According to the police from the Fourth Brigade of the Traffic Police Detachment of Qinzhou City Public Security Bureau, after the incident, the police found a BMW car parked at the intersection with a pool of blood in front of the car. The windshield in front of the car was seri

Source: South China Morning Post

html On the evening of July 5th

Qinzhou City The intersection of Penglai Avenue and Hongting Street in Qinbei District

A small car knocked a man crossing the zebra crossing more than ten meters away

The man was then hit and fell heavily to the ground

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Police from the Fourth Brigade of the Traffic Police Detachment of Qinzhou Public Security Bureau introduced that after the incident, the police found at the scene that a BMW car was parked at the intersection with a pool of blood in front of the car. The windshield in front of the car was seriously damaged and the injured person had been injured. He was sent to hospital for emergency treatment.

After investigation, the driver of the BMW, Zheng, drank two bottles of beer that night, and his wife and son were also in the car. When Zheng drove to the intersection of Hongting Street, he ran a red light and passed quickly, knocking away pedestrians on the zebra crossing.

The police conducted a breath alcohol test on Zheng at the scene and the result was 78mg/100ml. The blood alcohol test result was 78.45mg/100ml. He was suspected of drunk driving. The accident caused the victim to suffer multiple fractures all over his body and he was unconscious for a time. He was out of danger after all-out rescue efforts.

On July 10, the traffic police department determined the accident in accordance with the law. Zheng was driving drunk, running a red light, and speeding (the speed limit was 60 kilometers/hour, and his vehicle speed was 81 kilometers/hour). He was fully responsible for the accident. Currently, Zheng has been criminally detained in accordance with the law on suspicion of traffic accident.

Source丨South China Morning Post reporter Zhong Xiaoqi, correspondents Qin Chengchao, Li Shaokai