▲Actress Suzu Hirose (23 years old) appeared on the official Youtube channel of entertainment agency FOSTER on the 8th. In a video titled "Hirose Suzu Challenges 100 Questions for the First Time!" 》In the video, she answered 100 questions, covering work aspects and also asking he

Actress Suzu Hirose (23 years old) appeared on the official Youtube channel of entertainment agency FOSTER on the 8th. In a video titled "Hirose Suzu Challenges 100 Questions for the First Time!" 》In the video, she answered 100 questions, covering work aspects and also asking her in private. In the video, we also see a real Hirose Suzu.

was very satisfied with the entertainment industry and said, "I respect the staff around me." Whether at home or abroad, when she said "no", she simply had no desire. Briefly summarizing her goals for 2022, she said, "I want to do well.". He also said that his motto is "Love and Gratitude".

In terms of private interests, she answered "no". When asked about her favorite artist, she answered "There are many" after thinking carefully, with a shy expression on her face. In addition, my favorite movie is "The Secret" and my favorite comic is "Flower of Evil". I was previously addicted to the Korean TV series "My Name" on Netflix.

She analyzed that her favorite body part is the "forehead". She answered "Do I have it?" to the advantages, and "Do I have it!" to the disadvantages? This is also a hilarious scene in the video. On the other hand, she answered with bright eyes that what made her happy recently was "meeting up with friends I haven't seen in several years." Regarding the things that made the whole room laugh, she replied, "There are too many to answer." Full of human touch. Regarding the thing she was afraid of, her answer was "sister", and she couldn't help but laugh.

also asked about love issues. She answered "no" to love at first sight and said "no" to a date at an amusement park. She answered that the place where she could calm down was "the toilet". He also revealed that he would do kick boxing to try to relieve stress. In addition, she also said that the people in Shizuoka, where she lives, are very gentle and that the place she wants to live is "in the mountains", allowing us to see her simple side.