Recently, media on the island revealed that Taiwan's "Ministry of Defense" plans to launch a special budget of 200 billion yuan in "national debt", claiming to accelerate the mass production of missiles in advance, especially to manufacture missiles with "source strike" capabilit

Source: Overseas Network

Recently, some media on the island revealed that Taiwan's "Ministry of Defense" plans to launch a special budget of 200 billion yuan (NT$) of "national debt", claiming to accelerate the mass production of missiles in advance, especially to manufacture anti-aircraft missiles. China has missiles with "source strike" capabilities.

borrowed money to build missiles, what kind of trouble is the Taiwan authorities going to make?

Taiwan military exercise scene in July 2020 (Source: China Times News Network)

Speaking of missiles and "source strikes", the one that impressed everyone most was probably "two missiles blew up the Three Gorges Dam" more than 3 years ago. rants.

As early as the Chen Shui-bian period, the media broke the news that the Taiwan military used computer simulation exercises to conduct "remote attacks" on the Three Gorges Dam. Taiwan's "expert" Su Ziyun even threatened that the Taiwan military can blow up the Three Gorges Dam using two medium-range missiles . Although he later changed his tune, it is not difficult to see that the Taiwan authorities have been thinking about this for more than a day or two.

Currently, the so-called "source strike" missiles developed by Taiwan's "Chinese Academy of Sciences" include no less than 9 types such as "Xiongfeng-2E", "Tiangong-2B" and "Yunfeng". The range ranges from hundreds of kilometers to 1,000 kilometers, and can reach the mainland. Southeast coast; some of these missiles are already in service, some have begun small batch production, and some are still in the research and development stage.

With the "backing" of these missiles, some "legislators" of the Democratic Progressive Party have become popular, saying that the missile system is the "biggest deterrent" in Taiwan's defense, preventing the People's Liberation Army from "going to sea or landing on land." It can be said that the latest "missile dish" of the Taiwan authorities is to raise the expectations of these people on the island, although it smells strongly of deception.

laymen watch the excitement, experts watch the door. A retired general on the island judged that the purpose of the special budget compiled by the Taiwan military this time is to allocate the funds needed for future research and development and mass production of missiles at once, so that Taiwan's "Chinese Academy of Sciences" can fully invest in research and development, so that it will not suffer from insufficient budget. limit. But he also pointed out that there are certain procedures for missile research and development, which require the accumulation of experience and technology. It is not possible to create a unique weapon overnight by making a budget.

According to the Taiwan authorities, the background of the special budget is that Taiwan needs to respond to the "military threat" from the mainland, so it must strengthen its "independent combat capabilities."

The hasty withdrawal of U.S. troops from Afghanistan has allowed many people on the island to see clearly the reality of Uncle Sam. The Taiwan authorities have been criticized for their policy of clinging to the thigh of the United States. The introduction of the budget at this time is undoubtedly a response to the island's concerns about "Afghanistan today, Taiwan tomorrow" and at the same time divert public pressure from the epidemic and economy, killing two birds with one stone. The reason why

used the special budget was to circumvent the debt ceiling. The missile plan has an expenditure of NT$200 billion, which is equivalent to more than 50% of Taiwan's annual military expenditure. Furthermore, this is equivalent to borrowing NT$10,000 from everyone in Taiwan to build missiles. There will only be one outcome: "the debt remains." Descendants".

In sharp contrast, the current epidemic situation on the island is still not optimistic, and people are queuing up to get vaccines. Therefore, some Kuomintang "legislators" angrily asked: "It is clear that there are not enough vaccines, but we still buy a lot of missiles. Will Taiwanese people be safer?"

Another question is that the Taiwan authorities cannot improve the economy and claim to the outside world that finances are tight. I wish I could break 1 yuan in half and spend it. But on the other hand, in order to please the United States, the purchase of US military has fallen into a bottomless pit. Last year, Taiwan's "Ministry of Defense" also wanted to purchase US-made land-launched Harpoon missiles. The reason was that the production capacity of "domestic" anti-ship missiles could not be increased.

The words are still ringing in our ears, and the special budget for mass-produced missiles has been released again. No wonder some people question: Is this a deliberate slap in the face, or does it feel like the people on the island have zero IQ?

Taiwanese media complained about borrowing money to build missiles (Source: China Times News Network)

Many people still remember the "accidental launch" incident of the Xiongsan missile on July 1, 2016: At that time, the Taiwan Navy launched the missile from Zuoying Military Port in Kaohsiung A Xiongfeng III anti-ship missile crashed into the sea southeast of the Penghu Islands due to an operational error. As the missile flew towards mainland China, this incident cast doubt on the Taiwan military's ability to control the missile: What if the missile did not crash into the sea at the last moment?

“Cross-strait relations cannot be missile relations."Some Taiwanese media commented that the advantages of cruise missiles and are "not absolute but relative." If there are "land-attacking" cruise missiles, there will be interception weapons; with a reliable early warning system, it will not be difficult for the mainland to defend itself.

The most important thing What's more, if the two sides of the Taiwan Strait really come to war, how can the PLA's combat power give Taiwan the opportunity to "strike at the source"?

But for Taiwanese politicians, even if they know it well, they can't stop pretending. 2019 On March 22, a Kuomintang "legislator" asked Taiwan's "Executive President" Su Zhenchang: What are you going to do if the two sides of the Taiwan Strait really come to war? Su Zhenchang said seriously: "I will pick up whatever I have on hand. I will also pick up a broom." "I will definitely fight to the end."

Unexpectedly, this statement was bitterly ridiculed by netizens on the island: the "talking government" that claims to have won 8.17 million votes will always use a bamboo broom to fight to the end. ? The votes are entrusted to you for a peaceful and prosperous life, not for the future of us and our descendants!

Just like Su Zhenchang's "bold words", this time the Taiwan authorities spend 200 billion yuan on missile development, but they are still whistling in the night. , just to embolden yourself

text / Donglu Qiu bearded guest

editor / Yunge

Source: Xiakedao WeChat public account
