Former U.S. national security adviser Bolton's new book "The Room Where It Happened: A White House Memoir" is expected to be released tomorrow. According to Taiwan's "United Daily News", Bolton said in the book that after U.S. President Trump turned his back on the Syrian Kurds l

Former US national security adviser Bolton's new book "The Room Where It Happened: A White House Memoir" is expected to be released tomorrow (23rd). According to Taiwan's "United Daily News", Bolton said in the book that US President Trump turned his back on the Syrian Kurds last year. Since then, the outside world has speculated on who he might betray next, and Taiwan is at the top of the list. Bolton also said that Taiwan very much hopes to sign a "free trade agreement" with the United States, but Bolton believes that this agreement will not be beneficial to the United States at all.

Screenshot of Taiwan's "United Daily News" report

Netizens on the island ridiculed the Taiwan authorities: It is so pitiful to be used and yet despised.

Many Taiwanese media have paid attention to this news. "United Daily News" believes that Bolton's remarks are a big warning to the Democratic Progressive Party authorities who pursue an "absolutely pro-American line"; the word "profit" appears in the title of Taiwan's " China Times Electronic Newspaper " The words "Taiwan is insignificant"; Taiwan's ETtoday News Cloud stated in the title that Bolton's new book "uses the tip of a pen as a metaphor for Taiwan's unfriendly attitude."

As for the comments from netizens, they are even more spicy. Some Taiwanese netizens said, "Xiaoying is all in (bet all the chips)." Some people advised Tsai Ing-wen, who fantasizes about being a "chess player," to face reality, because "you can never become a chess player by abandoning pawns."

"So everything is fake?" Some netizens said that the Taiwan authorities are only worth being used and are still disliked. It is really pitiful.

There has long been a precedent for the United States to abandon Taiwan for its own interests.

In addition to satirizing the Taiwan authorities, some netizens on the island pointedly pointed out that in fact, Bolton did not need to publish a book to expose this fact. Taiwanese people who have a little understanding of history and are sensitive enough can know it. It’s just that those who support the green camp are unwilling to face the truth and have unlimited expectations for the United States. Some netizens believe that this has nothing to do with Trump. The United States will turn its back on Taiwan at any time. After all, it is just a pawn.

"United Daily News" said that no matter it was the Truman, Nixon or Carter administration, the policy adjustments of the year caused certain harm to Taiwan, but such adjustments were all decisions made with the overall interests of the United States in mind. This is also the biggest risk that Taiwan will become a "pen tip" and "chess piece" that can be discarded or traded at any time. The Democratic Progressive Party authorities have chosen a one-sided policy toward the United States, entrusting their fate entirely to the goodwill of the United States. This has deprived Taiwan of its autonomy to fight for its own living space between the United States and the mainland, and put itself at risk of being betrayed at any time. .

People's Liberation Army fighter planes have flown over Taiwan 15 times this year.

If we look more closely, we can find that the United States uses Taiwan as a pawn to realize its global ambitions and compete with mainland China. On June 11, the U.S. Senate Armed Services Committee passed the 2021 National Defense Authorization Act, and the "Pacific Deterrence Initiative" against China was also officially approved.

In recent years, the United States has listed China as a "major competitor." The main content of the "Pacific Deterrence Initiative" is to reestablish the US military's military advantage over China in the Indo-Pacific region and accelerate the process of the Indo-Pacific region's strategic status surpassing Europe. After

sorting out, we can find that the United States has actually begun to adjust its global military deployment to achieve the plan of deploying 60% of its military power in the Asia-Pacific. For example, despite the civil war in Iraq, it still insisted on withdrawing troops from Iraq, leaving a lot of chicken feathers to evacuate Afghanistan . Recently, it threatened to withdraw some of its troops from Germany, exacerbating the conflict between Germany and Germany.

At this time, Taiwan has become a "legitimate excuse" for the United States to adjust its military deployment. The U.S. military has increased the intensity of its operations in the Taiwan Strait and South China Sea. Warships frequently cross the Taiwan Strait, B-1B strategic bombers cross Okinawa and the B-1B Strait and fly to preset attack positions along the coast of the mainland. Military transport aircraft even fly along the coast of the mainland. Flying over the west side of Taiwan Island , challenging the bottom line of the mainland.

According to Taiwan's "China Times Electronic News", just this morning, an EP-3E electronic reconnaissance aircraft numbered AE1D8A of the US Navy flew north from the Bashi Channel, entered Taiwan's southwest airspace, and then turned left toward the South China Sea. Fly away and leave the Taiwan Strait.

According to Taiwanese media reports in recent days, this is the eighth time in two weeks that a PLA military aircraft has approached or entered Taiwan's so-called "air defense identification zone" and the 15th time this year.

Regarding the presence of PLA military aircraft in the Taiwan Strait, Eastern Theater Command Air Force Colonel Zhang Chunhui once made a statement on the combat readiness cruise of sea and air forces, saying that Taiwan and its affiliated islands are a sacred and indivisible part of China’s territory, Chinese military combat readiness The cruise is completely legitimate and legal, and is a necessary action taken in response to the current security situation in the Taiwan Strait and the need to safeguard national sovereignty.

Yang Rong integrates from: China Taiwan Network, Global Network, Reference News, Ministry of Foreign Affairs website, etc.

column editor: Liu Lu Text editor: Yang Rong Title and picture source: Xinhua News Agency Data map Picture editor: Xiang Jianying