It is understood that there are currently 5,811 students in training and they will be distributed in 2019 and 2020. It is urgent for the Taiwan authorities to help increase the budget quota to solve the distribution dilemma, otherwise there may be more than 5,000 "wandering polic

According to Taiwan's " China Times Electronic News ", the effects of Taiwan's pension reform are showing. The number of police retirees has dropped sharply in the past two years. "The old will not retire, but the new will continue to supplement." It is understood that there are currently 5,811 students in training and they will be distributed in 2019 and 2020. It is urgent for the Taiwan authorities to help increase the budget quota to solve the distribution dilemma, otherwise there may be more than 5,000 "wandering police officers".

Taiwan Police College has decided to significantly reduce its enrollment by 1,375 students in 2019, enrolling only 780 students. (Photo: Taiwan's "China Times Electronic News"/Taiwan's "Police Administration" provided)

Taiwan's "Police Administration" responded to reduce enrollment. The 2019 38th enrollment brochure of the Police College (Police College) was recently released, with only 780 students admitted. people, a decrease of 1,375 compared to 2018, with a reduction of approximately 63%.

It was originally rumored that the Police College would only recruit 500 people in 2019, but according to the newly released brochure, the registration period for the 38th phase of the Police College will be from the 13th to the 22nd, and a total of 780 people will be enrolled in the male and female groups; compared with 2155 people in 2018, Recruitment reduced by 1,375 people.

Recently, the mayors of Taiwan's six "municipalities" were worried that the addition of many new police forces this year would cause a heavy burden on local finances. They unanimously demanded subsidies from the Taiwan authorities, otherwise they would refuse to accept the newly distributed "rookie police officers."

According to reports, Taiwan’s administrative agencies recently held cross-ministerial meetings and reached a preliminary consensus, deciding that Taiwan will deploy 4,200 new police officers this year and next.

These police forces are mainly distributed to the "Police Department" and 6 "municipalities". The Taiwan authorities require each locality to report the required police force according to actual needs. With appropriate control, it will reduce the financial burden of local police personnel and other salaries.

It is pointed out that if the personnel expenses of the new police force cause a shortfall in local fiscal revenue and expenditure, the Taiwan authorities will make up for the shortfall with general subsidies to local governments.