We often receive calls from unknown sources in our lives. Some calls may simply mean that the caller has dialed the wrong number. However, there are also people with ulterior motives who will obtain your phone number through various channels and specifically call your number to o

We often receive some calls from unknown sources in our lives. Some calls may simply mean that the caller has dialed the wrong number. However, there are also people with ulterior motives who will obtain your phone number through various channels and specifically call you to obtain it. Your trust defrauds you. Of course, some malicious intent comes from online platforms.


Next, let’s take a look at these tricks that may defraud you.

1. Online dating scam

This kind of fraud is usually done online. The other party will pretend to be a beautiful young lady or a handsome young brother and add you as a friend through various platforms and APPs, and package themselves as single, wealthy, and wealthy. An affectionate personality to attract you and establish a romantic relationship with you.

Once you trust the other person's personality, the other person will naturally start to borrow money from you, or make up reasons why they need money urgently, such as "a relative is sick or has died" or "people are away from home and have no travel expenses". In the end, after you spared no effort and gave everything, you were blocked by the other party. What's more, some people may not be able to bear this kind of negative pressure and emotions and pay the price with their lives.

Case: From September 2015 to December 2018, Yang disguised herself as a female "Panduo'er" on WeChat. After getting to know Wang XX (deceased) through WeChat's "Nearby People" function, she used to be with Wang XX. A certain person fell in love and dated under the guise of marriage. During this period, he pretended to be "Panduo'er's" brother "Xiaohai" and his best friend "Jiajia" to further gain Wang's trust. He fabricated various reasons such as illness and inviting the leader to dinner to deceive Wang Moumou obtained a total of more than 3.66 million yuan, which was squandered by him. Wang Moumou committed suicide by throwing himself into the river in January 2019 due to this case. Yang only returned RMB 9,000 to the victim before the incident. The Wujin District People's Court of Changzhou City held that Yang's behavior constituted the crime of fraud, and the amount was extremely huge, and it caused Wang to commit suicide, and there were other particularly serious circumstances. Yang was sentenced to fourteen years in prison and fined RMB 100,000.

Online dating scam

2. Brush fraud

Scammers in this way will publish some false information on various website platforms, usually with the slogans of "high salary" and "easy" to attract your attention, and some even " Conduct inductions on targeted groups such as stay-at-home mothers and school students. Once you take the initiative to contact them, the scammer will tell you that you can get a lot of commission as long as you take pictures of the designated products online and pay. Or it may induce you to download certain task APPs and follow and like the bloggers or designated videos required by the task on the short video platform. If you want to increase your income, you must top up "VIP" of different levels to increase the unit price of the task.

When you start "working", if you are lucky, they will give you some sweeteners first, and pay the payment and commission as agreed on the first or even second order to defraud you of your trust.

But the ultimate goal is to let you increase your investment and "swipe more and earn more". After you pay thousands or even tens of thousands of yuan, they will use various reasons to refuse to pay you the payment and commission, and will send you Blacklisting will make you lose all your money.

Case: victim Jiang Moumou was defrauded of more than 120,000 yuan at the end of March because of a part-time job on Douyin introduced by a netizen. It is understood that at about 10 noon on March 28, Jiang Moumou (female) was invited by a strange QQ friend to join the "Zhao Cai Jin Bao 11" QQ group. News in the group said that if you like the designated Douyin account, you can get a small rebate. . So Jiang Moumou downloaded an APP called "Xinhe" through the network link sent by the other party, and received a total of 255.8 yuan in rebates by completing the Douyin like task. At about 14:00 the next day, Jiang Moumou received a new task saying that he could get double points by donating points in the discovery column of the "Xinhe" APP. 1 point is equal to 1 yuan, so Jiang Moumou recharged 3,000 yuan under the guidance of the other party. , and then the other party used various reasons and temptations to ask Jiang to recharge. After recharging a certain amount, the APP prompted that the order could not be swiped. If he wanted to swipe the order, he had to continue to recharge, and only after recharging could he get the previous points and rebates. In this way, Jiang Moumou made 27 recharges, totaling 121629 yuan.

Brush fraud

3. Loan fraud

With the improvement of current living standards, there are installment payment options for buying a house, a car, even a computer, and a mobile phone, and this type of fraud is usually informed by phone calls or text messages. You had problems with your previous installment loan, or you "happened" to receive a strange phone call from a loan when you needed money, or you found an advertisement for a loan APP in some pop-up advertisements.

If you don't check more and just think about borrowing money as soon as possible, then you will fall into their trap. Once you fill in your personal information, account password, verification code, etc., the other party will know this information and use it to transfer the balance in your card. Or they may ask you to contact customer service and defraud you on the pretext that your bank card has been frozen. In the end, you lose all your money.

