Source: Public account Tiaohaiyuan (ID: meerjump) Some songs do not require scene reproduction or any sound. With just one lyric, you can quickly enter a passive and inextricable single-sentence loop, such as this one↓/Please bring it with you The melody that is ringing in your m

Source: Official account Tiaohaiyuan (ID: meerjump)

Some songs

do not require scene reproduction

nor any sound

Just one lyric

you can quickly enter the single sentence loop that is passively activated and cannot extricate itself from.

For example, this one ↓

/Please read this post with the melody in your mind/

Do you dream of going back to your kindergarten days for a second?

The sound quality and volume of the speakers in the hypermarket are brought to two extremes

"Everything is on clearance." The shouts of "stay" are mixed with a few words of this song.

You learned the whole song by force.

The sound of the hypermarket

No matter what era it is,

is always moving.

But only around the millennium. These moves

are different

What is Eurodance?

This is an unfamiliar term that seems to be juxtaposed with mathematical post-rock.

For the Chinese people who are almost half a world away from the European continent,

it is a bad "Tuhai"

/even if it is a loudspeaker for the market.

has also played more than one continental dance music that has been on the B chart/

To be precise, throughout the entire millennium continental dance music has been the "brainwashing song" around the world

In 1997, there was a continental dance music from Sweden

It only took four months to reach the seventh place on the US B-chart

This song is called "Barbie Girl"

/Barbie Girl's Plastic Smile

It is recommended to watch the full MV to experience the psychedelic plastic world/

↓Click to listen to the real thing ·Plastic Love ↓

The song's reviews are polarizing.

Some people criticized the song's MV

for being childish and stupid.

"Rolling Stone" magazine named it one of 's "Top 20 Most Annoying Songs" in 2007

011 In 2011,

even voted it to be the number one most annoying song in the 1990s.

The Canadian M3 music channel

also included it in

's "50 Guilty Pleasure".

Some people ranked it Listed as one of the best songs of all time

was full of praise for the satirical content

Moreover, within a week of the release of this single

won the weekly crown in 18 countries

The spread power should not be underestimated

You may not know much about the picture. Impression

But once the lyrics are released

no one can suppress the cycle of this song



I never heard this song played by a loudspeaker on the street in my childhood. Incomplete/

This song's magical sound is brainwashing and has become popular all over the world.

Mattel, the manufacturer of Barbie dolls, even filed a lawsuit against the band Aqua. Even the band broke up. The case still has not been won. Come here

Sweden is indeed a treasure land of talents

One year later

Another continental dance song

once again ruined the world's musical tastes

The melody of the intro alone is enough to make you dream of going back to kindergarten

↓ Do it tonight Your butterfly girl ↓

/This braid is really exquisite

Maybe some people are like me, it was not until they became adults

that they saw the true appearance of the childhood hit singer for the first time? /


is the representative work of the Swedish girl group Smile DK.

MV is roughly translated as

The story of butterfly girls looking for their true samurai in the Windows98 pipe screensaver animation

was originally included in

Japanese game giant Konami's story

In the street dance machine music game "Dance Dance Revolution"

but the song is more widely spread than the game itself

poisoned the land of China around the millennium every kindergarten art performance stage

/This song is associated with blue eye shadow and red lipstick Bound together with colorful rubber bands and pigtails/

The adapted version of this song

I guess many people will think of it as soon as they hear it

Sun Yue's "Let's Come Together" in 2000

is also a must-win for girls in the kindergarten dance program One of the tracks.

/I haven’t heard the original version, but I’ve heard of this one at some point/

Another song

is also an adapted version that is more popular in China

is an order of magnitude higher than the original version

Some people may not know what “numa numa yey” is

but There won’t be anyone who doesn’t know what “Don’t be afraid, don’t be afraid” is

/ ANT Teeth Black! Ant toothpaste! Ant teeth! Ant teeth haha! /

When this song came out, Mr. Wenwen was still in elementary school.

When I heard it for the first time in the karaoke booth, it felt so confusing.

As a result, in the next few years,

I have been thinking about it.

What is an ant?

Why are my teeth black?

