The weather has been extremely cold recently, but many friends living in the north have never seen snowflakes. However, it is not difficult to see the snow scenery. Today, Daluejun will "contribute" his private collection of snow scenery in Ontario, Canada to everyone!

The weather has been extremely cold recently,

but many friends living in the north have never seen snowflakes.

However, it is not difficult to see the snow scenery.

Today, you will "contribute" your private collection of snow scenery in Ontario, Canada,

to everyone!

Do you still remember the scene of Toronto in the heavy snow some time ago?

A heavy snowfall cast a layer of pure white on the city.

How can snowflakes flying in the sky be so beautiful?

In the recent period, Canada has been experiencing low temperatures for many consecutive days, paving the way for the arrival of ice and snow again. And every time the ice and snow comes, the beauty of Ontario, Canada, reaches new heights!

Image from Flickr@lezumbalaberenjena

Image from flickr@Pervaiz Lqbal

Image from Facebook@Ottawa Tourism

typical Gothic architecture The blue top of Parliament Hill is covered with a veil, and the ancient castle is also covered with silver armor and brick red. The seats contrast beautifully with the mottled white snow. Under the decoration of heavy snow, the classical temperament of Ottawa has been added. The Rideau Canal and city street scenes in the heavy snow also have a unique charm.

Image from Flickr@James Peltzer

Image from Flickr@lezumbalaberenjena

Image from Facebook@Love Canada Ottawa

In Toronto, another city in Ontario, Canada, there is another scene under the ice and snow.

53-meter CN Tower stands on the shore of Lake Ontario, like a sharp sword thrust into the sky. The frozen Lake Ontario meets the sky, and wonderful places such as the Toronto Royal Museum, the Eaton Center, and the Ancient Distillery District are all hidden under the snow. The sky and the earth are filled with white velvet, so spectacular!

Image from Flickr@Leo Li

Image from Twitter@Kennedy Road

Image from Flickr@sssteve.o!

Every winter, the beautiful pictures of Niagara Falls will hit the circle of friends. The low temperature turns the "Thor's Water" into an icefall , while the white snow turns the landscape of the world's largest transnational waterfall into a paradise.

Image from flickr@ s marcu

Image from flickr@ Drewconcept001

From cities to forests, a heavy snowfall always makes the whole world become dreamy.

Image from flickr@Adam Morris

In the Algonquin Provincial Natural Park, the oldest and most extensive in Ontario, nearly 8,000 square kilometers of forests and lakes are covered with ice and snow. The ice and snow scenery stretches forward along the line of sight, with no end in sight. The scene made the entire Algonquin feel extraordinarily quiet and profound.

Image from flickr@Phillip Buron

Image from flickr@Henry Liu

Georgian Bay, which is the filming location for Canada’s national promotional video, the scene after the snow is even more beautiful and heart-warming. In this gathering place of freshwater lakes, every winter can bring people a pure and beautiful surprise.

Image from Flickr@Linda Baker

Image from Flickr@Jack Salen

The sunrise in Georgian Bay in winter always makes photographers particularly nostalgic. When the golden light shines all over the ice, it is wonderful enough to stand on the limestone formed millions of years ago and admire this spectacular scenery~

Image from flickr@Hai Hua

Image from flickr@digithief

The blue sky on the edge of Georgian Bay Mountain resorts are particularly popular after a heavy snowfall. As Canada’s nationally famous “Ice and Snow Paradise”, it’s really worth visiting in winter!

If you are looking for a sense of mystery after snow, then the snow scene in Muskoka will definitely suit your taste. Against the backdrop of the lake, Muskoka is almost too beautiful to behold.White snow, clear water, blue sky, the mysterious power of nature gathers here, it is really eye-catching!

Image from flickr@Corey Hayes

Image from Flickr@J Graham

Under such heavy snow, just take a photo, it will be a wonderful landscape poster. The little animals lingering in the snowy scene also have a literary and artistic flair!

Image from Flickr@Roman Boldyrev

Image from flickr@Bill McMullen

Image from Flickr@Jamie McCaffrey

That’s it for Ontario’s snow story!

What else do you want to know about Ontario, Canada?

Leave a message at the end of the article to tell Mr. Dali.

As long as it is what everyone wants to see,

I will try my best to satisfy you!