The 2022 county and mayor elections in Taiwan are about to begin. After experiencing a series of disturbances, the Kuomintang has finally calmed down local uneasiness for the time being.

The 2022 county and mayor elections in Taiwan are about to begin. After experiencing a series of disturbances, the Kuomintang has finally calmed down local uneasiness for the time being. As the Kuomintang decided to send Ke Zhien, the original public representative, to run for mayor of Kaohsiung, the last piece of the Kuomintang's campaign map was also filled. Zhang Yazhong, the president of Sun Wen School who had a high reputation in the early stage, Zhang Yazhong , recently wrote to the media, declaring various political opinions that he originally planned to use when running for mayor of Kaohsiung. These include establishing a "war-free peace zone" in Kaohsiung, advocating acceptance of the "1992 Consensus", rejecting all external forces to station troops in Kaohsiung, and rejecting the deployment of medium- and long-range missiles to attack the mainland in exchange for peace. This strategy is very similar to the "Southeast Mutual Protection" implemented by Li Hongzhang and others when the Eight-Power Allied Forces invaded China. It directly opposes the "anti-China and Taiwan" policy of the Democratic Progressive Party authorities to avoid being affected by the war. Let me tell you the specific situation.

Zhang Yazhong

Kaohsiung and the "War-Free Peace Zone"

Kaohsiung is a traditional heavy industrial city in Taiwan Province, and the military industry is also very developed. Kaohsiung's Zuoying Military Port is the largest base of the Taiwan Navy and the only military port. Kaohsiung City became the southern gate of Taiwan after absorbing Kaohsiung County in 2010. Although its economic development has entered a sluggish stage in recent years, its political and military value is still very high. At the same time, Americans often use Kaohsiung as a pawn to stir up Taiwan issues and stimulate the mainland's bottom line. In 2017, the mainland once pointed out: "The day the U.S. warships arrive in Kaohsiung will be the time when the People's Liberation Army will unify Taiwan by force." In 2020, in order to increase his electoral chips, US President Trump began to continuously use the Taiwan issue to increase the domestic populist wave. He specially sent a US military scientific research ship to dock at the civilian port in Kaohsiung to test the mainland's bottom line, seriously damaging the peace between the two sides of the Taiwan Strait. It can be said that once a war breaks out, Kaohsiung will inevitably become an important military target and receive the first wave of attacks.

Kaohsiung Port

In the history of Kaohsiung, there have been many tragic battles, which also brought the shadow of war to the local people. Zhang Yazhong observed this and proposed the concept of "non-war peace zone" to ensure the security of Kaohsiung during war. Zhang Yazhong was originally recommended by the local business community in Kaohsiung to run for mayor of Kaohsiung, so he needed to put forward a series of political opinions on the future of Kaohsiung. As a scholar who has been on both sides of the Taiwan Strait for a long time, Zhang Yazhong’s political views are naturally inseparable from the two sides. Following last year's "Peace Memorandum", he proposed the concept of "peace and non-war zones". The main content is to appeal to the Kaohsiung people's awareness of anti-war and war avoidance, and let public opinion determine the future direction. He believes that based on the experience of the Russia-Ukraine conflict, heavy industrial areas, military bases, and important seaports must be the key targets of the first wave of attacks. Kaohsiung is bound to become the first battlefield because of its unique urban structure. And if we want to seek peace in the war, we must take the lead in declaring the vision of peaceful self-preservation and make Kaohsiung a "non-war place."

Southeast Mutual Protection

Its specific manifestation is: "In order to protect Kaohsiung itself, the mayor of Kaohsiung can 'agree with the 1992 Consensus', 'not let Kaohsiung become a base for foreign troops,' and 'Kaohsiung will not deploy Chinese troops to attack the mainland." Long-range missiles' three major declarations allow the mainland to accept Kaohsiung as a 'war-free and peaceful zone'. This is equivalent to self-protection in the southeast and will never be involved in war mobilization. " The so-called "self-protection in the southeast" refers to the late Qing Dynasty, Cixi. The Queen Mother declared war on the eleven countries. The Han ministers represented by Li Hongzhang and Zhang Zhidong refused to accept the Empress Dowager Cixi's declaration of war in the southeast region, and secretly reached agreements with the participating countries, which was equivalent to resisting the rule of the core high-level leaders of the Qing Dynasty. As a part of China, Taiwan Province has been sliding into the abyss of "Taiwan independence" due to the rampant Taiwanese independence forces in recent years. If local counties and cities on the island of Taiwan really declare the establishment of "peaceful neutral zones" during the war and resist the DPP authorities' strategies of "resisting China and protecting Taiwan" and "rejecting reunification with force", it will be very important to end the war as soon as possible. Unification is a good thing.


In fact, a similar concept of "peaceful neutrality" has appeared in Taiwan. In 2013, Annette Annette once proposed the theory of "Taiwan peace and neutrality", but this was a disguised "Taiwan independence strategy." Her purpose is to turn Taiwan into the second Switzerland , allowing Taiwan to give up its arms and gain political status and economic autonomy. The actual consequence is to make Taiwan independent of the mainland's system, which is no different. In the "state within a state". In 2019, there were calls for the establishment of a peaceful and neutral zone in Penghu in Taiwan. Han Kuo-yu, who was running for the leadership of the Taiwan region at the time, publicly expressed his position, claiming: "There are no winners in war, and there are no losers in peace. To avoid war and prevent cross-strait confrontation from worsening, future Taiwan leaders must have the fearless courage to follow Wisdom will do it.” This paragraph does not put forward a clearer proposition and plan, and the concept of Kaohsiung’s “war-free peace zone” proposed by Zhang Yazhong is obviously more positive and clear than the above two arguments. The key is that his ideas are in opposition to the Democratic Progressive Party's grand strategy of "resisting China and protecting Taiwan" and can add support to the war to liberate Taiwan.


