Fraud case Recently, Mr. Huang from Banan District received a call from a "public security bureau" outside the city, saying that he was involved in a child abduction and trafficking case and was facing jail. He was asked to report to the Chongqing Public Security Bureau immediate

Fraud cases

Recently, Mr. Huang from Banan District received a call from a "public security bureau" outside the city, saying that he was involved in a child abduction and trafficking case and faced imprisonment, and asked him to report to the Chongqing Public Security Bureau immediately. The other party sent an arrest warrant, freezing certificate and other materials, saying that if Mr. Huang was innocent, he could help clear his suspicions, so that Mr. Huang could not tell anyone, and at the same time, he had to register all his property and prove that the source of the funds was legal.

Mr. Huang believed it to be true, clicked on the link sent by the other party, filled in his ID card, bank card, password, verification code and other information, and also sent the other party a video of himself turning his head, opening his mouth, closing his mouth, blinking, etc. In the following days, the other party successively transferred more than 1 million from Mr. Huang's card. It wasn't until Mr. Huang checked his bank card and found that the balance was 0 that he suddenly realized that he had been deceived and called the police for help.

Fraud methods

Criminals pretend to be staff members of the public security, procuratorate, and other departments and call the victim's phone number, using various excuses such as the victim being suspected of money laundering, drug trafficking, child abduction, or having a summons from the court, a credit card overdraft, or the medical insurance card being fraudulently used. Under the guise of helping the victim clear his name,

asked him to fill in his bank account information to cooperate with the investigation and committed fraud.

  • Public Security, Procuratorate and other units will not require the parties to cut off contact with the outside world, nor will they ask for any passwords or verification codes.

  • Public Security Bureau and other units will not handle cases or handle relevant law enforcement procedures through telephone, dating software, etc.

  • received a call from the Public Security Bureau and other units. Please go to the relevant local units for verification before processing.

  • called the police immediately, and the police investigated and dealt with it.

is too complicated to remember?

Don’t worry!

To prevent new telecommunications fraud

Just remember the six principles of

Don’t be gullible, don’t leak secrets, don’t disclose

Don’t transfer money, don’t link, don’t be greedy for profit

Source: Pingan Banan

Source: Pingan Banan Pingan Youyang

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