Recently, reporters learned from the Wenzhou Anti-Fraud Center that under the unified command of the Ministry of Public Security and the Public Security Departments of Zhejiang and Henan Provinces, the police in Wenzhou, Zhejiang and Nanyang, Henan jointly dispatched more than 50

"Don't bow your head, the crown will fall off." It's hard to imagine that such inspirational words would appear on the wall of a telecommunications and network fraud den.

Recently, reporters learned from the Wenzhou Anti-Fraud Center that under the unified command of the Ministry of Public Security and the Public Security Departments of Zhejiang and Henan Provinces, the police in Wenzhou, Zhejiang and Nanyang, Henan jointly dispatched more than 500 police officers to target suspects in the "11.1" dating fraud project. We carried out intensive network operations and destroyed a total of 35 fraud dens, arrested 270 criminal suspects, seized 307 mobile phones, seized and frozen 267 bank cards, and successfully eliminated the long-term harboring of marriage and dating in Zhengzhou City, Henan Province. Fraud syndicate.

A young man learned he had been deceived after being blocked by his "girlfriend"

In February this year, Xiao Zheng, a man from Wenzhou , went to the Lucheng Public Security Bureau to report a crime, saying that his "girlfriend" whom he met online suddenly blocked his WeChat account and he was suspicious of the other person. It's a liar...

After learning, Xiao Zheng met a woman named "Xinxin" through a social software " Yidui". Through many video chats, the relationship quickly heated up and the relationship between boyfriend and girlfriend was officially confirmed. . Xiao Zheng felt that he and "Xinxin" had similar interests and had endless topics to talk about. He thought he had found the "right person".

had a chat. Xiao Zheng said that he had just received a salary of 7,000 yuan. Transferred to "Xinxin" for safekeeping.

During their relationship, Xiao Zheng repeatedly proposed to meet her, asking "Xinxin" to come to Wenzhou or him to go to Zhengzhou to find her. But every time "Xinxin" could find a reason to refuse to meet. The epidemic prevented her from going out, her grandma was sick and was hospitalized, her grandma had just left...

During the three months of their online relationship, Xiao Zheng never doubted his "girlfriend". Until one time, Xiao Zheng was in urgent need of money and asked his "girlfriend" to get back part of the salary deposited with her. However, his "girlfriend" refused for different reasons. The anxious Xiao Zheng called the other party several times and found out that the other party The phone has been shut down, and contact information such as WeChat and "Yi Dui" have been blocked... At this time, Xiao Zheng suddenly realized that he had been deceived by the other party.

The police set up a task force to uncover the gang behind

. After receiving the call, the police discovered through investigation that behind "Xinxin" was an organized fraud gang, with the fraud den in Zhengzhou, Henan.

As a result, the Wenzhou Anti-Fraud Center took the lead in setting up a task force at the city and county levels. After two months of careful investigation, a huge marriage and love fraud gang that had been entrenched in Zhengzhou, Henan for a long time gradually emerged. The gang is well-organized and has a clear division of labor. It has identified nearly 300 group members and is associated with more than 7,000 victims across the country. The relevant person in charge of the Wenzhou Municipal Public Security Bureau attaches great importance to it and requires the task force to strengthen operations, actively explore new cross-regional crackdown models under the influence of epidemic prevention and control, and organize network closures in a timely manner.

html In the early morning of April 28, in Zhengzhou City, Henan Province, and Bijie City, Guizhou Province, the Zhejiang and Henan police launched a centralized campaign against suspects in the "11.1" dating fraud project, arresting a total of 270 suspects, and successfully eliminated the suspects. This dating fraud group has been hiding in Zhengzhou City, Henan Province for a long time.

MLM-style management specifically targets men

It is understood that most of the salesmen of this fraud group are young men. By pretending to be female netizens, they locate App accounts such as "Yi Dui" and " Century Jiayuan " to coastal cities to increase victimization After winning the favor of the victim through love, he then leads them to chat on WeChat, and constantly defrauds the other person of their money by making up various excuses such as "helping keep the salary" and "grandma needs money after her death".

In addition, the gang is managed in a "MLM" model, which requires centralized accommodation and centralized management. Each den is composed of more than 10 people. From time to time, it also organizes business training, work experience sharing meetings, job exchanges and other activities. Internal discipline is strict. No more than 2-3 people can go out at a time. The interval between each time out cannot exceed 10 minutes. Drinking and fighting are not allowed in the den.

The policeman handling the case reminded that you need to be cautious when making friends online, as the trap of "true love" will ultimately be money. You need to be vigilant once you encounter someone who is extremely enthusiastic and actively asks to establish a relationship for a short period of time.If the other party asks for remittance for game recharge, meeting travel expenses, investment and business opening, emergency medical treatment, etc., you must be careful and do not trust the other party's promise without fully understanding the other party's details and fall into the "warmth" "trap.

(Wenzhou Evening News)