Due to work needs, the Public Security Bureau of Ning'er Hani and Yi Autonomous County has openly recruited four police auxiliary personnel from the public. Police auxiliary personnel are recruited in accordance with the law and managed and used by the public security organs. The

Due to work needs, the Public Security Bureau of Ning'er Hani and Yi Autonomous County openly recruited four police auxiliary personnel from the public. The relevant matters are now announced as follows:

1. Identity of police auxiliary personnel

(1) Police auxiliary personnel are recruited in accordance with the law and managed and used by the public security organs. They do not have the status of people's police and perform the prescribed duties and labor contracts .

(2) Police auxiliary personnel do not occupy the special establishment of public security politics and law, do not have the qualifications of law enforcement subjects, and assist the public security police in carrying out their work.

(3) The employment of police auxiliary personnel shall be based on the "Labor Law of the People's Republic of China", "Labor Contract Law of the People's Republic of China" and other relevant laws and regulations, and a labor contract shall be signed with the employer.

2. Recruitment Number and Job Conditions


8-35 years old

Serial Number

Recruitment Position


Recruitment Number


Educational Requirements

Age Conditions


Household Registration Location

Job Matching Conditions

Ning'er County Public Security Bureau Political Office

Civilian staff

No limit

College degree and above

Male 165cm, female 158cm

No limit

Have certain writing ability, can skillfully use office software such as office to process official documents, and obey job assignments.

Ning'er County Public Security Bureau Criminal Investigation Brigade

Civilian staff


College degree and above

8-35 years old


No limit

Possessed Must have certain writing skills, be able to skillfully use office software such as office to process official documents, and obey job assignments.

Ning'er County Public Security Bureau Puyi Police Station

Civilian staff


College degree and above

8-35 years old


Not limited

Possessed Must have certain writing skills, be able to skillfully use office software such as office to process official documents, and obey job assignments.

Ning'er County Public Security Bureau Special Police Brigade

Detention caregiver


College degree and above

8-35 years old


No limit

Obey orders, follow instructions, have good physical fitness, strong sense of service, and obey job assignments.

(1) Basic conditions

. Support the Constitution of the People's Republic of China , abide by national laws and regulations, have good conduct, upright style, and dedication to work.

. Age requirement: 18 to 35 years old (as of June 10, 2022).

. Good health, no color blindness, no stuttering, no tattoos.

. College degree or above.

. Have the physical fitness and work ability required to perform normal duties.

. Voluntarily engage in police auxiliary work, have the spirit of loyalty, dedication, hard work and obey the organization's distribution. Have good moral sentiments and psychological quality, strong sense of discipline, and be able to keep work secrets.

. Height requirements: Males must be above 165cm, females must be above 158cm.

. Other conditions specified by the public security organs.

(2) Personnel under any of the following circumstances will not be employed:

. Those who have received criminal punishment or are suspected of illegal crimes that have not yet been investigated.

. Those with a history of drug abuse.

. Being dismissed from public service by state agencies or public institutions, or having their labor contracts terminated or dismissed due to violations of laws and disciplines.

. The labor contract has been terminated due to violation of relevant management regulations for police auxiliary personnel.

. Being reviewed or punished and the punishment period has not expired.

. A member of my family or a close relative has been sentenced.

. I, my family members, or close relatives join illegal organizations, cult organizations, or engage in other activities that endanger national security.

. Those who have serious physical or mental illness, suffer from epilepsy and other intermittent diseases, and are not suitable for engaging in police auxiliary work.

9. People with tattoos and obvious scars on exposed parts of the body.

0. Those who cannot be recruited according to national laws, regulations and relevant labor and employment regulations.

3. Recruitment methods and procedures

(1) Registration

. Registration time: working days from June 13 to June 24, 2022 (8:00-11:30 am, 14:30-17:30 pm).

. Registration location: Political Work Room on the fourth floor of Ning'er County Public Security Bureau (No. 81 Tianbi Road).

. Job search. For details, please follow the "Ning'er Police" WeChat subscription account.

. Registration process.

(1) The on-site registration process is: I carry the originals and copies of relevant documents with me to the registration point to register → fill in the "Ning'er County Public Security Bureau Open Recruitment Registration Form for Police Auxiliary Personnel" → fill in the "Candidate Integrity Commitment Letter" → submit the relevant Submit materials to staff for review. The following materials are required: ① Original copies of ID card, household register, graduation certificate and other materials, as well as retirement certificate and motor vehicle driving license. ② Submit at the same time 1 copy of the above certificates and materials (A4 paper), and 1 recent large 1-inch front-facing photo with a white background and no hat. ③ The candidate’s credit report issued by the People’s Bank of China .