Taiwan needs someone to oppose the DPP

In 2019, with the support of Americans, Tsai Ing-wen proposed the grand strategy of "resisting China and protecting Taiwan", constantly exaggerating the hostility between the two sides of the strait, and interpreting all the mainland's series of goodwill For malice. This has also successfully brainwashed many Taiwanese people. A large part of the 8.17 million votes Tsai Ing-wen received in 2020 was influenced by the idea of ​​"resisting China and protecting Taiwan" and chose to continue to support the Democratic Progressive Party. It is precisely because of this that the Democratic Progressive Party gained power on the island. "Resisting China and protecting Taiwan" has also become a trump card in the hands of Tsai Ing-wen and others. It has been tried and tested and is invincible. All politicians on the island cannot Confront it head on. If disobeys even slightly, it will be labeled as "selling Taiwan" and its character will be destroyed. This also makes fewer and fewer people in Taiwan dare to oppose the DPP. 's political views that are close to the mainland have even become "box office poison" in the island's elections. Zhang Yazhong's "anti-war neutrality" remarks will definitely not gain votes in Taiwan, but they can demonstrate a concept, that is, Dare to say "no" to the DPP.

Tsai Ing-wen

Because of the DPP’s perverse behavior over the past few years, the Taiwan Strait is already in danger. The Kuomintang, under the leadership of Zhu Lilun , has become more and more "pro-American" and is getting farther and farther away from the mainland, and it dares not compete head-on with the DPP. Judging from the political ecology of the island, the Kuomintang still has more than half of the county mayors and solid local forces. If they can rely on these forces to launch an all-out war with the DPP, the DPP will never be as prosperous as it is today. . The weakness and decay of the Kuomintang are important reasons for its decline, and it lacks basic bloody and targeted discussion. If Zhang Yazhong’s “anti-war neutrality” can be accepted by the KMT’s top leadership, it will have an overall narrative that transcends the DPP’s “resistance to China and Taiwan”. The Democratic Progressive Party wants to "resist China and protect Taiwan," and Zhang Yazhong proposed to agree with the "1992 Consensus." The DPP has long relied on foreign forces to gain self-respect, and Zhang Yazhong proposed rejecting the presence of external forces. The DPP wants to use force to resist reunification, so Zhang Yazhong proposed refusing to deploy medium- and long-range missiles to attack the mainland. These strategies of are completely aimed at the overall discussion of the DPP, and they all hit the key points.

Zhu Lilun

In fact, if calls for "anti-war neutrality" from local counties and cities really begin to appear in Taiwan, this will also have very positive significance for the mainland. In the process of mainland China's reunification of Taiwan, interference from external forces and the destruction of Taiwan by war are very difficult problems. From a cross-strait perspective, we do not want the Taiwanese people to suffer from the war. From a social development perspective, the mainland does not want to see a broken Taiwan Island . If once the war starts, all counties and cities in Taiwan declare "anti-war neutrality", the mainland can try to avoid casualties and reduce damage to the island of Taiwan. Moreover, the "Anti-War Neutrality" also clearly stipulates that "external forces' military presence is not allowed to intervene." This can also prevent overseas forces from intervening in the Taiwan Strait and further accelerate the process of liberating Taiwan.

Zhang Yazhong specializes in the DPP's "anti-China and Taiwan" exposition

Since October last year, Zhang Yazhong has won the recognition of a large number of die-hard "Deep Blue" groups when he ran for the chairman of the Kuomintang. Zhu Lilun is now pursuing a "pro-American and far-reaching" campaign, which has made cross-strait relations a mess. Although his public support on the island has increased, for both sides of the Taiwan Strait, he has embarked on the evil path of "changing flags and flags." road. As Zhu Lilun’s cross-strait line lost the recognition of the mainland, it can also reflect the enthusiasm of Zhang Yazhong’s discussion from the side. Looking at today's Taiwanese political arena, there are not many people left who have a certain political voice and are willing to work for the future of both sides of the Taiwan Strait. Zhang Yazhong chose to throw out the "anti-war neutrality theory" after the Kuomintang decided to recruit Ke Zhien to run for mayor of Kaohsiung. It was obviously to pave the way for the Kuomintang's re-election in the future. For the current Kuomintang, core arguments are more important than county and mayor elections.

Kaohsiung Zuoying Military Port

For the mainland, although Zhang Yazhong's theory tends to be idealistic, it still has enthusiasm. If we want to initiate the process of military reunification in the future, we can also use these conditions to appeal to various counties and mayors in Taiwan. As long as we agree with the 1992 Consensus, we will not follow the DPP’s insistence on using force to reject reunification, and we will reject the intervention of external forces. We can all allow it "anti-war neutrality" and engage in negotiations to reduce unnecessary casualties. Whether it is peaceful reunification or military reunification, the final outcome must be resolved through negotiation. The only thing that remains unchanged is that the two sides of the Taiwan Strait must be reunified and will inevitably be unified. Being able to reduce casualties as much as possible during the war is a blessing for the people on both sides of the Taiwan Strait. Only when the five-star red flag truly flies over Taiwan will the future of both sides of the Taiwan Strait usher in true peace.