The Kuomintang mayor of Kaohsiung, Han Guo Yuzheng, led a delegation to visit four cities in Hong Kong, Macao and Shenzhen and Xiamen and signed orders worth more than 5 billion yuan. However, he was attacked and slandered by the green camp on the island. In response, Pan Jinying

[Global Network Comprehensive Report] The Kuomintang mayor of Kaohsiung Han Guoyu is leading a delegation to visit four cities in Hong Kong, Macao, Shenzhen and Xiamen, and signed orders of more than 5 billion yuan (NTD, the same below), but he was blocked by the green camp on the island. Violent words, slander and slander. In response, Pan Jinying, a former member of the Democratic Progressive Party, initiated a pick-up event for Han Kuo-yu to return to Taiwan, so that Han Kuo-yu could feel the warmth of humanity when he returned home.

Screenshot of Taiwan media report

According to Taiwan’s “ China Times Electronic News ” report on the 27th, according to the expected itinerary, Han Guoyu will take a flight back to Kaohsiung Xiaogang Airport at 11 a.m. on the 28th. Pan Jinying launched the "Thousand People Pick Up" event on Facebook, calling on thousands of people to go to Xiaogang Airport to welcome the Kaohsiung City Government team. The report mentioned that this activity is to let Han Guoyu feel the human warmth of returning home. After the call for the event was sent out, many netizens on the island expressed their support in the comment area.

Facebook screenshot (Source: Taiwan's "China Times")

According to previous reports by Taiwanese media, Pan Jinying was an 18-year veteran member of the Democratic Progressive Party. Because he publicly supported Kuomintang's Kaohsiung mayoral candidate Han Kuo-yu before last year's "nine-in-one" election, his party membership was revoked by the Kaohsiung City Party Headquarters of the Democratic Progressive Party. Subsequently, he was attacked by the green camp public opinion, but Pan Jinying said in an interview that "has no regrets" and no longer misses the DPP, and will do his best to support Han Guoyu in the election. She also said that in recent years, Kaohsiung's industries have been depressed, brain drain, the streets full of rentals and sales, and the low-wage environment. She chose to support Han Kuo-yu because she hoped that he would lead Kaohsiung to fight for the economy, promote agricultural and fishery products, attract investment, and integrate with the international community.

After being elected as the mayor of Kaohsiung, Han Guoyu devoted himself to the economic development of Kaohsiung and started a seven-day visit to the four cities of Hong Kong, Macao, Shenzhen and Xiamen on the 21st. At the regular press conference of the Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council on March 27, An Fengshan, spokesperson of the Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council, stated in response to the results achieved by Han Kuo-yu during his trip that Han led a delegation from Kaohsiung City to Hong Kong, Macau, and Hong Kong from March 22 to 28. We visited Shenzhen, Xiamen and other places to carry out urban exchanges and cooperation. Not only did we achieve fruitful results in many aspects such as economy, trade, tourism, culture and education, but we also reached a preliminary consensus on building an institutional platform for urban exchanges and establishing a long-term exchange mechanism. Strengthening exchanges and cooperation with Kaohsiung shows broad prospects.

An Fengshan also said that these achievements are a concrete manifestation of the "two sides of the Taiwan Straits are one family", that relatives hope for good relations and help each other. It is also a vivid portrayal of the integrated development, hand in hand development and common development of both sides of the Taiwan Straits, which fully demonstrates the importance of adhering to the "92 Consensus" "", the cooperation prospects for cross-strait city exchanges are broad. Compatriots on both sides of the Taiwan Strait are one family. The economic and social development and progress of the mainland are constantly releasing huge development opportunities and dividends, and we are willing to share them with more Taiwan compatriots. We welcome and support more cities on both sides of the Taiwan Strait to strengthen exchanges and cooperation on the basis of the "1992 Consensus", learn from each other, and develop together, so that Taiwan compatriots can have a greater sense of gain and continuously enhance the interests and well-being of compatriots on both sides of the Taiwan Strait. Only when cross-strait relations are good can Taiwan be good. It is hoped that compatriots on both sides of the Taiwan Strait can work together to adhere to the "1992 Consensus", oppose "Taiwan independence" separatism, overcome artificial interference and obstacles, actively promote the peaceful development of cross-Strait relations, and jointly create a bright future for cross-Strait integrated development.