Although the original singer of this song is not well-known in China

, from the perspective of global communication

this Moldovan song Dragostea Din Tei

can be listed as the most precious intangible cultural heritage of Romania together with vampire culture


↓Original Ant Teeth Black

Click to feel the whispers of the devil ↓

/It doesn’t matter if you don’t know these three handsome guys

After listening to this song, you will never forget their faces again/

These guys wear highlighted hair with spikes

Wearing cool glasses

A man wearing a silky tight-fitting shirt

is posing in the wind on the wing of an airplane

After watching it for a long time, he can taste the slightest hint of

's sexiness and temptation

People begin to wonder if this song

is fake The power of your taste is overwhelming

/Ah, even this high-definition picture quality cannot stop the handsomeness/

After the millennium, when the continental dance music gradually subsided

The Nordic people projected their sultry energy to other countries.

Among the electronic music

In 2003 a silly frog turned out

/Attention was paid to the crotch, it really shocked me back then/

↓This is the legendary Ding Ding Divine Comedy↓

In fact, I experienced it in my childhood People who were brainwashed by this frog

rarely found out where this frog came from when the Internet was not very developed.

For example, Mr. Wenzi was watching MTV when he was a child.

Occasionally, he was brainwashed by this frog.

It has been more than ten years since then. This frog figure often appeared in my midnight dreams.

Finally, after repeated testing with

"frog", "ding ding", "ghost animal", "missing tooth" "big and small eyes", "madman", "air motorcycle"

and other combinations of words,

was able to match this figure. The frogs reunited on the Internet again

Crazy Frog is the name of the singer

The most famous Ding Ding Ding song is this

called "Axel F"

It is also from Sweden

This Crazy Frog's three-dimensional animation MV

brings early Sci- The magical charm of fi

There are only a few lyrics

They are all meaningless pronunciation like frog babble


But it doesn’t matter

abaabaabaaba style lyrics

The whole world can read it in one second Understand

and laugh along with it

For example, this song Blue

(Da Ba Dee1998), which was released five years earlier than Toothless Frog


is from Italy

The name of the band is Eiffel 65

It is full of mixed and chaotic happiness

/This Little Blue Man MV is really too Up /

↓ My Hao Blue Album Across Time and Space ↓

This song is famous again

because it was used as the opening music of Iron Man 3

But after listening to it

what else is there about Iron Man

and my mind is full of it

/abaabaabaaba. jpg/

/The avatar is my expression/

In the 1980s, part of the initial impact of

on foreign cultures

was music

Discotheques bloomed everywhere

Break dancing became a compulsory subject for every young person

Bell-bottom pants exploded Colorful shirts are blooming everywhere from cities to rural areas

/Your mother was more fashionable than you back then/

There is a series of videos on the B site called "A Hundred Years of Beauty"

I believe many people have watched it

and every time the video reaches the 1980s

The barrage is all about "He came in the 1980s"

"The 1980s was a time when the aesthetics of the whole world were not right"

"Hahaha, the 1980s really lived up to expectations."

But Mr. Wenzi feels that the crazy and brilliant aesthetic tsunami of the 1980s is really rare in a century

And this is also the first time in modern times that China has caught up with the world on a large scale in terms of trends

In 1981, the animal world When we started playing

, in addition to the voice of Zhao Zhongxiang, we were accompanied by the opening song

, which made people play the movie in their heads for a second. ↓The must-have golden song of Wild Boys in the Zoo↓

/Ah, the cheetah is running!

Ah, the penguin is falling! !

