"No, something happened to me recently. I need money urgently. Can you lend me some?" Generally, a virus program is used to steal the other party's QQ/WeChat password and obtain the other party's chat history information. After getting familiar with the other party's situation, t

1. Pretend to be a friend to borrow money for work

Pictures come from the Internet

"No, I've had something happen to me recently. I need money urgently, please lend me some."

generally uses virus programs to steal the other party's QQ/WeChat password, obtain the other party's chat history information, and after getting familiar with the other party's situation, pretends to be the owner of the account, and uses "pay phone bills, illness, urgent money..." to his friends, and uses various methods to Committing fraud under the pretext of urgent matters, especially pretending to be a leader.

2. Pretend to be the boss of the company and ask the financial department to transfer funds.

The company transfers money. Follow the financial process. Don’t do this.

"Xiao Li, there is a project that needs payment urgently. Please transfer it to the 622xxxx account quickly...".

Scammers search the QQ group of financial personnel and use "Accounting Qualification Examination Outline" and other content as bait to send the Trojan virus to steal the QQ numbers of financial personnel. After that, he analyzed the QQ number of the boss of the financial staff, and finally pretended to be the boss and asked the financial staff to transfer money.

3. WeChat disguises identity to commit investment and financial fraud

Use emotions to build trust and trick you step by step

"This is me, and I definitely haven't posted any pictures."

uses WeChat's "People Nearby" to check the status of friends around them, pretends to be "tall, rich and handsome" or "white and rich", adds them as a friend to defraud them of affection and trust, and then defrauds them of money on the grounds of financial constraints, family difficulties and other reasons.

4. Purchasing agents encounter fraud from a "buyer"

This "buyer" can win an Oscar

"No, no, I want lipstick, why did I get a shampoo?"

In the past, they pretended to be purchasing products and were detained by the customs, and defrauded them in the name of paying customs duties. Today it was the other way around, posing as a customer to defraud purchasing agents. : Either the product quality is not good, please give me an explanation; or the wrong product was sent, please refund. That acting skills can win an Oscar.

5. WeChat publishes false promotions and scams

"Like, help bargain, and get toys for free..."

The scammer pretends to be a merchant and adds friends, and uses the excuse of verifying whether he has received it repeatedly to ask you to provide a payment QR code, saying No payment required, just take a screenshot. Since a small amount of password-free payment was set up, your money was transferred away.

and pretend to be merchants and require participants to send their names, phone numbers and other personal information to the WeChat platform. Once the merchants have obtained enough personal information, they will pay "handling fees", "notarization fees", "deposits", etc. Committing fraud.

6. False public account selling products requires AA payment fraud

Pictures come from the Internet

Scammers fake official WeChat accounts, claim to hold official activities, trick consumers into purchasing goods on fake WeChat accounts, and use WeChat payment functions such as AA collection to defraud consumers. money.