June 26, 2022, is a very special day for Zuo Liting and Hu Yijiang, the "post-95" immigration management policemen of the Mangyan Border Inspection Station of the Baoshan Border Management Detachment in Yunnan, because on this day, they will join hands in getting married. , start

When a wedding hits International Anti-Drug Day What is your experience? June 26, 2022, is a very special day for Zuo Liting and Hu Yijiang, the "post-95" immigration management policemen of the Mangyan Border Inspection Station of the Baoshan Border Management Detachment in Yunnan, because on this day, they will join hands in getting married. , starting a new journey in each other’s lives.

In early May this year, Hu Yijiang and his wife Zuo Liting, who were preparing for their wedding, thought about it carefully and decided to choose a memorable day as their wedding anniversary. "Our wedding is in June, and the place where we usually work is called the 'Anti-Drug Powerhouse' by others. How about we set our wedding on June 26, the International Anti-Drug Day!" The two hit it off and immediately set their wedding date. On International Anti-Drug Day, we commemorate the special bond between them.

are masters and apprentices, and they are also each other's lovers.

"Liting and I have known each other for a long time, and she is still my squad leader." Hu Yijiang said. When Hu Yijiang enlisted in the army and came to the Mangyan border checkpoint in 2016, Zuo Liting was already a veteran at the Mangyan border checkpoint. Because of her outstanding performance in arrests, Zuo Liting was also responsible for teaching new recruits inspection techniques and tactics in the unit. and methods. From then on, Zuo Liting's careful and capable image remained in Hu Yijiang's heart.

"Hu Yijiang is a very good boy, with a rough and a fine look. He looks very simple and honest, but he is very responsible." Zuo Liting said with a smile. From the time he joined the police until now, Hu Yijiang would write down the day's work in a small book every day after work, such as: what contraband was found in which car today, which parts of the car are easy to hide drugs, what is the model, license plate, and color of the car? He will record a series of details one by one. When he has nothing to do, Hu Yijiang will use books and the Internet to find relevant information about vehicle structures and models that can help with the investigation work. He will read them one by one and note them down bit by bit, summing up his experience and constantly improving his investigation skills. level and quality of law enforcement.

"When we work together, he is more careful than me." Zuo Liting looked proud as she spoke. Hu Yijiang was the first among his comrades who joined the police in the same year to be awarded the second-class merit . It happened to be a coincidence that the case for which he was awarded the second-class merit happened to be investigated by his partner Zuo Liting.

On October 1, 2018, Hu Yijiang and Zuo Liting partnered to conduct an inspection in the small lane of the Mangyan border checkpoint. At 4 pm that day, when they inspected an off-road vehicle , the driver of the vehicle panicked. Hu Yijiang's suspicion was overturned. After further inspection, Hu Yijiang seized 12 kilograms of heroin from the compartment of the car and was awarded the second-class personal merit. At that time, Zuo Liting, who was on duty with Hu Yijiang, also joked, "Hu Yijiang can do it, he has already left the army." "

support each other and fight together on the front line at the border

In December 2018, the public security border force retired from active service due to the institutional reform. Hu Yijiang and Zuo Liting successfully passed the police recruitment examination, and both became border guard immigration management police. The first two people before the system reform They often work together and solve many cases together. The day before the exam, Hu Yijiang jokingly said to Zuo Liting: "Xiao Zuo, promise me that we will pass the exam and continue to work together in the southwestern frontier of the motherland."

Time came to last year 3. In March, by chance, the two men, who were already wearing navy blue police uniforms, participated in the capacity-improving rotation training organized by the Baoshan Border Management Detachment for reformed soldiers. The two were assigned to the Houqiao Border Police Station for rotation training. During the second round of training, a police call became the source of a life-changing relationship between the two.

In April 2021, the Houqiao Border Police Station received a report that a suspected drug addict was staying at a hotel in the jurisdiction. Because the suspect was a woman, Zuo Liting followed her. Hu Yijiang, who was on duty that day, went out with the police. Because it was her first time to participate in such a case, Zuo Liting was a little nervous when she came outside the room where the suspect lived. At this time, Hu Yijiang behind her patted her on the shoulder and said, "It's okay. Xiao Zuo, I will protect you, and I will always stand by your side once you get in. "It was this sentence that moved Zuo Liting, who had a good impression of Hu Yijiang.After that mission, Zuo Liting launched a wave of emotional offensive against Hu Yijiang. After staged a "chasing" story, the two got together.

After the rotation training, Hu Yijiang and Zuo Liting returned to the Mangyan border checkpoint. Although the two are in the same unit, they rarely meet because of different tasks. "Every day except when eating, most of the time I can only look at each other from a distance while wearing protective clothing." Hu Yijiang said. The heavy duties at the Mangyan border checkpoint, coupled with the pressure brought by epidemic prevention and control and border control, make the immigration management police stationed here busy every day on hot days with an average daily temperature of 38 degrees, watching Hu Yijiang Zuo Liting was busy working nervously in the logistics vehicle and sweating profusely when taking off her protective clothing. Zuo Liting felt distressed, but she always encouraged Hu Yijiang to charge forward.

Hu Yijiang is from Shaanxi, and Zuo Liting is from Chuxiong, Yunnan. Zuo Liting joked: "From the time they fell in love until now when they are preparing to get married, the two people have met each other's parents no more than five times. It must be true love to have come this far."

held a wedding on the International Anti-Drug Day, interpreting love with perseverance

In March this year, the parents of the two families went to the Mangyan border checkpoint to visit Hu Yijiang and Zuo Liting without telling them. Seeing their working environment, Zuo Liting's father told Zuo Liting that night: "Young man can't be wrong. Can endure hardship." During this meeting, the parents of the two families decided on a wedding date.

"Originally, we planned to have a wedding in April this year, and we were both ready to pick out wedding dresses. However, because we suddenly received the task of participating in the investigation competition, the wedding could only be postponed." Zuo Liting said. "We discussed it. There are many work tasks in the summer, so we changed the wedding date to October 1st, the National Day. It is so meaningful to have the wedding on the National Day." Hu Yijiang said with a smile. The invitations were all bought at that time, but no date was written on them.

Just like what the song says: "It must be a special fate that we can become a family along the way..." "Last month Hu Yijiang asked me why we are together, and I didn't even think about it. Because of anti-narcotics," Zuo Liting said. It was her words that made Hu Yijiang want to change the wedding time. Hu Yijiang tentatively talked to Zuo Liting about setting the wedding on the International Anti-Drug Day. Unexpectedly, the two hit it off immediately.

"The date of the wedding will 'change', but love will not." Zuo Liting said that holding a wedding on International Anti-Drug Day will become one of the best memories in her life. "As a family of two policemen, we deeply I love this glorious profession, and I am willing to fight side by side with him at any time to make the world drug-free."

(Note: Because Hu Yijiang and Zuo Liting are in public investigation positions on the anti-drug front, their identity information is available. Public)

Author: Zhang Jinnan Yanguang Liu Tong

Source: People's Daily Client Yunnan Channel