Due to the ever-accelerating pace of life, more and more single men and women are making friends through dating websites. Many people think that the person on the other side of the Internet is "tall, rich, handsome" or "white, rich and beautiful". However, they accidentally fall

Due to the ever-accelerating pace of life

more and more single men and women are making friends through dating websites

Many people think that the person on the other side of the Internet

is "tall, rich, handsome" or "fair and beautiful"

But they don't know that they will fall into it accidentally. Among the traps


caused double harm to people and property

Online dating fraud is to take advantage of the desire for love among older single young people to post fake photos of beauties and handsome guys online and use sweet words to deceive the trust of the other party. After gaining the trust of the other party, the scammer will "Borrowing money" or "asking for gifts" for various reasons to defraud victims into transferring money; or falsely claiming to be an "overseas soldier" and asking the victim to help advance mailing related expenses; or falsely claiming to be a "corporate executive" ", luring the other party to engage in investment, financial management, stock trading, etc. on false websites or platforms to commit fraud.


the editor will list a few real cases for you

to have a deeper understanding of the tricks and methods of scammers

Case 1

In March 2022, Qian met a strange woman through the "*city chat platform". The woman said she was 27 years old and opened a "*Yi" chain clothing store in * City. After a period of communication, the two parties developed into boyfriend and girlfriend online. Soon, the woman asked Qian to give herself a gift on the "*city chat platform" for various reasons to increase the guardianship . Therefore, between March 1 and March 28, Qian transferred a total of 55,000 yuan in the form of gifts.

However, whenever Qian asked for an offline meeting or video chat, the woman would refuse for various reasons, making Qian suspicious. On March 29, Qian went to a *city chain clothing store to look for the woman, but was told by the clerk that the store was not owned by the woman. He also found that the accommodation address provided by the woman did not exist. Qian then realized that he had been deceived and immediately called the police. Qian was defrauded of a total of 55000 yuan.

Case 2

On March 23, 2022, Ms. Chen added a strange man as a friend through *blog. The man claimed to be a retired American soldier. He had performed missions in Afghanistan and other places, during which he obtained a large amount of gold. Now he wants to send it to To go to China, it will cost a lot of customs duties and postage fees. Because of the lack of capital turnover, I need to borrow money from Ms. Chen. The man promised Ms. Chen that he would repay the loan after receiving the gold and pay a certain percentage of remuneration.

Ms. Chen believed it to be true, and starting from April, she successively transferred more than 50,000 yuan to this so-called "American soldier". In early May, the other party contacted Ms. Chen again and asked for remittance. Ms. Chen noticed something was wrong and asked the other party to pay off the previous loan. After that, the other party never responded to the message. Ms. Chen suspected that she had been cheated, so she immediately called the police.

Case 3

In April 2022, a citizen, Ms. Zhou, called the police and claimed that she had been defrauded of more than 500,000 yuan. It turned out that Ms. Zhou met a man named Li through an online dating platform, and the two parties chatted after adding each other on WeChat. Li claimed to be overseas and was the general manager of a large securities company. As the chat progressed, Ms. Zhou gradually developed a liking for Li. One day, Li revealed to Ms. Zhou that his company had a securities platform that could make money, but he was unable to operate it due to his position, so he asked her to help log in and operate it.

Ms. Zhou had doubts at first, but during the time she spent with Li, the other party's meticulous care made her let down her guard and agreed to his request. Under Li's guidance, Ms. Zhou downloaded and logged into the "*Securities Platform" software and began to use the account provided by the other party to buy gold. Under Li's guidance, the income in the account became more and more, and Ms. Zhou was completely relieved of her doubts. . A few days later, Li sent a message to Ms. Zhou, saying that he had inside information and was guaranteed to make a lot of money.Ms. Zhou registered an account at Li's instigation and recharged the account according to the instructions of the platform's customer service. After the first income arrived, Ms. Zhou tried to withdraw cash from her account and successfully withdrew 3,000 yuan.

After that, she began to gradually increase the amount of investment. After a while, Ms. Zhou saw more and more profits and wanted to withdraw cash, but was told by the platform customer service that she needed to pay deposits, bank statements and other fees. She immediately asked Li, but found that she had been blocked by the other party. Only then did Ms. Zhou realize that something was wrong and immediately called the police.

Police remind

The Internet is virtual

In the process of making friends online

it is necessary to fully obtain the other party’s information through a combination of online and offline understanding

and then carry out further communication with the other party

Be sure to be vigilant when it comes to economic transactions

Enhancement Prevention awareness

Contributed by: Anti-Fraud Center

Editor: Zhou Qian