Jimu News reporter Zhang Hao video clip Xuan Yiyao On January 5, a video of "The BMW owner is 1.8 meters tall, why does he kneel down frequently?" has aroused the curiosity of many netizens. Everyone speculated that the BMW driver was driving drunk and begged the taxi driver not

Jimu News reporter Zhang Hao

Video clip Xuan Yiyao

htmlOn January 5, a video of "The owner of a BMW car who is 1.8 meters tall, why does he kneel down frequently?" aroused the curiosity of many netizens. Everyone speculated that the BMW driver was driving drunk and begged the taxi driver not to call the police. On the evening of the 5th, the taxi driver involved told Jimu News that the BMW driver was indeed drunk. After he called the police, the traffic police took him away.

According to the above-mentioned video posted by netizens on the evening of the 4th, a BMW and a taxi were parked side by side on Central Road in Nanjing, Jiangsu Province, both with double flashing lights, and there were signs of traffic jams around them. Two men were pulled together. One of them was wearing a coat and was half a head taller than the other. Instead, he suddenly turned around and sat on his knees on the ground. The publisher of the

video dubbed and captioned the video in puzzlement: The BMW owner is 1.8 meters tall, so why does he kneel so often? Many netizens commented on the incident, speculating that he might have been caught driving under the influence, and begging the taxi driver not to call the police. Some netizens commented: "It was a drunk driving incident. I was at the scene." "I also captured it, and there is another one coming." However, the reporter privately messaged the video publisher and witnesses, but has yet to receive a reply.

html At about 8 pm on the 5th, Jimu News reporter contacted the taxi driver involved. He said that on the afternoon of the 3rd, a BMW car wiped the rearview mirror and fender of his vehicle. When he got out of the car to argue, he found The other driver drank too much and was suspected of drunk driving, so he called the police. The traffic police from the Fifth Brigade of Nanjing Traffic Management Bureau arrived quickly and took the man away for investigation. The taxi driver said that the BMW driver did not kneel down to him, but just drank too much and knelt on the ground.

Jimu News reporter asked about the progress of the matter, and the staff of the brigade said that it was not convenient to disclose the details of the case.

Source: Jingchu.com