Ah, the gorillas are killing each other! ! ! /

This electronic music that still sounds timeless today

is "Just Blue" by the French electronic band Space in 1978

The original version has lyrics

However, Animal World only intercepted the intro part

and the original electronic music The representative work of music is the 6 version of Journey to the West Xu Jingqing 's opening song "Yungong Xunyin"

That's right

It's that "Waiting for the lamp, boarding the bench for the bench" 's brainwashing electronic music

I would like to call it For the grand combination of electronic music and folk music:

/The iconic diudiu diu~diudiu~

sound effects became the whistle for children when they went home to watch TV/

↓Click to listen to the national masterpiece of China’s electronic music veterans↓

Electronic drums are mixed with trumpets throughout the whole song

The pipa first added in the early part is smart and light

Then it enters the brass and the attack becomes grand

But the "Diudiudi" of the electronic music jumps in at the right time

Maintaining the agility of the song

Two sections Different melodies

One goes upwards

The other is mixed with an ethereal female voice

Paired with chimes

The sound effect has a strange blingbling feeling

/No elementary school student wants to miss this title/

The serious TV series that was on CCTV at that time

was even on There are not many TV programs

that dare to use electronic music

As soon as this song came out

it was immediately criticized by the leaders as "Western music"

It was only with the resistance of the chief director Yang Jie that

became a generation Human Memories

In comparison,

another song is mentioned much less frequently

because many people don’t know it at all

Yes, It is also a song you will hear in the weather forecast after watching the news broadcast Electronic music

In 1984

Pu Qizhang played an adapted version of

on Yamaha FX-50 electronic keyboard. Excerpts from " Fishing Boat Sings Late " were adopted by CCTV.

This is the soundtrack of "Weather Forecast" that is still used today

↓ Your whole family will hum it. The tone↓

/The picture ranges from high-definition to high-definition, and the BGM is always the same/

Ms. Pu Qizhang

is one of the first electronic keyboard players in my country


used to play this piece is a three-row The Yamaha electronic keyboard with keys

and the tape

that contains this song has a name that does not match the genre of the song

at all:

/The song "Dance" with the same name in the album

Even if I listen to it now, Not outdated at all/

In 2020,

when you hear European dance music playing,

"pioneer" is no longer the preferred adjective

"local high" is

I have found some

mentioned above. and the current situation of the band,

accidentally saw this:


The tears of the era are nothing more than this/

The tears of the era are nothing more than this

But the brainwashing power of these music

can transcend the barriers of the times

For example, like That song

I can’t remember the name of Romania’s national treasure

even if I don’t read it

It’s on YouTube

It’s all because I pressed the circulation switch in my brain

But the victims who had to come up to check in

can see it

Someone above heard this song for the first time in 2011

, but that doesn’t stop this friend

from being happily circulated in his brain together with other people who have listened to it for more than 20 years

Vaporwave is the second generation of City Pop. The revival

I’m not sure when

Someone will re-create these childhood hobbies disco

At least when I searched for "Yungong Xunyin"

there were already more than 30 Remix versions

/ This is only part of it/

I won’t talk about it anymore

I’m going to find a musician friend to study it now

The next wave of disco renaissance must be due to me

In addition to the music mentioned above

you have also heard it What kind of local disco is there? There are 108 hidden uses of

emoticons, each of which can’t escape the yin and yang!

In order to let sellers ship goods quickly, I made my second career!

Foreign memes can be on an equal footing with emoticons. Why?

Source: Official account Tiaohaiyuan (ID: meerjump)

Some songs

do not require scene reproduction

nor any sound

Just one lyric

you can quickly enter the single sentence loop that is passively activated and cannot extricate itself from.

For example, this one ↓

/Please read this post with the melody in your mind/

Do you dream of going back to your kindergarten days for a second?

The sound quality and volume of the speakers in the hypermarket are brought to two extremes

"Everything is on clearance." The shouts of "stay" are mixed with a few words of this song.

You learned the whole song by force.

The sound of the hypermarket

No matter what era it is,

is always moving.

But only around the millennium. These moves

are different

What is Eurodance?

This is an unfamiliar term that seems to be juxtaposed with mathematical post-rock.

For the Chinese people who are almost half a world away from the European continent,

it is a bad "Tuhai"

/even if it is a loudspeaker for the market.

has also played more than one continental dance music that has been on the B chart/

To be precise, throughout the entire millennium continental dance music has been the "brainwashing song" around the world

In 1997, there was a continental dance music from Sweden

It only took four months to reach the seventh place on the US B-chart

This song is called "Barbie Girl"

/Barbie Girl's Plastic Smile

It is recommended to watch the full MV to experience the psychedelic plastic world/

↓Click to listen to the real thing ·Plastic Love ↓

The song's reviews are polarizing.

