In fact, compared with the first season, it is obvious that various emotions and characters have been weakened. Both family affection and friendship have diluted the relationship between Will and his mother, for example.

In fact, compared with the first season, it is obvious that various emotions and characters have been weakened. Both family ties and friendships have been weakened (of course, the dog food is full), such as the relationship between Will and his mother, the relationship between Will and his brother, the friendship between the iron triangle, and many sub-line emotions.

First of all, there is the family relationship between Will and his mother and brother. In the first season, we can feel Joyce's love for Will through the process of searching for Will. From collapse and disbelief, to grabbing a few clues and not giving up, until finally finding Will. Throughout the whole process, Joyce's character image is very full. She is fragile and a bit neurotic but loves Will very much. Even if others think she is crazy, she still persists. The letter light sequence was amazing to me at the time. And brother Jonathan also loves his brother and mother very much. In the absence of a father's role, he assumed the role of the family's burden and emotional support. His love for Will was evident in the scenes he had with his brother about the song and when he went to find his biological father. However, the second season lacked the depiction of their relationship. The family relationship between Jonathan and his brother is only three people, and they recall the old joke about listening to songs. In addition to being very sensitive and always being dragged away by monsters, Will returned and did not explain his love for his mother or brother during the rest of the time.

The second is the friendship of the Iron Triangle. In the first part, the three of them discovered and solved problems together. They quarreled because of El's split and tried to find a solution because of El's union. Their IQs are online and they always find solutions at critical moments. Even though they quarreled, they never did anything stupid. Even though they quarreled and took separate actions, they magically put the separate actions together, and then the super team came together to solve the problem. However, the second season has more flaws. First of all, the five-person group that joined Will and Max always went their separate ways and did not join together most of the time, and each developed other routes. For example, Xiaopang and Steve's broken love CP, Max and Xiaohei's red and black CP. Then, at the grand reunion after the laboratory escape, they only welcomed El for a moment before splitting up again. The most amazing thing is that I think the most sensible Xiaopang in the first season raised a "devil dog" against the group's opinions, and in the end the monster let them go...

As for Nancy, Jonathan and Steve. In the first season, the love between Nancy and Jonathan was already implicitly reflected. But due to various reasons, they didn't get together in the end, but it was very reasonable. The dandy boy is actually kind and responsible at heart, and he comes back to help them fight monsters together. Nancy admires such a boy and doesn't want to hurt him. But in the second season, in order to forcefully dismantle the cp, Nancy was directly drunk to promote her breakup with Steve. (For lack of a better reason?) Then Nancy and Jonathan finally got married on and off screen...

As for the Sheriff and El. I think this part is well set up, and it should be regarded as the main emotional line of this season. Because he had lost his biological daughter, his overprotective and overcontrolled love for El ignored El's inner desires and emotions. When El said that the police chief was just like Papa, I was very touched. The police sergeant facing El is always out of control and irritable. Just like Papa, she forces El to do things she doesn't want to do because of her own ideas and inner desires. This leads to quarrels and separations. Only by intertwining the past and the present, and interweaving conflicts, care, warmth and disputes, can El's awakening and repentance be achieved.

The reason why the emotions are weakened and the characters are weakened is that I think there are too many new characters and new relationship lines added in the second season. The problem is that the emotional lines of the old characters were put aside, and the new characters were unsuccessfully created. The most typical example is Max and "8".I felt that Max's role was very vague at the end. Is her appearance meant to make the audience and Mike unswervingly like El? Or just to comfort the singles in the Iron Triangle? There are not many scenes between Max and her brother, but what’s the point? Although her brother did not dare to bully her in the end, he did not become a good child who contributed to the main plot (refer to Steve in the first season). Although Max finally joined the Party, what was her contribution to the Party? El even disliked her due to misunderstanding and didn't explain it until the end (which made me not like her even in the end...)

As for Experiment No. 8, the awesome opening of the first episode is even related to El's awakening. And the connection between El and his mother, in the end, only made El more determined about the importance of friends. What about No. 8's own heart as an experimental subject, the difference between her and El, her struggles and beliefs, and what does she care about? Including some inexplicable supporting characters, such as scientists, reporters, etc. The appearance is inexplicable, and the assist is inexplicable. Referring to the two police officers in the police station included in the first season, Steve's two bad friends are impressive and very consistent with the behavior of supporting characters. They do not deliberately do good things or do bad things. In particular, there are no supporting characters like Mr. Clark .

To sum up, the highlights of the first season are basically gone in the second season. For example, if your IQ is online, your force will be online if your IQ is not online. For example, the arrangement of various emotional lines. For example, the completion of various roles. Such as the connectivity and flow of the story.

Of course, there is no denying it. The last few episodes are really exciting and exciting. Will and the monster are separated, and Eleven closes the door to the other world. Everyone is doing their best for each other, which is really heartwarming. And my favorite part about Mike and Eleven. That kind of very simple yet extremely strong emotion. Particularly attractive. (It’s so sweet. I will give ten stars to this part alone!!)

Finally, as a fan of Stranger Things , I hope this series will be liked by more people, and I hope it can touch everyone who watches it. People who live through it, even people who are afraid of horror movies. It moved me as much as the first one, so I didn't want it to lose its sparkle. Wish you could cheer me up every Halloween and keep me up late and want to stop.