Original by Hong Shuyong, Xu Xiaoxing Guangdong Hongfa Criminal Defense Team "Marriage and love" fraud is a relatively common form of fraud in recent years. Criminal suspects often meet victims through dating websites and use the guise of marriage to defraud the victim's trust. T

Original by Hong Shuyong, Xu Xiaoxing Guangdong Hongfa Criminal Defense Team

"Marriage and love" fraud is a relatively common form of fraud in recent years. Criminal suspects often meet victims through dating websites and use the guise of marriage to defraud the victim's trust. Then they use various means to fabricate facts and illegally possess the victim's money to achieve the purpose of fraud, and even gain both wealth and sex. ". Through case retrieval and combined with case handling experience, the author summarizes the criminal methods of using marriage and love to commit fraud. There are roughly the following criminal methods:


Deliberately pretending to be pitiful to gain sympathy, defrauding the victim of money

Case 1: The defendants Yao Yao and Liu Zhiyang have registered their marriage on May 21, 2019. In November of the same year, Yao Yao met the victim Wang Yuan (pseudonym) through the "Century Jiayuan" website, and then the two confirmed their relationship as boyfriend and girlfriend. In March 2020, Yao Yao was unwilling to continue dating Wang Yuan. Because she had no source of income, she came up with the idea of ​​​​defrauding Wang Yuan’s money. Yao Yao defrauded Wang Ming (pseudonym) of 230,000 yuan by lying about being pregnant and needing to buy a car. Yuan. From May to July 2020, the defendant Yao Yao also lied that her grandmother was sick and needed money for surgery, defrauding Wang Ming of 270,000 yuan and Wang Yuan of 130,000 yuan, and squandered the defrauded money.

In June 2020, the defendant Yao Yao met Zhang Hai through the “Douyin” software and confirmed the relationship between boyfriend and girlfriend. In August of the same year, Yao Yao lied that her mother had cancer and needed money to buy medicine, defrauding Zhang Hai's mother Yuan of 10,000 yuan, and squandered the money she defrauded.

Defendant Yao Yao truthfully confessed the facts of his crime after arriving at the case.


He fabricated himself as a tall, rich and handsome man, tricked the victim into becoming a couple, and then defrauded the victim out of money on the pretext that he needed funds for investment.

Case 2: In June 2013, the defendant Wang Min used the "Speed ​​Dating Network" in the name of dating and dating. "Matchmaking Register dating information on the website (Wang Min’s registered name: htk7788). The victim Le (registered name: Lingbo Fairy) met Wang Min through this website. The defendant Wang Min fabricated the fact that he owned multiple properties and huge assets during his relationship with Le, and also forged a Tsinghua University master's degree diploma. , senior engineer special technical qualification certificate was presented to Le Mou in order to defraud Le Mou’s trust. Le Mou believed this to be true and started dating Wang Min as a "couple". During the course of the relationship, the defendant Wang Min repeatedly asked for money from the victim Le Mou in the name of investing in and operating "Hangzhou Ousuma Clothing Co., Ltd." and "Lingbi County Ousuma Clothing Co., Ltd.". Since 2013, From June to April 2014, Le Mou paid Wang Min a total of RMB 1.41 million in cash and bank transfer. At the end of 2014, Le Mou asked the defendant Wang Min for money but failed. Later, Wang Min changed his mobile phone card. Because Le Mou could not contact and find the defendant Wang Min, Le Mou reported the case to the public security organ on February 11, 2015.


Fake investment platform, defraud victims into investing, and then defraud victims of money on the grounds of investment losses

Case 3: In 2019, the defendants Wu Huawei, Wang Jie, and Liu Bo worked together to seek benefits. Determined to use dating sites to impersonate A middle-aged successful man hired a fake investment platform developed by others, using 1:10 leverage trading and T+0 trading model as bait to deceive victims into investing in stocks, and then used reverse guidance, multiple leverage, forced liquidation, etc. Let the victim mistakenly believe that the investment has been lost, profit from it, and commit online fraud.


Defraud the victim’s trust by falling in love, and illegally possess the victim’s or his relatives’ and friends’ money on the pretext of short-term advance, capital turnover or borrowing.

Case 4: September 2016 to December 2019 During this period, the defendant For the purpose of illegal possession, through false names and identities, during the process of dating the victims Chang Mou and Chen Mou 1, Zhang Bin used the company to issue tax invoices and needed to advance funds, and the customers needed to advance funds to buy a house, etc. Committed fraud, totaling RMB 296,500.

Case 5: Beginning in 2012, the defendant Yang Mouwen met the opposite sex through the online social platform Century Jiayuan website, and then gained the victim's trust by falling in love, and then fabricated various facts to defraud the victim Guo Mou in the name of borrowing money. XX, Yang XX. During this period, the defendant Yang Moumou met his relatives and friends Kuang Moumou and Chen Moumou through his blind date Wu Moumou. He also fabricated various facts and defrauded the victims Kuang Moumou and Chen Moumou in the name of borrowing money.

According to the report of Guangzhou Datong Accounting Firm: Between September 2015 and May 2018, the defendant Yang Mouwen collected a total of RMB 1,639,100 from Chen Moumou and four other people who reported the case, minus the amount recovered by the people who reported the case. After the amount was RMB 643,206.1, the people who reported the case did not recover the amount of RMB 995,893.90. On August 17, 2018, the defendant Yang Mouwen was captured and brought to justice by the public security organs.

Some suggestions on how to prevent being cheated in marriage

In normal love relationships between men and women, one party exaggerates his or her economic strength or social status appropriately to win the favor of the other party or for various reasons, thereby establishing a stable love and marriage with the other party. It is understandable that this situation generally does not involve criminal crimes, but excessive packaging is very likely to become a preparatory behavior for marriage and love fraud. The methods of criminals are endless. So, how to avoid being deceived after getting to know the other party through the marriage and love platform. The author summarizes the following personal suggestions through various criminal methods in the case:

1. In-depth understanding of the other party’s personal situation and the background Investigate

Horsepower is known from a distance, and people's hearts are revealed over time. If a person cheats, many flaws will gradually be exposed as time goes by. Therefore, when making friends, you should extend the time of the relationship and ensure the frequency of contact, and do not trust too much in a short period of time. As the time of contact increases, more information about the other party will inevitably be obtained, and verification can be carried out through the obtained information about the other party.

2. Take good care of your wallet and do not have large amounts of money with the other party in a short period of time.

People who ask to borrow money after a short period of time should be vigilant and try not to lend, especially not to lend in large amounts. Even if you lend a small amount, try to write an IOU. If you are afraid of affecting your relationship, you should at least note the loan when transferring money, and never pay in cash.

3. Participate more in the other person’s social activities

If you have the opportunity, ask the other person to take you to participate in his (her) social activities, get to know his (her) classmates, colleagues, and friends, and you can also have a deeper understanding of his (her) person from the side. .

4. Don’t be greedy for profit, and don’t easily believe the other party’s so-called high return on investment or high interest on borrowing.

Be wary of the other party using high return on investment or high interest as inducements, and asking you to invest huge amounts of money in the name of feelings. It promises high returns, so you must keep a rational mind and invest cautiously.

5. Find more advisers and jointly conduct "assessments"

The so-called authorities are obsessed with it, but bystanders know clearly. Introduce the other person to your relatives and friends. Your relatives and friends come from all walks of life. They may have some knowledge of the fields in which the scammers pretend to be, and they are more likely to discover the flaws of the scammers.Moreover, people who are in love may ignore some information and introduce the other person to their friends, so that everyone can "assess" him or her together. It is also easier to find problems and expose the scammer's flaws.