Case: Mr. Li saw a video recommending loan services while browsing short videos. Mr. Li, who was planning a loan to buy a house, downloaded the APP and filled in his name, ID number, mobile phone number, and bank card number according to the software page. and other information. When Mr. Li clicked to apply for a loan, the software page showed that Mr. Li’s bank card account number was wrong and the funds were frozen. When Mr. Li asked the APP customer service, the fraudster sent a link to another APP and claimed that other customer service staff would handle the account freezing matter. After Mr. Li downloaded it, the fraudster in the software said that Mr. Li's account was abnormal and he needed to transfer money to the bank account provided by customer service, and promised to return all the money transferred by Mr. Li the next day. After Mr. Li transferred money to the account designated by customer service, the fraudster asked Mr. Li to continue transferring money to the designated account on the grounds that Mr. Li made mistakes in the transfer steps. In this way, Mr. Li transferred .68 million to the account designated by the fraudster seven times.

Loan fraud

4. Impersonating customer service fraud

There are many types of fraud by impersonating customer service. Some pretend to be online store customer service, claiming that online shopping products have quality problems and need to be refunded, some pretending to be express delivery customer service, claiming that lost items require compensation, and some pretending to be platform customer service Claiming that an agent was accidentally activated for a customer and the membership needs to be canceled (otherwise fees will be deducted and credit reporting will be affected).

There are also many ways to cheat money. Common ones are: 1. Setting up phishing websites to trick victims into filling in bank card numbers, passwords and verification codes, and then transferring or spending the money; 2. Using victims to use Alipay reserve funds After applying for a reserve fund, he asked for a refund on the grounds that the amount was too much; 3. Pretending that the victim’s turnover was insufficient or uncertified, resulting in an unsuccessful refund, and tricking the victim into transferring the money to a designated location by swiping turnover Account; 4. Trick the victim into opening QQ screen sharing, or download cloud video , NetEase Conference and other APPs, start a video conference, peek at the victim’s bank card password, verification code, etc. to transfer money...

Case: June 10 Ms. Zhang received a text message from express customer service, which informed her that the goods she purchased were damaged during the mailing process. She also checked the express delivery number and other relevant information with her, and asked for compensation, but she needed to add the other party's WeChat account. After adding it, the other party started to guide her to get cash back for swiping orders, saying that with just a few orders, she would be able to earn back all the money she spent on Taobao. Ms. Zhang believed it and was defrauded of 380,000 yuan. On the same day, Mr. Li received a customer service call claiming to be from a courier company, saying that he could be compensated for the loss of the items he purchased. After Mr. Li told the other party his Alipay account number, Alipay received money soon, but the amount was wrong and it was too much. At this time, the other party called and said that due to an operational error, the customer service had transferred the money that should be transferred to others to Mr. Li, hoping that Mr. Li could return the excess to an account. As a result, all the 24,000 yuan in Mr. Li’s Alipay was transferred.

Pretending to be customer service to defraud

5. Pretending to be a public prosecutor and defrauding

Fraudsters obtain the victim’s name, ID number, address and other personal information through illegal channels to gain the victim’s initial trust and “brainwash” the victim.

In order to make the scam more real, the scammers will send the victim a fake " police officer certificate ", police number, and even put on a fake "uniform" and a video of the victim. At the same time, legal documents such as false "wanted orders" and " arrest warrants" will also be sent to take advantage of the victim's panic to further defraud trust.

Scammers will pretend to ask the victim to go to a certain public security bureau for investigation, but the time set cannot be reached at all, and trick the victim into cooperating with the "public security agency" investigation through the Internet. The way to self-certify your "innocence" is generally to transfer the money to the so-called "safety account" or "clearance account" for checking, or download the so-called "fund clearing" software (actually a remote control software) to transfer the money.

Case: On June 15, Xiaofen (pseudonym) received a call with the number +8539128170522. The caller claimed to be a police officer from a public security bureau in Yulin City . During the call, the other party said that someone had used his identity information to apply for a bank card and was suspected of money laundering. He was involved in the case. The funds amounted to more than 3 million yuan, and a picture of an arrest warrant was issued to him, asking him to cooperate in checking the funds in his bank card account. If he did not cooperate, someone would be sent to arrest him and confiscate all his property. Xiaofang was very scared after hearing the news. In order to clear her suspicions, she followed the other party's instructions and transferred 1 8,600 yuan to the bank card provided by the other party through mobile banking.

Pretends to be a public prosecutor and defrauds

6. "Pig killing plate" fraud

After adding friends through social software, dating websites, etc., the fraudsters gradually establish a romantic relationship and gain the trust of the victim through PUA means such as establishing social networks and asking for help.

After the relationship is stable, the scammer encourages the victim to invest in his own fake platform, participate in gambling, or buy stocks, foreign exchange, futures, etc. by asking the victim to manage the account on his behalf. Most people will try to invest a small amount. For a few transactions, the scammer will manipulate the background to allow the victim to make a few small profits and taste the sweetness.

