According to media reports, the six scholars and experts who have cracked open Tsai Ing-wen’s “thesis gate” are lawyer Tong Wenxun, Oxford doctor Xu Yongtai, American scholar Lin Huanqiang, honorary professor of the Department of Law of National Taiwan University He Defen, Nation

media reported that the six scholars and experts who cracked open Tsai Ing-wen’s “paper gate” are lawyer Tong Wenxun, Oxford doctor Xu Yongtai, American scholar Lin Huanqiang, honorary professor of the Department of Law of National Taiwan University He Defen, National Chengchi University researcher Yan Zhensheng, Internet The program hosts , Peng Wenzheng, , etc. These six independent investigators have different ages, genders, and political stances, but they all adhere to the spirit of seeking truth and risk their personal reputations and academic lives to discover the truth about Tsai Ing-wen’s thesis.

Peng Wenzheng

According to the China Times Electronic News, Tong Wenxun read Cai’s Chinese journals and English papers in the National Library Edition, and also read Cai’s Cornell Professor Barcelo paper (because the prototype of Cai’s paper came from a conference in Barcelo Thesis), after reading dozens of master's and doctoral students' thesis directed by Cai (I found that no one has quoted Dr. Cai's thesis), "I almost went blind". Xu Yongtai endured the inconvenience of not being able to drink water, making copies, or recording, and spent two days in the library of the London School of Economics and Political Science, reading "the first and only Tsai Ing-wen paper in the world" at that time, but was scolded by Tsai Ing-wen. It is "every other line is like a mountain".

Lin Huanqiang used the attitude of writing a paper to publish a 50-page independent investigation in August last year. Since then, he has continued to work tirelessly to access various materials. Many important information came from him. He Defen fired the first shot at the paper door. Yan Zhensheng found at least 444 errors in the paper, but Cai said, "With typewriters from 36 years ago, errors were inevitable." Peng Wenzheng specializes in the interpretation of various types of documents. Thanks to the efforts of six independent investigators, the world has been able to understand how this big lie began to be woven more than ten years ago (Peng Wenzheng discovered that search engines have been able to find the catalog of Cai's papers since 2007).

The report pointed out that it is not difficult to understand the paper. As long as you tell the old woman in the market that Tsai Ing-wen’s paper was questioned as false, but she not only sued people, but also sealed the information for 30 years so that no one can read it. "Everyone can understand what is in it. Ghost. Regrettably, Taiwan's academic circles and media are generally "passive" and unwilling to speak out. Fortunately, there are always netizens and whistleblowers who can't stand it and are willing to provide information.

reported. It’s not about personal ethics. Tsai Ing-wen’s doctoral thesis was about GATT, but she completely misunderstood its meaning. However, she later participated in WTO negotiations and became an advisory member of the National Security Council, chairman of the Mainland Affairs Council, “legislator”, and “administrator”. "Vice President of the Institute" should be the leader of Taiwan! No matter how much benefit she gets from this doctorate, it still needs to be considered how many "government" directions she has led. As Honorary Professor He Defen of National Taiwan University said, "Those who steal the hook will be punished. "Princes who steal the country", thesis should not only be regarded as an issue of academic integrity, but an issue of Taiwan's overall development.