Some people criticized the song's MV

for being childish and stupid.

"Rolling Stone" magazine named it one of 's "Top 20 Most Annoying Songs" in 2007

011 In 2011,

even voted it to be the number one most annoying song in the 1990s.

The Canadian M3 music channel

also included it in

's "50 Guilty Pleasure".

Some people ranked it Listed as one of the best songs of all time

was full of praise for the satirical content

Moreover, within a week of the release of this single

won the weekly crown in 18 countries

The spread power should not be underestimated

You may not know much about the picture. Impression

But once the lyrics are released

no one can suppress the cycle of this song



I never heard this song played by a loudspeaker on the street in my childhood. Incomplete/

This song's magical sound is brainwashing and has become popular all over the world.

Mattel, the manufacturer of Barbie dolls, even filed a lawsuit against the band Aqua. Even the band broke up. The case still has not been won. Come here

Sweden is indeed a treasure land of talents

One year later

Another continental dance song

once again ruined the world's musical tastes

The melody of the intro alone is enough to make you dream of going back to kindergarten

↓ Do it tonight Your butterfly girl ↓

/This braid is really exquisite

Maybe some people are like me, it was not until they became adults

that they saw the true appearance of the childhood hit singer for the first time? /


is the representative work of the Swedish girl group Smile DK.

MV is roughly translated as

The story of butterfly girls looking for their true samurai in the Windows98 pipe screensaver animation

was originally included in

Japanese game giant Konami's story

In the street dance machine music game "Dance Dance Revolution"

but the song is more widely spread than the game itself

poisoned the land of China around the millennium every kindergarten art performance stage

/This song is associated with blue eye shadow and red lipstick Bound together with colorful rubber bands and pigtails/

The adapted version of this song

I guess many people will think of it as soon as they hear it

Sun Yue's "Let's Come Together" in 2000

is also a must-win for girls in the kindergarten dance program One of the tracks.

/I haven’t heard the original version, but I’ve heard of this one at some point/

Another song

is also an adapted version that is more popular in China

is an order of magnitude higher than the original version

Some people may not know what “numa numa yey” is

but There won’t be anyone who doesn’t know what “Don’t be afraid, don’t be afraid” is

/ ANT Teeth Black! Ant toothpaste! Ant teeth! Ant teeth haha! /

When this song came out, Mr. Wenwen was still in elementary school.

When I heard it for the first time in the karaoke booth, it felt so confusing.

As a result, in the next few years,

I have been thinking about it.

What is an ant?

Why are my teeth black?

Although the original singer of this song is not well-known in China

, from the perspective of global communication

this Moldovan song Dragostea Din Tei

can be listed as the most precious intangible cultural heritage of Romania together with vampire culture


↓Original Ant Teeth Black

Click to feel the whispers of the devil ↓

/It doesn’t matter if you don’t know these three handsome guys

After listening to this song, you will never forget their faces again/

These guys wear highlighted hair with spikes

Wearing cool glasses

A man wearing a silky tight-fitting shirt

is posing in the wind on the wing of an airplane

After watching it for a long time, he can taste the slightest hint of

's sexiness and temptation

People begin to wonder if this song

is fake The power of your taste is overwhelming

/Ah, even this high-definition picture quality cannot stop the handsomeness/

After the millennium, when the continental dance music gradually subsided

The Nordic people projected their sultry energy to other countries.

Among the electronic music

In 2003 a silly frog turned out

/Attention was paid to the crotch, it really shocked me back then/

↓This is the legendary Ding Ding Divine Comedy↓

In fact, I experienced it in my childhood People who were brainwashed by this frog

rarely found out where this frog came from when the Internet was not very developed.

For example, Mr. Wenzi was watching MTV when he was a child.

Occasionally, he was brainwashed by this frog.

It has been more than ten years since then. This frog figure often appeared in my midnight dreams.

