Netflix's original American drama "Stranger Things" launched its new fourth season at the end of last month, and the final two episodes of the season will be released on July 1. Following the previously released sneak peek of the second series, stills have been released to give f

Netflix The original American drama "Stranger Things " launched its new fourth season at the end of last month, and will release the final two episodes of this season on July 1. Following the previously released sneak peek of the second series, stills have been released to give fans a look at what this group of scattered characters will look like in the continuing story.

In the fourth season, through the process of Elaine regaining superpowers, we can learn that the man who once served as a caregiver in the laboratory is actually "No. 1" who has shown extraordinary powers since he was a child - Henry Creel ( Henry Creel), was also thrown into the upside-down world due to his battle with the childhood Eleven and became the big devil "Vecna" this season.

In the latest stills, Eleven and his "father" Dr. Martin Brenner are in the secret base, both looking at the same place, looking quite serious.

On the other side, Max and his team who stayed in Hawkins tried to uncover the truth behind the deaths in the town caused by "Vecna", which eventually led to Steve, Nancy, Robin and the new character Eddie arriving in the Upside Down World. . With the help of Dustin and others, they were able to leave this terrifying place, but during the escape process, Nancy was locked by "Vecna", making people worried about her and Steve, who had not yet escaped.

However, from the stills released in this wave, it seems that the audience can breathe a sigh of relief first, because everyone has gathered again, and it is not difficult to guess that they have successfully escaped from the Upside Down World.

As for Jonathan, Mike and others who are far away in California , they continue to embark on their adventure journey, trying to help their friends in areas far away from Hawkins.

Max and Lucas, whose relationship was once strained, seem to have some time alone to talk.

After the adult group successfully rescued Hapu, the three of them and Dimitri, a former prison guard , seemed worried. How on earth were they going to leave the frozen land and return to their children?

The final two episodes of "Stranger Things" season 4 will be released on July 1.