The latest adjustment information for today’s oil prices: today, November 24, Wednesday.

Latest oil price adjustment information today: Today, November 24, Wednesday. Just last week, the oil price fell for the fourth time this year. After entering a new round of oil price statistics, oil prices continued to fall. started with a sharp drop of 195 yuan/ton. However, in the past two working days, due to the impact of International Impact of the continuous rise in oil prices. The statistical decline of refined oil products has dropped for two consecutive days. The decline has dropped by 50 yuan/ton in two days. If the current upward trend continues, I am afraid that the new oil price adjustment will miss the big drop. Dear drivers, Friends pay attention. # Oil price latest news #

Latest news on the international crude oil market:

U.S. crude oil prices soared above 78, after two consecutive rises in oil prices, as the release of oil reserves by the world's major consuming countries was less than expected, and OPEC+ leader Saudi Arabia may be at next week's meeting Will try to reduce the scope of production increase.

The latest price of international oil prices: [Today’s international oil prices (OPEC wti crude oil) rose sharply ] As of the close of the day, the price of light crude oil futures for delivery in January 2022 on the New York Mercantile Exchange rose by $1.75 , closing at every The bucket html is $178.50 , an increase of 2.28%. The price of London Brent crude oil futures for delivery in January 2022 rose by 2.61 US dollars , closed at 82.31 US dollars per barrel, an increase of 3.27%.

International oil prices [continue to rise], and the decline "continues to decrease"

Affected by the continuous rise in international oil prices , the statistical decline of domestic refined oil products fell for two consecutive years. Today is the third working day of a new round of oil price adjustment statistics. Today's oil price is expected to drop another 30 yuan less than yesterday. At present, oil prices are expected to fall by 145 yuan/ton, which is equivalent to a reduction of 0.12 yuan/liter to 0.13 yuan/liter in the retail price of gasoline and diesel per liter.

The statistical table of crude oil data and refined oil price forecast trend is as follows:

I’m afraid it’s gone if the oil price plummets!

The current oil price has only fallen in the past 3 working days, although the expected decline still exceeds the adjustment standard of 50 yuan/ton. However, oil prices have risen for two days in a row . Compared with the expected decline on the third working day today compared with the data on the first working day, has increased by 50 yuan/ton in two days.

According to the current oil price trend, oil prices will rise further, and the decline will further narrow.. The expected amount of the oil price drop on the first working day has been significantly reduced. The new round of oil prices will be adjusted on the evening of December 3. I am afraid that the oil price drop will disappear again.

Finally, let’s take a look at domestic oil prices: On November 24, let’s take a look at the quotations of gasoline and diesel in some regions; the price of No. 92 gasoline in Shaanxi today is 7.37 yuan/liter; Heilongjiang National VI 0# diesel is 6.98 yuan/liter; Heilongjiang National Today's price limit for VI 92# gasoline is 7.49 yuan/liter; today's price limit for Heilongjiang's National VI 95 gasoline is 7.99 yuan/liter; today's oil prices in Guangdong: today's price of No. 92 gasoline in Guangzhou is 7.51 yuan/liter, and today's price of No. 95 gasoline in Guangzhou is 8.13 Yuan/L, the price of No. 0 diesel in Guangzhou today is 7.14 Yuan/L.