On March 7, Beijing time, after a preview, the Chinese Basketball Association finally announced the list of the five-man men's basketball talent pool of the Chinese national team as scheduled. This list of 50 people in total basically contains the best talents in Chinese basketba

On March 7, Beijing time, after a preview, the Chinese Basketball Association finally announced the list of the five-man men's basketball talent pool of the Chinese national team as scheduled. This list of 50 people in total basically contains the best talents in Chinese basketball. Of course, some players were diverted to the talent pool of three-person basketball and did not appear in this five-person basketball talent pool list. According to statistics, there are 21 defenders, 17 forwards, and 12 centers, totaling 50 people. Guangdong Hongyuan is still the team with the largest number of players selected for the roster. Among the point guards, Zhao Rui, Hu Mingxuan and Xu Jie were selected. Among the forwards, Zhou Peng and Ren Junfei were selected. Among the centers, there are Yi Jianlian was selected, a total of six players. The Liao Basketball Team is ranked second, with 5 players selected, namely Zhao Jiwei , Guo Ailun , Zhang Zhenlin , Fu Hao and Han Dejun .

The Basketball Association has previously issued an announcement that in preparation for the upcoming Paris Olympics, the Chinese Basketball Association will develop a talent pool based on the overall performance of each player in the league. It is worth mentioning that in the future, the Chinese men’s basketball national team will also select players from this list. Some fans may be confused. There are very few players aged 22 and under in this talent pool list. Most of the young players who appear on the roster have become the main players of their teams, and few of them are truly " Potential seedlings." In fact, when the Basketball Association made this list, it only considered league performance (basic data and advanced data), and age was not a criterion for selection. For players aged 22 and under, the Basketball Association has arranged another list. This list is for recruiting potential prospects that have not yet been developed by each team. Therefore, this roster includes players who are in their prime, talents who have performed brilliantly at a young age, veterans who have been on the field for many years, and even some role players who look like they are the league's water cooler. As long as the data ranks at the top, you have a chance to be selected for this big list.

The veteran team with the largest number of selected players is naturally Guangdong Hongyuan. Including Zhao Rui, Hu Mingxuan, Xu Jie, Zhou Peng, Ren Junfei, Yi Jianlian and other absolute main players were all selected, and young players such as Zhang Haojia and Du Runwang were also selected into the talent pool of three-person basketball. What surprises everyone the most is Yi Jianlian's re-election. Many fans believe that UAE has actually retired from the national team and will no longer play for the country. But in fact, Yi Jianlian has never said that he will no longer play for the national team. His selection this time also proves that Yi Jianlian still has the opportunity to appear in international competitions, and is even expected to appear in the Paris Olympics (if the Chinese men's basketball team can win If you qualify for the Paris Olympics).

As usual, the Liaoning men's basketball team ranks second after Hongyuan in the number of selected players. The editor noticed a detail. Guo Ailun was not selected as a debut point guard, but as a shooting guard . In fact, from Guo Ailun's debut to now, everyone has defaulted to his position as point guard. However, in the eyes of the Basketball Association, Guo Ailun is indeed a standard shooting guard. In addition to the backcourt duo of Zhao Jiwei and Guo Ailun, Zhang Zhenlin, Fu Hao and Han Dejun were also successfully selected. This time, five players from the Liao Basketball Team were selected into the talent pool.