人気商売であるタレントの "格" が如実に Reflect されるのが「CM appears in the material」だ. Affected by the COVID-19 epidemic, "commodity value" has changed more drastically in the Japanese entertainment industry than before. What truly reflects the “level” of artists who make money from their popularity

コロナ风でこれまで上に"Product 価夤"のfloating and sinkingみがexcitingしくなった芸能界.人気商売であるタレントの "格" が如実に Reflect されるのが「CM appears in the material」だ.

Affected by the COVID-19 epidemic, "commodity values" in the Japanese entertainment industry have changed more drastically than before. What truly reflects the “level” of artists who make money from their popularity is “advertisement appearance fees.”

Weekly ポストはOtehiro advertising agency がCM 渉のために成したThe latest の「ギャラリスト」をstarts した.

Weekly Post has obtained the latest "star compensation schedule" produced by large advertising agencies for advertising cooperation negotiations.

2020 Actress Remuneration Ranking

リストのamountはテレビCM単体のappearance materialではなく、イベントなどへのappearanceも恟た"annual contract material" scenesをshows している. The amount shown in the

table is not just the remuneration for shooting TV commercials, but the market price of the "one-year contract fee" including attendance at events and other exposures.

This year, various companies are reporting on advertising expenses, including "winter age", "winter era", and actresses. The Weekly Novel 4 years ago (August 26, 2016 issue) purchased the same novel as "Large Size" and "Nagasawa" (33).

This year (affected by the epidemic), major companies are trying to control and reduce advertising expenses. It is a "cold winter era" for artists, but there are also actresses whose net worth has reached a higher level. The Weekly Post obtained the same list 4 years ago (August 26, 2016), and a comparison found that the one with a "significant increase" in advertising contract fees compared to four years ago was Masami Nagasawa (33 years old).

4 years ago, it was 60 million to 70 million yen, Nagasawa, and the latest "check" is 80 million to 90 million yen and 20 million yen. Otehiro reports to those who are related to the agency.

html Masami Nagasawa, whose advertising contract fee was 60 million to 70 million yen before 2004, according to the latest "evaluation", this year's performance remuneration is 80 million to 90 million yen, an increase of 20 million yen. A staff member of a large advertising agency said:

"The biggest reason to appear in the film is the main actor in the film.め、长泽の出が Increaseえていることも人気を后入ししている》

"The biggest reason is that the movies she starred in have achieved very good box office. In order to cooperate with the release of the movie, starring actors usually appear in multiple TV shows, so Nagasawa Masami's exposure The increase has also led to popularity.”

続いて上上でギャラアップを胜ちtakeったのがIgawa Haruka (44). 4 years ago, it was 10 million yen and it was 70 million to 80 million yen.

The performance remuneration increase is closely followed by Ikawa Haruka (44 years old). The current advertising contract fee is 70 million to 80 million yen, which is 10 million yen more than four years ago.

ドラマ『Hanzawa Naoki』の心を鸫掴みにした十の女成の女成                                                                                      inducedを上げる.

Haruka Ikawa is a popular actress who has captured the hearts of middle-aged male viewers with her role as the boss lady in the TV series "Naoki Hansawa 2", so "this result seems natural." However, the advertising agency staff mentioned above Expressed surprise:

「CMのギャラというのはa certain level of まではドンと上がる世界ですが、高考ゾーンはスター揃いのためStretchび悩む. 』 などのappearance effect がいかに高かったかをproves しています」

"It is true that the advertising contract fee will suddenly increase when it reaches a certain level, but the high-end tiers are full of big stars, so it is difficult to increase significantly.It is rare for celebrities in their 40s to see an increase in advertising contract fees, which shows how effective Suntory KAKU-HIGHBALL's whiskey advertising is."

4 years ago, 40 million to 50 million yen, Kasumi Arimura (27), 35 million to 40 million yen円だった広瀬すず(22)はそれぞれ「Double increase」. The common item of the leaping Wakatate actress Kako. "NHK's の朝ドラ" stars in です. Arimura's さんは『ひよっこ』(2017), 広瀬さんは『なつぞら』(2019) also stars. Old if the man and woman 広い人気を得て大きくFavorability and awareness がincreaseした」(same as above)

However, Arimura Kasumi (27 years old), whose advertising contract fee was 40 million to 50 million yen 4 years ago, and Hirose Suzu (22 years old), whose advertising contract fee was 35 million to 40 million yen, are now worth both to "double". Young actresses who have reached a certain level of net worth have one thing in common: "They all star in the NHK morning drama . Kasumi Arimura and Suzu Hirose starred in the morning dramas " Hatchling " (2017) and "" Xia Kong " (2019). It is loved by people of all ages, both men and women, and its favorability and recognition have increased." (Same as above)

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