Source: This year marks the tenth anniversary of the criminalization of drunk driving. Lightning News teamed up with the traffic police departments of 16 cities in Shandong to launch a live broadcast operation of media integration during the "five" period. Every Friday,


This year marks the tenth anniversary of the criminalization of drunk driving.

Lightning News teamed up with

Traffic Police Departments of 16 cities in Shandong Province

to launch the live broadcast operation of media integration during the "five" period.

Every Friday, multiple places jointly conduct live broadcasts to investigate and deal with drunk driving,

to protect people's safe travel.

In Weihai last night, two drivers were arrested by the traffic police on suspicion of drunk driving.

At around 8 o'clock last night,

at the intersection of Weibin Hai Avenue and Shanghai Road,

a BMW tried to drive across lanes to evade inspection. After

was stopped by the traffic police,

the driver said that his child had fallen and was injured,

was anxious to get back, so he changed lanes and

also said that he had not been drinking.

Subsequently, the police conducted an alcohol test on the driver in accordance with the law,

but the test results were "slap in the face".

After inspection,

the driver's blood alcohol content was 20mg/100ml,

suspected of drinking and driving.

He will face the suspension of his motor vehicle driving license for six months,

and a fine of not less than 1,000 yuan but not more than 2,000 yuan.

At the same time,

another driver was stopped by the traffic police on the Haibin Road auxiliary road in Weihai Economic and Technological Development Zone.

After testing, the driver's blood alcohol content was 46mg/100ml, and he was suspected of drinking and driving. He will also face a suspension of his motor vehicle driving license for six months and a fine of not less than 1,000 yuan but not more than 2,000 yuan.

"Tonight our brigade set up three temporary investigation points in the jurisdiction. Each investigation point temporarily inspected more than 200 vehicles, and a total of two suspected illegal acts of driving a motor vehicle after drinking were investigated and dealt with. I would like to encourage all drivers to drink alcohol. Don’t drive, don’t drink while driving, and we must supervise and urge our relatives and friends not to drive motor vehicles after drinking, and to be good and law-abiding citizens,” said Li Kai, instructor of the First Squadron of the Third Brigade of Weihai Traffic Police.

Don’t drink when driving

Don’t drive when you drink

For the health of yourself and others

Drive safely

Lightning News reporter Tan Bei Li Zhipeng Tao Xiaodong Chen Zhifu Weihai report