Finally, after repeated testing with

"frog", "ding ding", "ghost animal", "missing tooth" "big and small eyes", "madman", "air motorcycle"

and other combinations of words,

was able to match this figure. The frogs reunited on the Internet again

Crazy Frog is the name of the singer

The most famous Ding Ding Ding song is this

called "Axel F"

It is also from Sweden

This Crazy Frog's three-dimensional animation MV

brings early Sci- The magical charm of fi

There are only a few lyrics

They are all meaningless pronunciation like frog babble


But it doesn’t matter

abaabaabaaba style lyrics

The whole world can read it in one second Understand

and laugh along with it

For example, this song Blue

(Da Ba Dee1998), which was released five years earlier than Toothless Frog


is from Italy

The name of the band is Eiffel 65

It is full of mixed and chaotic happiness

/This Little Blue Man MV is really too Up /

↓ My Hao Blue Album Across Time and Space ↓

This song is famous again

because it was used as the opening music of Iron Man 3

But after listening to it

what else is there about Iron Man

and my mind is full of it

/abaabaabaaba. jpg/

/The avatar is my expression/

In the 1980s, part of the initial impact of

on foreign cultures

was music

Discotheques bloomed everywhere

Break dancing became a compulsory subject for every young person

Bell-bottom pants exploded Colorful shirts are blooming everywhere from cities to rural areas

/Your mother was more fashionable than you back then/

There is a series of videos on the B site called "A Hundred Years of Beauty"

I believe many people have watched it

and every time the video reaches the 1980s

The barrage is all about "He came in the 1980s"

"The 1980s was a time when the aesthetics of the whole world were not right"

"Hahaha, the 1980s really lived up to expectations."

But Mr. Wenzi feels that the crazy and brilliant aesthetic tsunami of the 1980s is really rare in a century

And this is also the first time in modern times that China has caught up with the world on a large scale in terms of trends

In 1981, the animal world When we started playing

, in addition to the voice of Zhao Zhongxiang, we were accompanied by the opening song

, which made people play the movie in their heads for a second. ↓The must-have golden song of Wild Boys in the Zoo↓

/Ah, the cheetah is running!

Ah, the penguin is falling! !

Ah, the gorillas are killing each other! ! ! /

This electronic music that still sounds timeless today

is "Just Blue" by the French electronic band Space in 1978

The original version has lyrics

However, Animal World only intercepted the intro part

and the original electronic music The representative work of music is the 6 version of Journey to the West Xu Jingqing 's opening song "Yungong Xunyin"

That's right

It's that "Waiting for the lamp, boarding the bench for the bench" 's brainwashing electronic music

I would like to call it For the grand combination of electronic music and folk music:

/The iconic diudiu diu~diudiu~

sound effects became the whistle for children when they went home to watch TV/

↓Click to listen to the national masterpiece of China’s electronic music veterans↓

Electronic drums are mixed with trumpets throughout the whole song

The pipa first added in the early part is smart and light

Then it enters the brass and the attack becomes grand

But the "Diudiudi" of the electronic music jumps in at the right time

Maintaining the agility of the song

Two sections Different melodies

One goes upwards

The other is mixed with an ethereal female voice

Paired with chimes

The sound effect has a strange blingbling feeling

/No elementary school student wants to miss this title/

The serious TV series that was on CCTV at that time

was even on There are not many TV programs

that dare to use electronic music

As soon as this song came out

it was immediately criticized by the leaders as "Western music"

It was only with the resistance of the chief director Yang Jie that

became a generation Human Memories

In comparison,

another song is mentioned much less frequently

because many people don’t know it at all

Yes, It is also a song you will hear in the weather forecast after watching the news broadcast Electronic music

In 1984

Pu Qizhang played an adapted version of

on Yamaha FX-50 electronic keyboard. Excerpts from " Fishing Boat Sings Late " were adopted by CCTV.

