The NBA 2021-2022 season has officially come to an end, and in three days, the NBA Draft will begin. This also means that the NBA’s free market transactions this summer have gradually begun. There are not many big fish in the NBA free agent market this summer. Guys like Ayton, Ha

NBA The 2021-2022 season has officially come to an end, and in three days, the NBA draft will begin. This also means that the NBA free market transactions this summer have gradually begun. There are not many big fish in the NBA free agent market this summer. People like Ayton , Harden and others are expected to be the biggest gimmicks. However, it will take a lot of time before the deal is finally finalized, and Gobert's trade rumors have made progress. The current statement is that the Hawks are willing to use all their chips except for Trae Young. The current asking price of Jazz is Capela + Collins + 16html No. 1 pick + in the future first round, and the Hawks feel that they have paid a bit too much and hope to keep the price down as much as possible.

"Atlanta News-Constitution" reporter Michael Cunningham talked about the Eagles trade rumors. The reporter said: "There is news that the Hawks hope to trade for Jazz All-Star center Gobert. All we can be sure of is that the Hawks will never give up Trae Young in order to introduce Gobert. This deal is almost It will definitely include Capela as Gobert's replacement, plus this year's No. 1 pick in the first round. If this deal is to be completed, Collins and at least one first-round pick will need to be sent, and such a price will be high for the Hawks. It’s too high.” We will wait and see what the final trading trend will be.

Recently, Bill gave a new explanation of his whereabouts in a timely manner. He claims that he wants to play somewhere where he can win. Although he has not excluded the Wizards, he has given many teams a different taste. Since then, although some US media have spoken against it and still said that Bill wants to be a "Wizard's Dirk", they can no longer stop the spread of rumors. The first ones to flirt with Bill were the Lakers. It was rumored that their bargaining chip was Westbrook + 2 first-round pick. The Wizards are no stranger to Westbrook. In the 2020-21html season, Westbrook helped the Wizards go from the bottom of the Eastern Conference at the beginning of the season to the last place in the playoffs. This made it possible for the Wizards to accept Westbrook.

If Bill is sent away, the Wizards are determined to rebuild. What they need most is not salary space, but draft picks and high-quality young players. From this point of view, it is difficult to say how much value the 2027 and 2029-year first-round picks presented by the Lakers can bring. It is more like luck; while the Lakers cannot satisfy the high-quality young players that the Wizards crave, because the Lakers' Tucker may be the only quality player. Therefore, it is certain that the Lakers' offer is considerable for the Wizards, but it is by no means the best.

Will Bill be a better fit for the Lakers than Westbrook? In this regard, the Lakers' top management is also worried about this. In terms of shooting and range alone, Bill is better than Westbrook, and he can also play without the ball, which goes without saying. Although Bill's true shooting percentage (53.9%) is only better than the first season of his career this season due to a wrist injury, which is far worse than last season (59.3%); but the defense must be looked at together. In other words, Bill and Westbrook are evenly matched. Even comparing a series of defensive statistics between the two, the difference in Bill's defense this season is even more shocking. Will all the future first-round picks be used on Bill? This may not be a good deal for the Lakers.

So if the Lakers can't go, will Bill consider other options? The answer is yes, it is and Heat , both in the East District. As we all know, the Heat's lineup lacks one end and one end. A defender with independent offensive ability and an offensive inside line are what they long for. Recently, the Heat have added Lowry and Oladipo in the backcourt. Although the two have many bright spots, they are still not the ones the Heat like.Nowadays, Shiro is facing a contract extension after winning the Sixth Man of the Year award. Duncan - Robinson was quickly marginalized after receiving a big contract. The Heat are extremely short of players in the backcourt. If Bill can come, the Heat's backcourt problems can be solved quickly. Bill can improve the Heat's offense, and the Heat's defense can cover up Bill's shortcomings. If the run-in goes well, the Heat next season will be a thorn in the back of all the powerful players in the Eastern Conference.

The current transaction messages in the league also include, Trail Blazers traded the seventh pick for Jeremy - Grant; and LaVine is expected to reach a contract extension with Bulls soon; Warriors championship hero Looney Regarding the contract renewal issue, if Rooney wants to leave, the Warriors will have to try to find a cheap substitute in case of accidents. No matter what, last season's NBA has turned over, and next, the free market of intrigues will be fully opened. We will wait and see who will be the ultimate winner.