Her ex-husband, Sun Zhihao, was exposed to domestic violence and cheating during marriage, and her mother-in-law treated her harshly. She wanted a divorce, but her ex-husband repeatedly spoke harshly in public, accusing her of misbehavior, not allowing her to see her daughter, an

I never expected that Alyssa Chia, who was in court with her ex-husband back then, would one day smile and be in the same frame as him.

A few days ago, Alyssa Chia posted photos of attending the graduation ceremony of her eldest daughter Wutong sister .

Her daughter is finally about to graduate. Alyssa Chia laments that her child has grown up, and writes, "Because of her, I understand what selfless love is, because selfless love unites us. Thank you for my past, which I have now." A contented and beautiful life, what else is impossible in life? "

Husband Xiu Jiekai thoughtfully accompanied her to the graduation ceremony. In the camera, Wutong sister was holding flowers, and the family stood together with smiles on their faces.

Seeing how beautiful she is now, I really bless her.

Surprisingly, her ex-husband Sun Zhihao appeared in the second picture! And Jia Jingwen stood beside her, with a calm expression on her face.

Only after seeing this photo did I understand the meaning of her sentence "What is impossible in life?" .

9 years ago, Alyssa Chia was still a wealthy wife. Her ex-husband, Sun Zhihao, was exposed to domestic violence and cheating during marriage. Her mother-in-law treated her harshly. She wanted a divorce. Her ex-husband repeatedly made harsh remarks in public, accusing her of inappropriate behavior and not allowing her to see her daughter. He also used his daughter as a threat and tortured her into disgrace.

The period of Alyssa Chia was the most ugly stage. She often cried bitterly in front of the media regardless of the collapse of her image.

After all, appearance comes from the heart, and the human heart is bitter, so how can the face be so good?

The end of this marriage took nearly 2 years of tug and pull. Finally, Alyssa Chia paid a price of 26 million to end the marriage and win custody of her daughter.

For the next six years, Alyssa Chia has been living the life of a hard-working mother, working hard to make money by filming, working hard to make herself better and stronger, and protecting her daughter.

Her feelings have been put on hold, perhaps because she was injured and could not tolerate other happiness. It was not until she got better that she met Xiu Jiekai, and then real happiness began.

In 2015, Alyssa Chia and Xiu Jiekai got married. Two years after their marriage, they gave birth to daughters 咘咘 and Bo Niu. A husband who loves her, two lovely daughters, and a happy self form a perfect family. .

You will find that at this stage, Alyssa Chia has begun to look beautiful again, and the smile on her face cannot be hidden. She is completely different from the one who was tortured a few years ago.

It turns out that love can really change a person.

Last year, when Alyssa Chia took her family of four to visit Guishan Island for filming an MV, she said with emotion, "Time flies so fast. I didn't expect that I would have such a life today."

can't help but sigh, there is no beauty that is not matched by the right person, and when the heart is weak and not strong enough, how can you have the beauty that matches?

took the step of the Great Reconciliation of the Century. It took her 9 years to go from a low point in her life to a calm state of mind. Only she knows the pain and growth she experienced.

All the heart-burning experiences in the past have passed for her now and are not enough to threaten her in the slightest, so she can calmly post the photo and say the words calmly:

"Thank me. "The past has created the contented and happy life I have now."

couldn't tell whether it was forgiveness, but she did let go.

This calmness makes me stronger and has also infected my daughter. Although her parents have remarried, Wutong sister is as peaceful as her mother. At her graduation ceremony, she will thank her parents for coming and uncle Xiu for taking care of her. Mom She liked this graduation gift very much.

is not angry at all, and her daughter looks exactly like Alyssa Chia now.

Congratulations to Alyssa Chia, she has made herself stronger again. She deserves the happiness she has now.

When women are weak, they are especially likely to fall into a trough because they cannot see the current situation clearly.

I never expected that Alyssa Chia, who was in court with her ex-husband back then, would one day smile and be in the same frame as him.

A few days ago, Alyssa Chia posted photos of attending the graduation ceremony of her eldest daughter Wutong sister .

Her daughter is finally about to graduate. Alyssa Chia laments that her child has grown up, and writes, "Because of her, I understand what selfless love is, because selfless love unites us. Thank you for my past, which I have now." A contented and beautiful life, what else is impossible in life? "

Husband Xiu Jiekai thoughtfully accompanied her to the graduation ceremony. In the camera, Wutong sister was holding flowers, and the family stood together with smiles on their faces.

Seeing how beautiful she is now, I really bless her.

Surprisingly, her ex-husband Sun Zhihao appeared in the second picture! And Jia Jingwen stood beside her, with a calm expression on her face.

Only after seeing this photo did I understand the meaning of her sentence "What is impossible in life?" .

9 years ago, Alyssa Chia was still a wealthy wife. Her ex-husband, Sun Zhihao, was exposed to domestic violence and cheating during marriage. Her mother-in-law treated her harshly. She wanted a divorce. Her ex-husband repeatedly made harsh remarks in public, accusing her of inappropriate behavior and not allowing her to see her daughter. He also used his daughter as a threat and tortured her into disgrace.

The period of Alyssa Chia was the most ugly stage. She often cried bitterly in front of the media regardless of the collapse of her image.

After all, appearance comes from the heart, and the human heart is bitter, so how can the face be so good?

The end of this marriage took nearly 2 years of tug and pull. Finally, Alyssa Chia paid a price of 26 million to end the marriage and win custody of her daughter.

For the next six years, Alyssa Chia has been living the life of a hard-working mother, working hard to make money by filming, working hard to make herself better and stronger, and protecting her daughter.

