"Pour yourself a glass of wine, put on lipstick, and cheer up." - Elizabeth Taylor, the legendary Hollywood actress. Romantic girls are crazy about perfume, and they must also be in love with a touch of red. When it comes to lipstick, we usually only know how to buy it and use it

"Pour yourself a glass of wine, put on lipstick, and cheer up." - Elizabeth Taylor, the legendary Hollywood actress

Romantic girls are crazy about perfume, and they must also be in love with a touch of bright red. When it comes to lipstick, we usually only know how to buy it and use it, but we don’t know how to use it to show off. Don’t think that lipstick is boring. It is one of the earliest cosmetics that appeared in human beings. It has a history of thousands of years and there are many fun (qi) and fun (pa) things in it~

Lipstick was born in 3000 BC

However, it is black

Around 3000 BC, the Sumerians living in the Mesopotamian plain (the sound engineer invited a Jay Chou thank you song) would grind gems and pigments (what a luxury!) and add a little water. , apply to lips with a small stick. Because it is very expensive, this is a kind of beauty that can only be enjoyed by nobles. By the way, the lipstick at that time was "mouth black" and the color was blue-black.

Cleopatra's lipstick

was made of insects...

Ancient Egyptians loved makeup, and both men and women liked to wear eyeliner and lipstick. You must have heard of Cleopatra and Cleopatra VII, right? She is a lipstick enthusiast, especially a magenta color extracted from beetle and ant eggs (this color is still named "Cleopate Red"). Her preference made magenta the most classic lipstick color, and its influence continues to this day. She even issued regulations for the use of lipstick: the lips must be colored with damp wooden strips.

Ancient Greece

Lipstick is a symbol of prostitutes

Ancient Greece on the other side of the Mediterranean had a completely opposite attitude towards lipstick than Ancient Egypt . They advocate natural beauty more, and artificial sculptures such as lipstick are branded as taboo - only for prostitutes. Athens once issued a regulation that prostitutes must be punished if they went to the streets without wearing lipstick of a designated color. In addition to red dye, their lipstick also contains sheep sweat, human saliva, and animal poop extracts... Don't stop me, I have to go to the toilet...

Ancient Rome

The lipstick used by nobles was poisonous

Ancient times The Romans' love for lipstick was not lost to the ancient Egyptians. Poppaea, the wife of Roman Emperor Nero, had a team of slaves around her who used plant dyes from mulberries, seaweed, and vegetable roots to help her make lipstick. The Romans, who love beauty, also developed a unique lipstick raw material: mercury mixed with seaweed extract, which will make girls' lips sparkle. However, mercury is poisonous and will cause death if used for a long time~ As for civilians, they can't afford it. This expensive and toxic lipstick stains your lips with wine sediment.

Lipstick was once the "devil" in the eyes of the church

As long as human history is long, the history of straight male cancer is as long as it is. After the fall of ancient Rome, Europe entered the ignorant Middle Ages. The church strongly opposed lipstick at that time, leaving behind a lot of parchment scrolls condemning women's makeup. Priests in England would even call girls wearing lipstick "the devil incarnate", believing that artificially decorated faces would challenge the authority of God (what kind of logic...).

The British once legislated a ban on lipstick

It is hard to imagine that the British, who we think of as gentlemen today, were once so straight... The British Parliament once proposed that any woman who relies on lipstick, perfume and other cosmetics to lure men into marriage must accept punish. At that time, women wearing makeup had already become a common practice, but fortunately this conservative conspiracy was not passed.

How do everyone secretly use lipstick?

The development of lipstick in Europe has always been restricted by religion, especially commoners whose wealth is not as good as that of the nobles. They can only use lipstick secretly. They would bite their lips to engorge them with blood, do lip gymnastics (repeating words like peas, prunes, prisms), and imitate the Romans in applying wine. Because of the church's prohibition, the British had an underground way of trading lipstick - go to a special store, say a few secret codes, and then enter a dedicated secret room to buy it.


The Queen of England likes lipstick very much.

Ironically, in the place where lipstick is most opposed, there is the queen who likes lipstick the most-Elizabeth I. Not only is she one of the most famous queens in British history, she is also a landmark figure in the history of lipstick. Her lipstick was formulated with cochineal, gum arabic, egg white, beeswax and fig pulp to create a unique "English red" color. She also invented solid lip gloss based on plaster, becoming the ancestor of modern lipstick. However, her preference for lipstick is more forced - as she grows older, her complexion becomes longer and longer, and she has to use a lot of lipstick to repair her face. On the day she died, she had used up half an inch of lipstick.

Americans invented modern lipstick

In 1867, the B. Altman Department Store in New York opened. It was the first department store in the world to have a cosmetics counter. In the same year, Harriet Fisher in New York invented a tool that could color lips. The color came from carmine, strawberry juice, beet juice and marshmallow rhizome. It is simply an epoch-making invention (Star Eye).

The first commercial lipstick was...

In 1884, Guerlain produced the first tube lipstick. The formula was grapefruit extract, oil and beeswax, etc. The texture was a bit like hair wax. The paste could not be rotated and required hands or other tools. to apply. Before this, solid lipstick was wrapped in wax paper.

If you like lipstick

you have to thank the Americans

They invented modern lipstick, as well as rotary lipstick. Even their founding father George Washington was also a deep lipstick enthusiast - in order to maintain complexion, image is very important. Throughout the 1920s, nearly 50 million women around the world used lipstick, and more than 3,000 kilometers of lipstick paste were used every year. When the term "generation gap" first appeared, it referred to the difference in lipstick choices between mothers and daughters.

During the war

Lipstick was the favorite of the army.

The reason is very simple. Officials believe that lipstick can help improve the morale of the army in combat, especially when the soldiers see the nurses wearing lipstick, they will no longer have any injuries. Woolen cloth. During the war, the government and the media encouraged women to wear lipstick and enter factories to help with production. Major fashion brands were restricted in production in order to supply surplus materials to the army. Only lipstick was not restricted. The U.S. Navy also organized special training for female soldiers to learn "how to apply makeup quickly and perfectly."

The unhappy everyone is living

The better the lipstick is sold

In European and American countries, whenever the economy is in recession and everyone is having a bad life, lipstick sales will increase. This is called the "lipstick effect" in economics - when people don't have much money, they will turn to cheaper and more practical products. Lipstick is such a cosmetic that can also bring psychological comfort to consumers. When you feel unhappy, go buy lipstick!


what is lipstick made of?

Oh my, it doesn't matter at all. Even if it's made of insects, you still know how to apply it, right? For the sake of beauty, don’t think so much~

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