Huxiang Natural Calendar丨New Year’s Appointment with Nature ②The Peach Blossom Spring is not far away, right here Thursday, February 3, 2022 The 15th day of the Great Cold 1,600 years ago, Tao Yuanming wrote "The Peach Blossom Spring". Since then, the Chinese people have had a wo

Huxiang Natural Calendar丨New Year’s Appointment with Nature ②The Peach Blossom Spring is not far away, right here

Thursday, February 3, 2022, the 15th day of the Great Cold

1,600 years ago, Tao Yuanming wrote "The Peach Blossom Spring". Since then, the Chinese people have had a wonderful complex and hope to witness the independent paradise mentioned in the article.

There is a Peach Blossom Spring scenic spot 34 kilometers southwest of Changde City, downstream of Yuan River. It is the only prototype of "Peach Blossom Spring" with annotations in "Cihai" and "Etymology". It is the only "Peach Blossom Spring Country" registered and recognized by the State Council so far. level scenic spot”.

According to research, this place was within the ancient Wuling County in ancient times and was named after the valley full of peach blossoms. Today, the scenic area has core attractions such as Qinxi, Qingu, Taohua Mountain, Taoyuan Mountain, Wuliu Lake, and 10,000 acres of peach groves. It is adjacent to the Yuan River, close to mountains, and has a large area of ​​ancient trees and bamboos. The forest coverage rate of the main scenic area is 88.14 % or above, with dense vegetation and abundant precipitation, the average negative oxygen ion concentration in the scenic spot is much higher than that in ordinary urban and rural areas. Especially Taoyuan Mountain, with ancient trees in the shade, it is beautiful and beautiful. Regardless of whether the "Peach Blossom Spring" is true or not, the artistic conception of "delicious grass and colorful fallen flowers" described in "Peach Blossom Spring" can indeed be found here.

Zhang Zhichun, a Taoist priest from the Yuan Dynasty, left a poem when he traveled here: "The flowing water comes to the Cave of Heaven, and the world is connected. The peach garden is not far away, and the red of falling flowers emerges."

[Small business card]

Taohuayuan Scenic Area is located near Shuixi, 15 kilometers southwest of Taoyuan County, Hunan Province, and 34 kilometers away from Changde City. It retains the remains of the Daxi Culture of the Neolithic Age. It was first built in the Qin Dynasty, developed to its peak stage in the Tang and Song Dynasties, was destroyed by wars in the Yuan Dynasty, and began to be revived after the Ming and Qing Dynasties. The

scenic area covers an area of ​​more than 150 square kilometers, of which the core scenic area covers an area of ​​about 12 square kilometers. It belongs to the mid-subtropical monsoon humid climate zone. It is characterized by warm and humid weather with four distinct seasons, with frequent cold waves and rain in spring, heavy rains and high temperatures in summer, warm days and cool nights in autumn, and rare severe cold in winter.

Text/Peng Yahui Picture/Changde Forestry Bureau Design/Zhou Ziqian Special Support/Hunan Provincial Forestry Bureau

[Editor: Peng Yahui]

[Source: Hunan Daily·New Hunan Client]