(2) Applicants must fill in their personal information truthfully, accurately and completely. The applicant shall be responsible for any consequences caused by errors and incompleteness in the information filled in by the individual and the attached relevant certificate materials; for any fraud, once verified , terminate or cancel their qualifications for application and employment at any time, and deal with them in accordance with the provisions of the Measures for Handling Examination Violations of Disciplines and Violations.

(2) Qualification review

The political office of Ning'er County Public Security Bureau is responsible for the review. Those who pass the review will determine the candidates to participate in the physical fitness test. Qualification review runs through the entire recruitment process. During this period, if applicants are found to be inconsistent with the requirements of the recruitment position or provide false materials, they will be disqualified.

(3) Physical fitness test

Those who pass the qualification review will enter the physical fitness test. The physical fitness test will be carried out in accordance with the Ministry of Public Security's "Notice on Issuing the Physical Fitness Assessment Items and Standards for the Recruitment of People's Police by Public Security Agencies (Interim)" and its attached standards. The items of the physical fitness test are as follows:

men's group

0 meters × 4 round trip

000 meters running



0 years old (inclusive) and below

1 years old (inclusive) and above




≤ 4′35″

vertical jumptouch height


women’s group


0 meters × 4 round trip running



0 years old (inclusive) and under

1 years old (inclusive) and above



00 meters running



Vertical jump and touch height

≥230 cm

(4) Interview

Those who pass the physical fitness test will enter the interview in a ratio of 1:2. If those who meet the physical fitness test standards do not reach 1:2 2 ratio, based on the 1,000-meter test results in order. The interview is organized and implemented by the County Public Security Bureau, using the structured interview method. The total interview score is 100 points. Only when the interview score reaches 60 points or above can you enter the next stage. The specific interview time and location will be notified later.

(5) Comprehensive score

. Civilian personnel. Interview score × 60% + written test score × 40% = comprehensive score. Among them, the written test scores are calculated based on the scores of the 2021 Yunnan Provincial Civil Service Examination Administrative Vocational Ability Test (Practice Test), and a screenshot of the results will be provided when registering.

. There is no written test for retained caregivers, and the interview score will be the final score.

. Police academy graduates, veterans, on-the-job police officers, and those holding B1 or above motor vehicle driving licenses will be given priority in hiring under the same conditions.

(6) Political review

Candidates will enter the political review link based on the candidate's performance ranking in a 1:1 ratio. If they are tied for the same position, they will enter with the shorter score of the 1,000-meter run in the physical fitness test. The political review process for the recruitment of civilian and retained caregivers will be conducted in accordance with the relevant provisions of the "Political Review Measures for the Assessment of People's Police of Public Security Organs". Because candidates fail to pass the political examination, according to the order of comprehensive scores from high scores to low scores, replacement personnel from the position will be replaced to participate in the political examination.

(7) Physical examination

Those who pass the political examination will enter the physical examination. The physical examination is conducted in accordance with the "General Standards for Physical Examination for Civil Servant Recruitment (Trial)" (Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security [2005] No. 1), the Physical Examination Operation Manual and the "About the Revision of the "General Standards for Physical Examination for Civil Servant Recruitment (Trial)" and the "Civil Service Recruitment Physical Examination Operation Manual (Trial) "Notice" (Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security [2010] No. 19), "Notice on the Issuance of Special Physical Examination Standards for Civil Servant Recruitment (Trial)" (Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security [2010] No. 82) and other relevant regulations are implemented. The physical examination fees are borne by the candidates. bear. Due to failure in the physical examination, candidates who have passed the political examination will be replaced in turn.

(8) Public announcement and employment

. Based on the physical examination results, the personnel to be hired will be determined. The Ning'er County Public Security Bureau will publicize the list of personnel to be hired. The publicity period is 5 days.

. After the expiration of the publicity period, if no problems are reported or problems are reported but it does not affect employment, the employment procedures will be handled; if problems that affect employment are reported and substantiated, employment will not be granted; if the reported problems are difficult to verify at the moment, The appointment can be postponed until the investigation is complete before deciding whether to hire; in order to protect the rights and interests of candidates, real names must be reported when reporting problems. Ning'er County Public Security Bureau supervision telephone number: 0879-3232239.

