Reference News Network reported on August 8 that Hong Kong media reported that the bus driver played it while driving, and the iron knight played it on his motorcycle... The globally popular mobile game Pokémon GO has been repeatedly exposed to the public after it was launched in

Reference News Network reported on August 8 Hong Kong media said that bus drivers played it while driving, Iron Knight played it on a motorcycle... Pokémon GO, the world's most popular mobile game, has been played many times since it was launched in Taiwan. It was exposed that people were "desperately" trying to catch elves. Some undertakers immediately took advantage of the topic and announced that "unfortunate accidental deaths caused by gaming will provide a 13% discount on funeral expenses."

According to a report by Hong Kong’s Economic Daily on August 8, some Taiwanese netizens shared on the Internet an advertising billboard they saw on the road. A funeral service company in Taichung promoted it, saying, "Celebrate the launch of the Pokémon game in Taiwan. Please pay attention when playing. Road safety is required to avoid regrets. If an unfortunate accident occurs due to gaming, our company can provide a 13% discount." The

funeral company stated that they saw many people playing Pokemon on the road with their own eyes, and some people were almost hit by cars, so they suddenly came up with this "warning" and hoped that players would pay attention to safety; if someone is really unfortunate enough to do so, Death, adhering to the principle of integrity, will still give a 13% discount.

In fact, Taiwan has repeatedly exposed drivers in recent days who play Pokémon GO while driving regardless of their own safety and even the safety of their passengers. Among them, a Taiwanese netizen was riding home with his daughter when he discovered that the driver had put his mobile phone on the dashboard to play games, which was very dangerous.

and Taiwan Miaoli Toufen Police Station police officers were on patrol at about 3 a.m. when they discovered a girl riding a motorcycle with her cell phone and her head down. Worried about danger, they stepped forward to interrogate. It turned out that the girl was playing Pokémon GO. , but after checking her identity, it was shockingly discovered that she was still a wanted criminal.

Taiwan’s funeral company advertised “If someone dies because of playing games, he will get a 13% discount on funeral expenses” (left). The picture on the right shows the bus driver who was caught driving while catching elves. (Picture source network)