The "Research Report on the Governance of Telecommunications Network Fraud" was released. Based on the actual status and 7 major characteristics of digital and information network fraud, and combined with the effectiveness of the procuratorate and public security organs in combat

Who is smarter, men or women?

This is a question that has not been answered for thousands of years.

But who is more easily deceived, men and women?

Today, Brother Shou will use real data to tell everyone about


html On August 6, Tencent released the "Research Report on Telecommunications Network Fraud Management (First Half of 2019)". The report visually demonstrated the status quo and 7 major characteristics of telecommunications network fraud in the first half of 2019 through real data and cases, and combined with inspection and the effectiveness of public security organs in cracking down on telecom network fraud, focusing on the results of the operation of the comprehensive prevention and control system of Internet platforms, and actively thinking about more scientific and effective solutions.

The report content is too long, has too much useful information, and the data is too complete?

It doesn’t matter if you can’t finish it ~

Today, let Brother Shou tell you

“Fraud knowledge” that you don’t know

. Fraud type analysis

In 2019, do you know what the top ten most common scams are? ! summarized the reports of various telecom network fraud techniques in the first half of 2019, conducted cluster analysis, and summarized them into the top ten fraud types such as transaction fraud, part-time fraud, and dating fraud.

Among them, transaction fraud, part-time fraud, dating fraud, and rebate fraud account for more than 70% of . , free gift fraud and account theft fraud exist in small amounts. The proportion of other fraud types is similar. fraud scenarios are generally diverse .

Top Ten Fraud Types

Transaction Fraud

In the process of commodity transactions or on the pretext of providing illegal business, fraud is committed by not shipping, not paying, or inducing to scan payment codes, click on phishing links, etc.

Part-time job fraud

publishes false part-time job information on the Internet platform, uses high commissions as a gimmick to recruit online part-time jobs, and commits fraud by defrauding entry fees, fake order principals, agency fees, etc.

Dating scam

uses dating as a guise to gain trust, and then uses various excuses to solicit money, recommend false financial products, and induce people to gamble on gambling platforms to commit fraud.

Rebate scam

, in the name of giving back to fans, merchant activities, etc., falsely claims that after paying a specified amount, you can get a high amount of money back, or you can get high-value gifts after shopping, to induce you to pay money or buy goods, and commit fraud.

Low-price inducement fraud

uses the gimmick of purchasing goods at ultra-low prices to trick victims into paying to commit fraud.

Financial credit fraud

commits fraud by defrauding service fees, membership fees, principal, etc. in the name of handling financial services (loans, credit cards, investment and financial management, stock recommendation, etc.).

Phishing fraud

impersonates the victim's relatives, friends, colleagues, superiors or public officials, customer service representatives, etc. on social media tools to commit fraud.

Porn scam

charges membership fees, service fees, etc. on the pretext of providing pornographic services, and commits fraud.

Free gift scam

uses the guise of giving free gifts to induce victims to forward event information, fill in personal information, defraud postage and citizen information, and commit fraud.

Account Stealing Scam

steals other people's accounts, and commits fraud by borrowing money from account friends or asking for help to recharge phone bills as the person with the stolen account.

2. Analysis of deceived people

① Men are more likely to be deceived than women

In terms of gender distribution of victims, the proportions of men and women are 63% and 37% respectively. The number of male victims is nearly twice that of women.

Among the top ten fraud types, in addition to rebate fraud, part-time fraud and free gift fraud, men were victimized in other fraud types such as pornography fraud, dating fraud, financial credit fraud, transaction fraud, account theft fraud, low-price inducement fraud, and counterfeit fraud. Per capita accounts for more than half.

②The probability of being deceived is highest among those born in the 1990s

According to data, the proportion of victims between the ages of 18 and 28 is as high as 54%. The post-90s generation is the main group of Internet users. At the same time, due to their limited social experience and lack of awareness of telecom network fraud prevention, they have become the group with the highest probability of being deceived.

Young people (18-21 years old) who are studying or have just entered the society have become the main targets of scams such as paying rebates, free gifts, low-price inducements, and recruiting part-time jobs due to their limited financial capabilities; while young people with certain work experience People (22-28 years old), on the one hand, already have a certain economic foundation, on the other hand, they have objective needs in emotion, marriage and love, so the proportion of frauds in pornography, online dating, and financial credit is relatively high.

