The main visual design of Golden Song 32 is here! The 32nd Golden Melody Awards 2021, which will be launched on June 26, has officially announced the main visual. The main concept of this year is "hear the music and see the sound", with the theme "Each musician has his own unique

The main visual design of

Golden Song 32 is here! The 32nd Golden Melody Awards 2021, which will be launched on June 26, has officially announced the main visual. The main concept of this year is "hear the music and see the sound", with the theme "Each musician has his own unique trajectory, just like every music performance." Taking "Visual Feast of Senses" as the starting point, creative excitement was carried out in the three stages of "preliminary publicity and production", "ceremony key visual" and "shortlisted videos" design.

Chen Zhenchuan, the general consultant of the Golden Melody Awards Ceremony who has always been innovative and innovative, worked with three major teams this year, including the forerunner "Visual Image Design" Yang Shiqing, the ceremony "Main Visual Design" MixCode Hybrid Coding, the ceremony "Shortlisted Video Design" Organic Pixel Company and the director Subawi. Regarding the release of the visual, Chen Zhenchuan said: "The main visual of the Golden Melody Awards is the same every year but seeks to be different. We not only hope to retain the height, grandeur and recognition of the golden tunes, but also look forward to dismantling it in a large-scale design in a similar slow-motion stop-motion method. , carving out details, I am very lucky to be able to complete three types of designs at different stages. Because the three teams have a clear consensus and smooth coordination, they can complete a detailed and outstanding product. "The three teams of

each interpret the creation of "seeing the sound track", and there is no one. Who dominates one side, but it is like being in a workshop environment, ultimately interweaving interesting stories from multiple sides. Yang Shiqing, the designer who spearheaded the "visual image design", used the concept of the "Voyager Gold Record" that was launched into outer space by the United States in 1977 to record the sounds of the earth, and derived the concept of "Carrying the Golden Songs of the Year" and " Visual designs such as "Transmitting Musical Images" and "Toward a New Beginning". Chen Zhenchuan also appreciated that Yang Shiqing's works are novel and consistent with the trend of modern music.

▼Carrying on the golden songs of the past

, MixCode, the team responsible for the "main visual design" of the ceremony, uses the "musical starting point" like swinging a drum stick to see the beating of circles and lines, forming the rhythm of music, showing multiple trajectories, and presenting a unique but unique Various golden colors are brought together into the brilliant main visual of Golden Melody 32. Such ingenuity also impressed Chen Zhenchuan, "They pay great attention to the details that I care about, such as the weight of gold and the texture of light. The detailed design needs to be tasteful."

▼Transmitting Music Videos

Ceremony "Shortlisted Video Design" Organic Pixel Company and Director Su Bowei sees music as symbols downloaded to the earth, like a flock of birds on a telephone pole forming a beautiful musical notation. Chen Zhenchuan concluded: "Due to the development of digital platforms and the vigorous development of modern new music, from 'uploading' to 'track' to 'downloading', the three major teams told beautiful and touching stories with different concepts. Everyone can watch it carefully during the ceremony. Thank you Please wait and see. 》

▼To a new beginning