This is the soundtrack of "Weather Forecast" that is still used today

↓ Your whole family will hum it. The tone↓

/The picture ranges from high-definition to high-definition, and the BGM is always the same/

Ms. Pu Qizhang

is one of the first electronic keyboard players in my country


used to play this piece is a three-row The Yamaha electronic keyboard with keys

and the tape

that contains this song has a name that does not match the genre of the song

at all:

/The song "Dance" with the same name in the album

Even if I listen to it now, Not outdated at all/

In 2020,

when you hear European dance music playing,

"pioneer" is no longer the preferred adjective

"local high" is

I have found some

mentioned above. and the current situation of the band,

accidentally saw this:


The tears of the era are nothing more than this/

The tears of the era are nothing more than this

But the brainwashing power of these music

can transcend the barriers of the times

For example, like That song

I can’t remember the name of Romania’s national treasure

even if I don’t read it

It’s on YouTube

It’s all because I pressed the circulation switch in my brain

But the victims who had to come up to check in

can see it

Someone above heard this song for the first time in 2011

, but that doesn’t stop this friend

from being happily circulated in his brain together with other people who have listened to it for more than 20 years

Vaporwave is the second generation of City Pop. The revival

I’m not sure when

Someone will re-create these childhood hobbies disco

At least when I searched for "Yungong Xunyin"

there were already more than 30 Remix versions

/ This is only part of it/

I won’t talk about it anymore

I’m going to find a musician friend to study it now

The next wave of disco renaissance must be due to me

In addition to the music mentioned above

you have also heard it What kind of local disco is there? There are 108 hidden uses of

emoticons, each of which can’t escape the yin and yang!

In order to let sellers ship goods quickly, I made my second career!

Foreign memes can be on an equal footing with emoticons. Why?

Source: Official account Tiaohaiyuan (ID: meerjump)

Some songs

do not require scene reproduction

nor any sound

Just one lyric

you can quickly enter the single sentence loop that is passively activated and cannot extricate itself from.

For example, this one ↓

/Please read this post with the melody in your mind/

Do you dream of going back to your kindergarten days for a second?

The sound quality and volume of the speakers in the hypermarket are brought to two extremes

"Everything is on clearance." The shouts of "stay" are mixed with a few words of this song.

You learned the whole song by force.

The sound of the hypermarket

No matter what era it is,

is always moving.

But only around the millennium. These moves

are different

What is Eurodance?

This is an unfamiliar term that seems to be juxtaposed with mathematical post-rock.

For the Chinese people who are almost half a world away from the European continent,

it is a bad "Tuhai"

/even if it is a loudspeaker for the market.

has also played more than one continental dance music that has been on the B chart/

To be precise, throughout the entire millennium continental dance music has been the "brainwashing song" around the world

In 1997, there was a continental dance music from Sweden

It only took four months to reach the seventh place on the US B-chart

This song is called "Barbie Girl"

/Barbie Girl's Plastic Smile

It is recommended to watch the full MV to experience the psychedelic plastic world/

↓Click to listen to the real thing ·Plastic Love ↓

The song's reviews are polarizing.

Some people criticized the song's MV

for being childish and stupid.

"Rolling Stone" magazine named it one of 's "Top 20 Most Annoying Songs" in 2007

011 In 2011,

even voted it to be the number one most annoying song in the 1990s.

The Canadian M3 music channel

also included it in

's "50 Guilty Pleasure".

Some people ranked it Listed as one of the best songs of all time

was full of praise for the satirical content

Moreover, within a week of the release of this single

won the weekly crown in 18 countries

The spread power should not be underestimated

You may not know much about the picture. Impression

But once the lyrics are released

no one can suppress the cycle of this song



I never heard this song played by a loudspeaker on the street in my childhood. Incomplete/

This song's magical sound is brainwashing and has become popular all over the world.

Mattel, the manufacturer of Barbie dolls, even filed a lawsuit against the band Aqua. Even the band broke up. The case still has not been won. Come here

Sweden is indeed a treasure land of talents

One year later

Another continental dance song

once again ruined the world's musical tastes

The melody of the intro alone is enough to make you dream of going back to kindergarten

↓ Do it tonight Your butterfly girl ↓

/This braid is really exquisite

Maybe some people are like me, it was not until they became adults

that they saw the true appearance of the childhood hit singer for the first time? /


is the representative work of the Swedish girl group Smile DK.

