The economic development of Guangdong Province is very rapid, and the level of education is also very excellent. Every year, students taking the college entrance examination choose universities in Guangdong, and there are many high schools in Guangdong Province that are also exce

The economy of Guangdong Province is developing very rapidly, and the level of education is also very excellent. Every year, students who take the college entrance examination choose universities in Guangdong, and there are many high schools in Guangdong Province that are also excellent.

These four high schools in Guangdong are so awesome that they were successfully selected as Tsinghua University's "student source base". Or "Ji Zhong". This high school was founded relatively early and has strong educational capabilities.

Among the school’s teaching staff, teachers with senior professional titles and academic qualifications account for about 40%. What is important is that this high school has been successfully selected as Tsinghua’s “student source base” and is worthy of students’ choice.

  • Guangdong Gaozhou Middle School

This Guangdong Gaozhou Middle School is called "Guanggao" for short. This high school is a full-time public high school under the supervision of the Education Bureau. This high school has a long history of running schools and its teaching level is also very good. Similarly, being successfully selected into Tsinghua’s “student base” shows how strong this high school is.

  • Maoming No. 1 Middle School

Maoming No. 1 Middle School has been established for more than 60 years. In 1984, it was successfully named a "Key High School" by the Guangdong Provincial Government. In 2007,

officially became the national model general high school . The most important point is that this No. 1 middle school in Maoming City was successfully selected as Tsinghua University's "Student Source Base" and is worthy of students' choice.

  • Guangzhou No. 6 Middle School

If a high school wants to be successfully selected as Tsinghua's "student source base", on the one hand, it requires more students who can be admitted to Tsinghua University , and on the other hand, requires the quality of the students to be better.

This Guangzhou No. 6 Middle School has provided many outstanding talents for Tsinghua University through its own efforts. has been successfully selected as Tsinghua’s “Student Source Base” this time and has also been recognized by Tsinghua University. This shows how strong this high school is. of strength.

Why do students prefer key high schools?

  • A good learning atmosphere

Students want to achieve excellent results in the high school entrance examination, which is inseparable from students' daily study accumulation, and students must rely on conscious in their daily studies, because teachers do not You may be watching students studying all the time.

Students who can get into key high schools are all "students" selected through the high school entrance examination. Moreover, students who go to key high schools will study very hard, and will naturally be greatly affected. And If you get into a key high school, you have a high chance of getting into a key university.

  • Ordinary high schools have only one way out, the college entrance examination.

Students in ordinary high schools can only have one way out, , and that is the "college entrance examination" , because only students in key high schools can have places such as independent enrollment and submission competitions. Eligibility Application.

And students in ordinary high schools are very likely not to know these things, so many students now prefer key high schools.

  • The teaching staff is good

Many teachers in key high schools have also participated in the "College Entrance Examination" evaluation, There are even some teachers who have participated in the preparation of college entrance examination propositions and textbooks.

Teachers in key high schools have a lot of experience in "avoiding pitfalls" in the college entrance examination. If students can have such teachers to help them in the college entrance examination, students will already be at the starting line in their first year of high school.

How should students study to get into key high schools?

  • Learn to use time

The three years of junior high school pass very quickly. During these three years, some students are studying hard and some are "playing" seriously. The gap between the two is relatively large. of.

Students with excellent academic performance will use their time skillfully. Although there is pressure, if students can resolve it skillfully, there will be no pressure. Students who want to be admitted to key high schools must learn to use their time.

  • Persevere for a long time and never let up.

Some students are eager for quick success and want to improve their grades quickly, but they only persist for a few days. But the effort and reward are directly proportional. How much have students paid for learning? Learning will reward students.

If students want to get into key high schools, persistence in learning is the most important. Students who only persist in studying for a few days will not have excellent results.

  • Make good use of learning methods

In terms of learning, students know how to make good use of time and persist in learning , and their grades will definitely improve, but students still need to master some learning methods if they want to make their grades more obvious. of.

Many students think that their own learning methods are better and do not use the learning methods provided by teachers. At this time, we do not rule out that some students are geniuses, but most students are very ordinary students.

Teachers have been teaching for many years. Both in terms of experience and learning methods, they must be much better than students. Therefore, if they want to be admitted to key high schools, students must be good at learning methods.


We can see that the strength of these four high schools in Guangdong is very strong. But students also need to work hard if they want to be admitted to key high schools. Therefore, students who want to be admitted to key high schools must You have to work very hard to pass the exam.

The above is the entire content of this issue. What do you think of the four high schools in Guangdong that have been successfully selected as Tsinghua’s “student source base”? Positive messages are welcome.