Fan Bingbing recently served as a model for a magazine. She has always taken the route of a domineering queen. She rarely appeared in a boyish and neutral dress. She wore a short T-shirt with loose ripped jeans and a windbreaker jacket. Fans praised: "More handsome than Li Chen!"

Fan Bingbing recently served as a model for a magazine. She has always been a domineering queen. She rarely appeared in a boyish and neutral dress. She wore a short T-shirt with loose ripped jeans and a windbreaker jacket. Many fans praised: "More handsome than Li Chen !" Fanye once tried a hollow dress, but only showed a little belly skin. This time she boldly challenged the limit, revealing a large part of her tight breasts The abdomen and even the belly button are exposed to the public. The flat and fat-free lines are full of sexiness and show off the small waist. Netizens exclaimed: "Master Fan has really become so thin!"

Recently, Liu Yifei wore a black suit for a photo shoot. In the blockbuster, the hand-held rivet handbag looks particularly elegant and capable

Goddess Fan Bingbing has always been a domineering queen, but she changed her usual style, wearing a boyish and neutral dress, and showing off her small waist,

And goddess Liu Yifei has always been the fairy sister image, but now he is wearing a black suit and carrying a rivet handbag, which looks particularly elegant and capable.

The goddesses have changed their styles over the past year. Which goddess do you like more? Leave a comment now. . . .

replies: 1 Fan Bingbing 2 Liu Yifei