MV is roughly translated as

The story of butterfly girls looking for their true samurai in the Windows98 pipe screensaver animation

was originally included in

Japanese game giant Konami's story

In the street dance machine music game "Dance Dance Revolution"

but the song is more widely spread than the game itself

poisoned the land of China around the millennium every kindergarten art performance stage

/This song is associated with blue eye shadow and red lipstick Bound together with colorful rubber bands and pigtails/

The adapted version of this song

I guess many people will think of it as soon as they hear it

Sun Yue's "Let's Come Together" in 2000

is also a must-win for girls in the kindergarten dance program One of the tracks.

/I haven’t heard the original version, but I’ve heard of this one at some point/

Another song

is also an adapted version that is more popular in China

is an order of magnitude higher than the original version

Some people may not know what “numa numa yey” is

but There won’t be anyone who doesn’t know what “Don’t be afraid, don’t be afraid” is

/ ANT Teeth Black! Ant toothpaste! Ant teeth! Ant teeth haha! /

When this song came out, Mr. Wenwen was still in elementary school.

When I heard it for the first time in the karaoke booth, it felt so confusing.

As a result, in the next few years,

I have been thinking about it.

What is an ant?

Why are my teeth black?

Although the original singer of this song is not well-known in China

, from the perspective of global communication

this Moldovan song Dragostea Din Tei

can be listed as the most precious intangible cultural heritage of Romania together with vampire culture


↓Original Ant Teeth Black

Click to feel the whispers of the devil ↓

/It doesn’t matter if you don’t know these three handsome guys

After listening to this song, you will never forget their faces again/

These guys wear highlighted hair with spikes

Wearing cool glasses

A man wearing a silky tight-fitting shirt

is posing in the wind on the wing of an airplane

After watching it for a long time, he can taste the slightest hint of

's sexiness and temptation

People begin to wonder if this song

is fake The power of your taste is overwhelming

/Ah, even this high-definition picture quality cannot stop the handsomeness/

After the millennium, when the continental dance music gradually subsided

The Nordic people projected their sultry energy to other countries.

Among the electronic music

In 2003 a silly frog turned out

/Attention was paid to the crotch, it really shocked me back then/

↓This is the legendary Ding Ding Divine Comedy↓

In fact, I experienced it in my childhood People who were brainwashed by this frog

rarely found out where this frog came from when the Internet was not very developed.

For example, Mr. Wenzi was watching MTV when he was a child.

Occasionally, he was brainwashed by this frog.

It has been more than ten years since then. This frog figure often appeared in my midnight dreams.

Finally, after repeated testing with

"frog", "ding ding", "ghost animal", "missing tooth" "big and small eyes", "madman", "air motorcycle"

and other combinations of words,

was able to match this figure. The frogs reunited on the Internet again

Crazy Frog is the name of the singer

The most famous Ding Ding Ding song is this

called "Axel F"

It is also from Sweden

This Crazy Frog's three-dimensional animation MV

brings early Sci- The magical charm of fi

There are only a few lyrics

They are all meaningless pronunciation like frog babble


But it doesn’t matter

abaabaabaaba style lyrics

The whole world can read it in one second Understand

and laugh along with it

For example, this song Blue

(Da Ba Dee1998), which was released five years earlier than Toothless Frog


is from Italy

The name of the band is Eiffel 65

It is full of mixed and chaotic happiness

/This Little Blue Man MV is really too Up /

↓ My Hao Blue Album Across Time and Space ↓

This song is famous again

because it was used as the opening music of Iron Man 3

But after listening to it

what else is there about Iron Man

and my mind is full of it

/abaabaabaaba. jpg/

/The avatar is my expression/

In the 1980s, part of the initial impact of

on foreign cultures

was music

Discotheques bloomed everywhere

Break dancing became a compulsory subject for every young person

Bell-bottom pants exploded Colorful shirts are blooming everywhere from cities to rural areas

/Your mother was more fashionable than you back then/

There is a series of videos on the B site called "A Hundred Years of Beauty"

I believe many people have watched it

and every time the video reaches the 1980s

The barrage is all about "He came in the 1980s"

"The 1980s was a time when the aesthetics of the whole world were not right"

"Hahaha, the 1980s really lived up to expectations."

