On December 16, reporters learned that the Dongguan Municipal Public Security Bureau Road Branch took down two "dating fraud" dens in one fell swoop, arrested 23 suspects, detained 20 people, and seized 46 mobile phones, 19 computers and other items involved in the case. Approval

Beware of "dating scams". The "beauties" you meet on the Internet may be "foot-picking men". On December 16, reporters learned that the Dongguan Municipal Public Security Bureau Road Branch took down two "dating fraud" dens in one fell swoop, arrested 23 suspects, detained 20 people, and seized 46 mobile phones, 19 computers and other items involved in the case. Approval was granted and more than 200,000 yuan of funds involved in the case were frozen.

Recently, the Taoist police discovered during their work that there was a criminal gang that pretended to be young and beautiful women to make friends and chat, and then exchanged gifts to induce men to make false purchases online. In order to eradicate the gang as soon as possible, the Dao Public Security Bureau set up a task force to investigate. Based on the analysis of network information, the task force found that the leather bag company "hidden" by the gang was hidden in a certain community. The task force conducted "on-the-spot inspections" of the community many times. As the "encirclement circle" was compressed, one of the buildings was included in the investigation focus.

After many days of investigation, it gradually emerged that a network technology company was located in a room on the 10th floor. The doors and windows of the company were closed most of the time, and few outsiders entered.

In order to further understand the company's internal situation, the task force staff knocked on the company's door as a female white-collar worker who was looking for a job. After a brief exchange, a man who called himself "Manager Hu" introduced the company's "operation model" to the task force staff, and also inadvertently revealed another business location.

is ripe for arrest. The Taoist police dispatched a total of more than 50 capable police officers to lay a "drag and earth net". As night fell, with an order to "close the net", the police took control of all 23 suspects who were immersed in the world of online dating fraud in two criminal dens.

After review, the gang used an APP to recruit employees and pretended to be young and beautiful women to make friends and chat. On the basis of using "talking skills" to induce, they targeted some netizens with a lust-seeking mentality and induced male netizens by exchanging gifts. Conducting fraud through fake shopping online.

police remind: Do not accept dating applications from unknown people on the Internet. If you encounter a private message requesting to add WeChat, please add it carefully. Do not listen to the other party's rhetoric and virtual shopping, especially do not transfer money to strangers.

[Reporter] He Jianwen

Source: Southern PLUS