IV. Contract Signing and Benefit Guarantee

Ning'er County Public Security Bureau signs a labor contract with the employee in accordance with the "Labor Law of the People's Republic of China", "Labor Contract Law of the People's Republic of China" and other relevant laws and regulations. The contract period is initially 2 years. After the labor contract expires, the labor contract shall be renewed, changed or terminated in accordance with relevant laws and regulations.

Civilian salary is 2,776 yuan per person per month (including the social insurance fee that the individual needs to pay), and payment of pension insurance, medical insurance, unemployment insurance, work-related injury insurance and maternity insurance , and refer to the people's police accidental injury The standard of insurance allows the purchase of accident insurance.

The salary of retained caregivers is 3,053.6 yuan per person per month (including social insurance premiums that individuals need to pay), and they must pay pension insurance, medical insurance, unemployment insurance, work-related injury insurance and maternity insurance, and refer to the standards of the people's police accident insurance Provide accident insurance.

5. Epidemic prevention and control

(1) The recruitment unit is responsible for recruitment, epidemic prevention and control and medical security, and does a good job in epidemic monitoring and investigation, disinfection and disinfecting, health supervision in public places, and medical security.

(2) Candidates’ epidemic prevention requirements:

. During the interview, candidates should wear a mask, keep a distance of more than 1 meter from others, present the "Yunnan Health Code" and "Communication Big Data Itinerary Card", cooperate with body temperature measurement, and enter the waiting room according to the guidelines. Exam room.

. Those with green codes for "Yunnan Health Code" and "Communication Big Data Itinerary Card", and their body temperature measured on site is normal (≤37.3℃), can participate in the interview normally.

. The "Yunnan Health Code" is a yellow code, and the " Communication Big Data Itinerary Card " indicates that people coming from medium-risk areas in China are required to undergo home medical observation for 47 days, and undergo nucleic acid testing on the 2nd and 7th days. Only after presenting the original negative report or showing the negative information of the "Yunnan Health Code" new coronavirus nucleic acid test, and having a normal body temperature measured on site (≤37.3°C), can you enter the examination room. Candidates who do not provide a report (certificate) are not allowed to enter the examination room.

. Those who have traveled abroad in the past month must provide proof of 14-day centralized medical isolation observation and 7-day home isolation observation, the original negative nucleic acid test report valid within 3 days before the interview, or present the "Yunnan Health Code" Only those who have negative information on the new coronavirus nucleic acid test and have a normal body temperature measured on site (≤37.3°C) can enter the examination room. Candidates who have not provided a report (certificate) are not allowed to enter the examination room.

. Persons with a red "Yunnan Health Code" are not allowed to enter the examination room.

. During the interview, those who have fever (37.3℃) or cough and other abnormal respiratory symptoms will participate in the interview according to the staff's instructions after on-site evaluation.

. During the interview, candidates do not wear masks.

6. Other requirements

(1) Participating in the physical fitness test but not participating in the interview, participating in the interview but not participating in the follow-up physical examination, political review, failing to report to the recruiting unit as required, etc., will be disqualified from the examination and employment qualifications.

(2) Candidates who voluntarily give up the interview must submit a written application signed by themselves and a copy of their ID card. If the candidate cannot be contacted or the candidate does not participate due to personal reasons and does not make a written explanation, he or she will be deemed to have given up automatically.

(3) Candidates who participate in the Ning'er County Public Security Bureau's recruitment examination for police auxiliary personnel should ensure that the communication tools are open so that the recruiting unit can contact them about recruitment matters; candidates who are unable to contact them due to personal reasons shall be responsible for the consequences.

(4) During the application process, candidates should pay attention to the "Ning'er Police" WeChat account in a timely manner to understand the examination process and inquire about relevant announcements. If the consequences are caused by the candidates' personal reasons, the candidates will be responsible for them.

(5) If any unqualified personnel are found during the recruitment and employment process, the Ning'er County Public Security Bureau may terminate or cancel their reference qualifications and employment qualifications at any time.

Contact: Police Officer Fan 15758220250

Police Officer Yang 13769085699 0879—3232239

Ning’er Hani and Yi Autonomous County Public Security Bureau

June 10, 2022


Political Affairs Office

Review: Feng Lili

Be loyal to the party and serve the people

Enforce justice and discipline Yan Ming

Hosted by: Information Office of Ning'er County Public Security Bureau

Submission email: negaxc@163.com