But Mr. Wenzi feels that the crazy and brilliant aesthetic tsunami of the 1980s is really rare in a century

And this is also the first time in modern times that China has caught up with the world on a large scale in terms of trends

In 1981, the animal world When we started playing

, in addition to the voice of Zhao Zhongxiang, we were accompanied by the opening song

, which made people play the movie in their heads for a second. ↓The must-have golden song of Wild Boys in the Zoo↓

/Ah, the cheetah is running!

Ah, the penguin is falling! !

Ah, the gorillas are killing each other! ! ! /

This electronic music that still sounds timeless today

is "Just Blue" by the French electronic band Space in 1978

The original version has lyrics

However, Animal World only intercepted the intro part

and the original electronic music The representative work of music is the 6 version of Journey to the West Xu Jingqing 's opening song "Yungong Xunyin"

That's right

It's that "Waiting for the lamp, boarding the bench for the bench" 's brainwashing electronic music

I would like to call it For the grand combination of electronic music and folk music:

/The iconic diudiu diu~diudiu~

sound effects became the whistle for children when they went home to watch TV/

↓Click to listen to the national masterpiece of China’s electronic music veterans↓

Electronic drums are mixed with trumpets throughout the whole song

The pipa first added in the early part is smart and light

Then it enters the brass and the attack becomes grand

But the "Diudiudi" of the electronic music jumps in at the right time

Maintaining the agility of the song

Two sections Different melodies

One goes upwards

The other is mixed with an ethereal female voice

Paired with chimes

The sound effect has a strange blingbling feeling

/No elementary school student wants to miss this title/

The serious TV series that was on CCTV at that time

was even on There are not many TV programs

that dare to use electronic music

As soon as this song came out

it was immediately criticized by the leaders as "Western music"

It was only with the resistance of the chief director Yang Jie that

became a generation Human Memories

In comparison,

another song is mentioned much less frequently

because many people don’t know it at all

Yes, It is also a song you will hear in the weather forecast after watching the news broadcast Electronic music

In 1984

Pu Qizhang played an adapted version of

on Yamaha FX-50 electronic keyboard. Excerpts from " Fishing Boat Sings Late " were adopted by CCTV.

This is the soundtrack of "Weather Forecast" that is still used today

↓ Your whole family will hum it. The tone↓

/The picture ranges from high-definition to high-definition, and the BGM is always the same/

Ms. Pu Qizhang

is one of the first electronic keyboard players in my country


used to play this piece is a three-row The Yamaha electronic keyboard with keys

and the tape

that contains this song has a name that does not match the genre of the song

at all:

/The song "Dance" with the same name in the album

Even if I listen to it now, Not outdated at all/

In 2020,

when you hear European dance music playing,

"pioneer" is no longer the preferred adjective

"local high" is

I have found some

mentioned above. and the current situation of the band,

accidentally saw this:


The tears of the era are nothing more than this/

The tears of the era are nothing more than this

But the brainwashing power of these music

can transcend the barriers of the times

For example, like That song

I can’t remember the name of Romania’s national treasure

even if I don’t read it

It’s on YouTube

It’s all because I pressed the circulation switch in my brain

But the victims who had to come up to check in

can see it

Someone above heard this song for the first time in 2011

, but that doesn’t stop this friend

from being happily circulated in his brain together with other people who have listened to it for more than 20 years

Vaporwave is the second generation of City Pop. The revival

I’m not sure when

Someone will re-create these childhood hobbies disco

At least when I searched for "Yungong Xunyin"

there were already more than 30 Remix versions

/ This is only part of it/

I won’t talk about it anymore

I’m going to find a musician friend to study it now

The next wave of disco renaissance must be due to me

In addition to the music mentioned above

you have also heard it What kind of local disco is there? There are 108 hidden uses of

emoticons, each of which can’t escape the yin and yang!

In order to let sellers ship goods quickly, I made my second career!

Foreign memes can be on an equal footing with emoticons. Why?