts have proved that Erika did not lie.

When she walked into her house, the mess in the entrance was obvious. There was no shoe cabinet for storage. Sandals, boots, and slippers were just messed up and put together, and it was impossible to see them clearly. How many pairs are there?

Continue walking along the entrance, passing through the corridor filled with underwear. On the right is the open kitchen of the house whose "appearance" is unclear.

The sink is filled with dirty dishes from unknown ages. Visible oil stains and dirt will inevitably make anyone feel queasy.

When people asked Erika how long it had been since she last cleaned the kitchen, the answer she gave was shocking -

"Probably less than a year." "

When I opened Erika's refrigerator, it was also filled with all kinds of expired food.

And the picture was so beautiful that Fang Jun had the expression of "an old man on the subway looking at his mobile phone" the whole time...

I bought the Italian salad noodles half a year ago and didn't eat it. Half of it was left, but it has never been lost.

The grapefruit was very delicious, but it has been kept in the freezer since I bought it, and now it has become moldy.

The juice has been expired for half a year, and I will have diarrhea 4 or 5 times after drinking it. Nothing is lost.

In Erika’s opinion, as long as everything is in the freezer, even if it has expired, it will be fine.

Fang Jun is “scared” by such a “hell-level” concept of cleaning the kitchen...

The kitchen is directly opposite the living room of this one-bedroom apartment, which is also where Erika sleeps on weekdays.

Except that the bed is a little cleaner (actually it is not much better, there are many traces of soup left by eating) , All other places are "occupied" by all kinds of garbage.

When talking about why she doesn't throw away garbage, Erika said because Japan's garbage classification is very strict. If she throws these things out, she will definitely be scolded.

Why she didn't clean, Erika said, was because she "didn't have an opportunity" -

html She was 138 years old, and she had no friends to visit her.

Most importantly, her boyfriend's death was a huge blow to her.

In fact, , Erika was not a sloppy person at the beginning. When

lived with her boyfriend, she would cook for him every day and clean the house very diligently with vacuum cleaner .

Even though her boyfriend has passed away for 7 years now, the corners of Erika's mouth still can't help but curl up when recalling that time of love.

They fell in love because they were too similar -

were born in the same year, the same month, the same day, even their hometowns are the same, and they have the same interests and hobbies. It seems that each other is another self in the world.

What is surprising is that they broke up because of this "too much similarity" -

Erika and her boyfriend were found to be twins.

Afterwards, because ethics did not allow the two to continue to fall in love, even if they fell in love again, they could not bridge the gap caused by blood ties. Erika's boyfriend found it difficult to accept this fact and finally chose to commit suicide.

Therefore, the 38-year-old Erika has been single and unemployed because she has not yet recovered from the shock of her boyfriend's death.

Although she smiles every day, she feels extremely decadent and naturally has no mood to clean up the house.

In fact, it is not difficult to see that these four ladies are all patients with hoarding disorder due to psychological trauma. This is also a serious mental illness. What we often call separation is very difficult for this type of people and must receive formal therapeutic intervention.

Most of the causes are caused by "loss". For example, the most common one is that after losing a loved one, the trauma caused is difficult to heal. Only hoarding can slightly alleviate the mental uneasiness.

In the end, I got out of control. While I was buying, buying, buying and hoarding, I despised myself and felt painful and regretful that I could not end the bad habit of hoarding.

Once many people sink into a negative state, they feel like they are stuck in a swamp.

Even in the heart, there may have been countless struggles: "I want to clean up the room, I want to work hard!"

But just like the Tanaka mother and daughter, they are powerless. After failing once, they will never embrace a clean and tidy home again. Having expectations will eventually lead to a vicious cycle and complete loss...

This feeling is very powerless and helpless. Neither you nor I are involved, so it’s hard to empathize with it, and I can’t blame anything except sighing.

I just hope that everyone will remember one sentence when encountering a severe setback in life: "You have to save yourself first, and then life will save you."

The pictures and materials in this article come from "Following Your Home", Station B @生Grass subtitles group, Weibo @日本沙sculpt daily