Her feelings have been put on hold, perhaps because she was injured and could not tolerate other happiness. It was not until she got better that she met Xiu Jiekai, and then real happiness began.

In 2015, Alyssa Chia and Xiu Jiekai got married. Two years after their marriage, they gave birth to daughters 咘咘 and Bo Niu. A husband who loves her, two lovely daughters, and a happy self form a perfect family. .

You will find that at this stage, Alyssa Chia has begun to look beautiful again, and the smile on her face cannot be hidden. She is completely different from the one who was tortured a few years ago.

It turns out that love can really change a person.

Last year, when Alyssa Chia took her family of four to visit Guishan Island for filming an MV, she said with emotion, "Time flies so fast. I didn't expect that I would have such a life today."

can't help but sigh, there is no beauty that is not matched by the right person, and when the heart is weak and not strong enough, how can you have the beauty that matches?

took the step of the Great Reconciliation of the Century. It took her 9 years to go from a low point in her life to a calm state of mind. Only she knows the pain and growth she experienced.

All the heart-burning experiences in the past have passed for her now and are not enough to threaten her in the slightest, so she can calmly post the photo and say the words calmly:

"Thank me. "The past has created the contented and happy life I have now."

couldn't tell whether it was forgiveness, but she did let go.

This calmness makes me stronger and has also infected my daughter. Although her parents have remarried, Wutong sister is as peaceful as her mother. At her graduation ceremony, she will thank her parents for coming and uncle Xiu for taking care of her. Mom She liked this graduation gift very much.

is not angry at all, and her daughter looks exactly like Alyssa Chia now.

Congratulations to Alyssa Chia, she has made herself stronger again. She deserves the happiness she has now.

When women are weak, they are especially likely to fall into a trough because they cannot see the current situation clearly.

It is indeed miserable to meet a scumbag, but it is even worse to be addicted to him and unable to extricate himself.

Tang Wan, whose marriage was betrayed for 5 million, must be experiencing such pain.

She once had a popular career because of her role as Zhong Linhuahua in " In the Name of the People ", but she chose to get married and have children during her rise.

In August 2017, she married Cao Yunjin .

In April 2018, my daughter Candy was born.

In June 2019, they went through the divorce procedures.

The man’s reason was that he had a bad personality, but judging from Tang Wan’s Weibo, it wasn’t complete.

The man was once exposed to cheating during marriage, but she actually kept trying to forgive, hoping to see a happy stop sign, and her humble begging resulted in her getting off the train early.

It is reported on the Internet that the man will be compensated with 5 million yuan. Some people say that 5 million yuan is a lot, but how can anyone get married and have children for 5 million yuan?

still remembers that last year, when she appeared on a variety show and was questioned about getting married and having children at the stage of her career, she said "If I had to choose again, I would still do this."

Such a determined girl, because she returned to her family after marriage and lost her financial income, was labeled as "the woman has no income" and "incompatible personality", and was forced to divorce in an awkward manner.

Why? It's not because it's not strong enough.

gave up his prime, gave up on himself without hesitation with the words "I raised you", and finally ended up with the ending of "I raised you".

’s heart is not strong enough to support her to stay away from the scumbag earlier, and her finances are not strong enough to support herself and her children’s expenses.

A cold look and a cold check seemed to be punishment for Tang Wan's cowardice.

Huang Bo once lamented, When you are strong, the world will be kind to you, but when you are the weakest, there are the most bad people in the world and you are the most vulnerable to injustice.

This sentence is most suitable for Tang Wan.

I hope that after this ordeal, she can understand that only by relying on herself can a woman be truly strong and give herself and her daughter a better life.

When "Everything Is Good" was on the air, there was a popular comment saying "Su Mingyu 's confidence is all given by money."

Yes, money can become one's armor, but money reveals one's ability. Maintaining this ability is the armor.

But in real life, after becoming mothers, sometimes we have to give up our jobs and devote ourselves to the job that is online 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.

For the sake of the children, I have to do this.

But for the sake of children, it can't just be that.

My friend is a stay-at-home mother. She lost weight quickly after giving birth to her baby. Although she couldn’t go to work to take care of her children at home, she was not idle. She invited a friend to run a small online store. While doing research on child care and shopping, she also Bring the mothers in the community group to buy and buy together. At the beginning,

was just a business, but the image of a hot mom who knew how to buy and buy brought her a lot of trusting customers. She gradually started to get busy. After putting her children to sleep, she still had to reply to group messages, pick goods, and take photos of goods. , p drawing, writing copy, putting on shelves, shipping, doing customer service, I couldn’t sleep well.

Her husband sees her always staring at her mobile phone and often says "You can't make much money, so what are you busy with? You just have to take care of your children."

She doesn't take it seriously and is busy with it.

"Not only for me, but also so that my daughter doesn't have to believe in poisonous chicken soup like Cinderella, I have to work harder." When she said this, her eyes were full of satisfaction.

Parents are the originals, and children are just copies. Everything in the child is the background given by the parents. Only when you are strong enough can you give your children a better background in life, right?

The words "I support you" are indeed sweet, but in the end whether it is a preserve or a dagger, it all depends on others and you have no control over yourself.

Having the courage to eat it and the courage to throw it away are the best ways to answer this multiple-choice question.

No matter how sweet the preserves are, you should not be overly greedy.

Because no matter how awesome the co-pilot is, he is worse than holding the steering wheel in his own hands.

Because no matter how awesome the co-pilot is, he is worse than holding the steering wheel in his own hands.