③ Middle-aged and elderly people have the highest amount of money defrauded

The per capita amount of money defrauded by victims over 145 years old is about 7,000 yuan, far exceeding that of other age groups. Relevant reports show that middle-aged and elderly people with middle income and financial independence are more likely to be defrauded.

As age continues to grow, middle-aged and elderly people are faced with increasing health problems and gradually decreasing sources of income. There is an obvious need for health care and expanding income channels. In addition, due to reasons such as a relatively short time to access the Internet and a lack of relevant professional knowledge, when encountering problems such as Frauds in financial investment, health care, network technology, etc. are easily exploited and controlled by fraudsters. Large sums of money are invested, and persuasion is also difficult.

④ Minors have also become a group of interest to scammers

It should be noted that as netizens become increasingly younger when accessing the Internet, the phenomenon of minors being deceived cannot be ignored and requires more attention and protection. Frauds encountered by minors focus on low-price inducement fraud, account theft fraud, rebate fraud and free gift fraud. In a certain rebate fraud case, minors were instigated to use their parents’ mobile phones to make payments, resulting in losses of tens of thousands of yuan.

Minors are still in the development stage physically and mentally. Compared with adults, they lack experience and have insufficient cognitive abilities. They are easily suggestible and are also a group of interest to scammers.

3. The black and gray industrial chain of fraud

is different from the past "simple gangs" and "individual operations". In recent years, the operation mode of telecommunications network fraud has become increasingly professional and corporate, the criminal methods have become increasingly intelligent, and the areas of activity have become cross-border. And gradually formed a complete chain of upstream and downstream links such as malicious registration, diversion, fraud, and money laundering. Each link has fine division of labor, professional operations, and iterative upgrades in technology application, forming a "new paradigm" of telecommunications network fraud.

The fraud gang's black and gray industry chain


mainly obtains a large number of server permissions through weak server passwords, database injection, obtaining weshell, etc., and seizes a large number of low-end websites and sells them.

Black hat SEO

buys a large number of low-end websites from hackers, forges web pages, increases the weight of the website by adding keywords and other methods, and implants the numbers that the fraud gang needs to hang on the network into the web pages that have increased the weight, so that It ranks high in the search webpage, which increases the chance that the victim will click on the webpage and call the number listed on the network.

operator group

handed over the crime number to black hat SEO for promotion, and then pretended to be the customer service of the relevant APP to commit fraud.

Business switchboard operator

made a layer 2 traffic jump in order to help the call team avoid detection.

The money laundering team

is mainly responsible for providing the payment QR code to the call team, and transferring the funds involved as soon as possible after it is obtained. At the same time, he is also responsible for beautifying the QR code involved in the packaging to make it feel closer to the official customer service.

Withdrawal Group

accepted the instructions from the employer and used other people's bank cards to withdraw the stolen money involved in the case, deducting the corresponding points and returning it to the employer.

html Trader No. 3

adopts corporate operations, obtains a large number of account numbers, passwords and other citizens' personal information in batches, and sells them online.

The bank card merchant

bought the relevant ID cards from the black market, and then found people with relatively similar appearances to use other people's identities to open accounts at relevant business outlets, and then sold the bank cards at higher prices.

Through this report, we can find that

telecommunications and network fraud methods are constantly being renovated and the harm is becoming increasingly prominent.

and are everywhere.

is gradually penetrating into every scene of our daily life. Under the joint management of multiple parties, the anti-fraud work of

has achieved remarkable results!

From January to June 2019, public security agencies at all levels across the country uncovered a total of 358,000 cases of telecommunications network fraud, an increase of 3.0% compared to the same period last year; a total of 351,400 suspects of telecommunications network crimes were arrested, an increase of compared to the same period last year. 32.28%.

In addition, relying on the capabilities of the Guardian Intelligent Anti-Fraud Center, in the first half of 2019, Tencent assisted local public security agencies to carry out a total of 63 cases of various illegal online crimes; it also assisted in uncovering a total of 326 cases of telecommunications network fraud, involving The amount of is nearly 400 million yuan.

Source: Guardian Project