Some netizens went to Liuhe Night Market on New Year's Day and were frightened by the huge crowds. Kaohsiung Liuhe Night Market was once voted the second worst night market in Taiwan by netizens. Is it really coming back to life now?

Some netizens went to Liuhe Night Market on the first day of the Lunar New Year and were frightened by the huge crowds. (Picture taken from Taiwanese media)

China Taiwan Net February 7 According to Taiwan’s "United Daily News" report, Kaohsiung Liuhe Night Market was once voted by netizens as the second worst night market in Taiwan. Is it really rejuvenated now? Some netizens went to Liuhe Night Market during the Spring Festival and found it full of tourists. They couldn't help but exclaimed, "The crowds are really back."

Liuhe Night Market was once the benchmark tourist attraction in Kaohsiung City. However, in recent years, it has been affected by negative news such as the decline of mainland tourists and customer rip-offs, and its popularity has lost its popularity. Kaohsiung Mayor Han Guoyu strongly promoted it before and after the election last year, and his daughter Han Bing also went to shop many times, helping this once-disliked night market regain its confidence.

A netizen posted a photo on the Facebook (Facebook) group "Explosive Commune Public Edition", pointing out that the Liuhe Night Market on New Year's Day (February 5) was packed and seemed to have returned to its former glory. Another netizen who was also at the scene added that "it has been squeezed out." Many people view this situation positively, "As long as prices are not raised indiscriminately, this is a good opportunity for popularity recovery", "I hope vendors can take care of themselves and stop raising prices, otherwise there is really no chance of change" "I hope there will still be conscientious merchants" , after all, the business has to be long-term." The words are full of expectations for Liuhe Night Market. (China Taiwan Net Li Ning)