According to Taiwan's China Times Electronic News, in the 2020 "general election", the 2020 People's Party candidates James Soong, the Kuomintang Han Kuo-yu and the Democratic Progressive Party Tsai Ing-wen's "three-legged governor", and YouTuber "Beiqing" came to the Free Twilig

According to Taiwan China Times Electronic News , in the 2020 "General Election", the People's Party 2020 candidates James Soong, the Kuomintang Han Yu and the Democratic Progressive Party Tsai Ing-wen are the "three-legged governor", and the YouTuber "Beiqing" came to Kaohsiung yesterday evening A street poll was conducted at the Free Dusk Market in Zuoying District. Han Guoyu defeated Tsai Ing-wen’s 70 votes (37%) with 116 votes (60%). Netizens exclaimed after watching: "Tsai is about to cry and faint in the toilet."

"Beiqing" uploaded a live broadcast of the poll. He went to the Kaohsiung Free Dusk Market to conduct a street poll yesterday evening. Han Guoyu won 116 votes (60%) This is significantly ahead of Tsai Ing-wen’s 70 votes (37%) and James Soong’s 6 votes (3%). "Beiqing" said that he had never seen a dusk market with so many people. He was also scared. There were so many people and the people here were so enthusiastic. It was a good place.

Netizens said: "Zuoying is a market that many people go to in North Kaohsiung, praise it~", "Zuoying is a very big market in North Kaohsiung, with a lot of traffic!", "Zuoying is the base camp of Hanguo Yu, especially in the fruit trade area. Blue among the blue, Qiaotou District is the green among the green! ", "Thank you Guan Ma for your help! Han is taking another step towards 2020!" "It's great to see it, like it!"