After interrogation, the BMW man’s name was Huang Xiaobo. At 19:00 on January 27, 2020, he had dinner with colleagues at Hemeixing City Community. During the period, he drank 4-5 bottles of beer and 1 tael of liquor. Later, he had an argument with the security guard because of th

Due to the need for new coronavirus prevention and control, Changsha City and Meixingcheng Community have temporarily closed three vehicle entrances and exits to facilitate epidemic control.

At 23:00 on the evening of January 27, 2020, a white BMW parked at the east exit where access was prohibited, rolled down the window glass, and asked security guard Chen Shengli to open the door.

The BMW man got out of the car, pointed at security guard Chen Shengli, cursed, and asked to open the door to let him go.

Liu Min, a fellow passenger in the car, got out of the car and stopped the BMW man, and negotiated and communicated with Chen Shengli. The BMW man suddenly rushed from behind and hit Chen Shengli's back with a flying kick like in the movie.

Chen Shengli, who was kicked to the ground, covered his back and said to the BMW man: "Now is the epidemic prevention and control period, there is nothing we can do. Besides, I am so old, I can't stand your beating!"

See this situation, others immediately called the police, but the BMW man did not restrain himself and punched Chen Shengli again on the jaw. Chen Shengli was knocked to the ground. Then, the BMW man stepped on the chest of Chen Shengli who was underground.

The police came to the scene. Seeing that something was wrong, the BMW man quietly returned to the car and prepared to reverse the car and leave without closing the back door.

The car fell back about two meters. Police officer Tang Xiaoping stepped forward and grabbed the car door, asking the BMW man to get out of the car and cooperate with law enforcement. The BMW man saw that the policeman was holding on to the car door and was forced to stop.

Subsequently, the BMW man kept insulting the police and refused to cooperate with the police in law enforcement. After multiple warnings, police officers Tang Xiaoping and Liu Wei forcibly pulled the BMW man out of the car. It was discovered at the scene that the BMW man was suspected of drunk driving, so they called the traffic police. The police came to the scene to check.

Upon seeing this, the BMW man punched police officer Tang Xiaoping on the left side of his jaw. Liu Wei quickly stepped forward and hugged the BMW man from behind. The two worked together to subdue the BMW man and put him in handcuffs.

After interrogation, the BMW man’s name was Huang Xiaobo. At 19:00 on January 27, 2020, he had dinner with his family in Hemeixing City Community. During the period, he drank 4-5 bottles of beer (500 ml/bottle) and 1 liang of liquor. Later, because There was a dispute with the security guard over the issue of entering and exiting the community.

After blood testing, Huang Xiaobo’s ethanol content was 186.5 ml/100 ml.

learned through interrogation that BMW man Huang Xiaobo was punished by the Changsha Yuhua Traffic Police Brigade for driving a motor vehicle under the influence of alcohol on September 22, 2015.

On February 14, 2020, the Changsha Tianxin District People’s Court accepted the case.

On February 19, the court believed that there was evidence to prove that the defendant Huang Xiaobo committed dangerous driving and obstructing official duties. He may be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment and met the conditions for arrest, so it decided to arrest him in accordance with the law.

On February 27, in accordance with the needs of epidemic prevention and control, the People's Court of Tianxin District, Changsha City held a video hearing for the defendant Huang Xiaobo, and tried the case of the defendant Huang Xiaobo obstructing official duties and dangerous driving in accordance with the law.

During the trial, Huang Xiaobo confessed to the facts of his crime and issued a "Recognition of Plea and Punishment" and a "Statement of Repentance" to the court.

In his confession, Huang Xiaobo regretted that he would be fine if he drank and drove without leaving the community, and promised that he would not commit any illegal or disciplinary violations in the future.

The Tianxin District People's Court sentenced the defendant Huang Xiaobo in court. The defendant Huang Xiaobo was found guilty of obstructing official business and sentenced to ten months in prison; found guilty of dangerous driving, sentenced to four months' detention and fined RMB 6,000; Combined execution of ten months' imprisonment and a fine of RMB 6,000.

Source: Tianxin District People's Court

[Source: ZAKER Xiaoxiang]

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