Recently, the ninth "China's Top 100 Middle Schools" in 2021 was released in Beijing. This is the ninth time in the past 16 years (the first one was in 2005, every two years) that the "China's Top 100 Middle Schools" have been released. "China's Top 100 Middle Schools" is known a

A few days ago, 2021 the ninth "China's Top 100 Middle Schools" was released in Beijing. This is the ninth time in the past 16 years (2005 was the first one, every two years) that the "China's Top 100 Middle Schools" has been released.

"China's Top 100 Middle Schools" is known as "the highest honor of Chinese middle schools" . Over the past 16 years, 95% of the country's prestigious schools have participated in the event. Each event is jointly launched by the Middle School Principals Forum Organizing Committee, Brand Times International Media and domestic mainstream education media .

"China's Top 100 Middle Schools" does not use "college entrance examination admission rate", "top scorer", "subject competition", etc. as evaluation indicators. Instead, it uses five forward-looking evaluation indicators: "school reputation", "teaching performance" and "cultivation of students' quality". "Campus Culture and Environment" and "Alumni Resources and Services", were finally released through public data, third-party data surveys, expert opinions, school submission materials, media evaluation and other stages.

( Note: As early as 2019, the Ministry of Education has stated that it has never authorized any organization or institution to carry out such selection and ranking activities for primary and secondary schools across the country. Therefore, this is actually a private and spontaneous school ranking. Although It is not authoritative, but it also has certain reference value. )

The following is the specific list of the top 100 high schools in the country. Let’s take a look~

Is there anything you want to take the exam in these schools?

There has always been a saying "Entering a good high school is equivalent to entering a key university" . Therefore, high school rankings have always been a top hot topic. Looking at the middle schools on the list, it is difficult to say which one is better. Performance may fluctuate under different evaluation systems and in different school years.

In addition, the strength of high school is a collective achievement, created by many shining outstanding students and faculty. Instead of competing for who is higher or lower, it is better to be a dazzling star in the universe - study hard and get admitted to the ideal school!

The countdown to the high school entrance examination is more than 100 days, tell yourself: there is still time for everything with ! come on!