After the victim has tasted the sweetness, the scammer will use money to buy a house or get married as bait, saying that the opportunity is too rare to miss, and encourage the victim to increase investment, or even take out a loan or borrow money to invest.

When the victim is ready to withdraw cash, the customer service will use the excuse that "the account has been frozen for suspected illegal operations" to trick the victim into transferring funds to pay unfreezing fees, certification fees, activation fees, etc. for further fraud. At this time, the "love partner" will also pretend to help the victim bear part of the expenses (in fact, he just changes the data in the background of the platform), tricking the victim into borrowing money everywhere, until he can't squeeze out a drop of profit, and then blacklists and runs away.

Case: Ms. Li met a man named Zhang on a social APP, and after a while they started dating for the purpose of love. Later, Zhang revealed to Ms. Li that he was playing a financial management APP, and asked Ms. Li to help him operate and manage accounts on it. After operating it for a period of time, Ms. Li found that the APP could make a lot of money, so under the temptation of the other party's sweet words, Ms. Li also She started to recharge with her own money. At first, Ms. Li did make money and successfully withdrew cash. However, after investing more than .5 million , Zhang could no longer be contacted, and the APP used for investment could not be opened. Only then did I realize that I had been deceived.

"Pig Killing Plate"

7. Fraud by pretending to be an acquaintance

Scammers will sneak into your parent group and change your avatar and nickname to be consistent with the real teacher. Through observation, they will choose a time when it is inconvenient for teachers to check their mobile phones during class, and send false information in the group, usually for the reason of needing to pay for learning materials or enrolling in a cram school.

For the sake of their children's academic performance, parents in the group will send red envelopes or transfer funds to the accounts provided by the fraudsters. By the time the real teacher reacted, the fraudster had already received the money and left the group, disappearing without a trace.

The fraud of pretending to be a child is more concise and clear. They will add you as a friend, pretend to be your child, and then ask you to transfer money on the grounds that they need to pay for learning materials or enroll in a cram school.

Case: When citizen Xiao Wang was playing on his mobile phone at home, he saw a message from the "teacher" in the WeChat group of his children's kindergarten family members, saying that he needed to scan the QR code to pay 698.5 yuan for learning materials. Xiao A scanned the QR code and paid 698.5 yuan through Alipay. Yuan. After the transfer was successful, at 16:00 on the same day, the teacher sent a message in the group saying that he did not ask for payment for study materials. His WeChat nickname and WeChat avatar were stolen. Little A realized that he had been cheated. After subsequent inquiries, it was found that a total of 11 parents in the class were defrauded, with a total of 7683.5 yuan.

Pretending to be an acquaintance to defraud

On the Internet today, various fraud methods emerge in endlessly. We must improve our personal awareness of prevention on daily basis to prevent fraudsters from taking advantage of us.

We must have "Ten Things" for these fraudsters

1. Anyone who asks you to make money by swiping orders and improving your reputation must be a scam

2. Anyone who says that he can apply for a loan for you and increase the limit, but requires you to pay the handling fee first. Anyone who asks for guarantee fees, deposits, unfreezing fees or fake sales is definitely a scam.

3. Any friends who claim on WeChat or QQ that they or their friends or relatives are in trouble and want to borrow money from you and then give various reasons not to talk to you directly are definitely scams.

4. Anyone who claims to be a boss or superior on WeChat, QQ and other social tools and asks you to transfer money but does not talk to you must be a fraud

5. Anyone who first makes friends and falls in love with you on WeChat, QQ and other networks, and then takes you to invest Anyone who manages finances must be a scam

6. Anyone who claims that the goods you purchased online have quality problems or the package is lost, and refunds and claims for you must be a scam

7. Anyone who claims that the customer service of an online shopping platform mistakenly sets you up as a "VIP" member is The reason why you canceled your membership must be fraud.

8. Anyone who claims to be a staff member of the public security, procuratorate, court, communications bureau or social security center, etc., says that you are suspected of a crime and asks to transfer money to another account or ask for bank card password and verification. The code must be a scam

9. Anyone who contacts you as a soldier or firefighter, puts forward the need to purchase supplies, and tells you the phone number of the supplier of such items must be a scam

10. Anyone who contacts you as a teacher or student through WeChat or QQ If you send a message to parents asking for tuition fees, training fees, and materials fees, you must call the school to verify.

Acquaintances need to call to confirm.

In one sentence: Anyone who cheats on , any official or unofficial organization will contact you. Anyone who needs to transfer money, anyone who knows you who has not called you to borrow money, or anyone who asks for money is all scams.

Whether you will be defrauded has nothing to do with your academic qualifications and personal background. Because you are one person, and the fraud gang is a group of people. They can do what you know, and they can do what you don’t. Please don't take any chances with the other party.

Please be wary of phone and online scams and raise your personal awareness of prevention. Support downloading "National Anti-Fraud APP".

National Anti-Fraud Center

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