Zheng Chaofang, chairman of the Hsinchu County Party Committee of the DPP, said that the power and responsibility for the county magistrate election lies with the DPP Central Committee's "election committee". The DPP does not rule out cooperating with other friendly parties or re

According to Taiwan media reports, who will the Democratic Progressive Party recommend as the next Hsinchu county magistrate? Will he cooperate with the mayor of Zhubei, He Ganming, who has no party membership and will change his track to run for county magistrate? Zheng Chaofang, chairman of the Hsinchu County Party Committee of the DPP, said that the power and responsibility for the county magistrate election lies with the DPP Central Committee's "election committee". The DPP does not rule out cooperating with other friendly parties or recruiting people with Taiwan-wide visibility and reputation. A good-looking and professional political officer takes action. As the chairman of the grassroots party committee, what he has to do now is to concentrate on the electoral layout and auxiliary election of Hsinchu County 13 township and city heads, representative representatives and county councillors. In addition, he also concentrates on sprinting for the next term that he has decided to invest in. Zhubei mayor election.

In the next Hsinchu County Magistrate election, the Kuomintang has already positioned itself well and recruited County Magistrate Yang Wenke to compete for re-election, but the DPP’s candidate has not yet surfaced. Some people named Zhou Jiangjie, director of the Hakka Affairs Department of the Democratic Progressive Party who once elected a "legislator," and there are also rumors that the Democratic Progressive Party will cooperate with the mayor of Zhubei, He Ganming, who is not a party member, and let He Ganming be elected as the county magistrate.

DPP Hsinchu County Taiwan Party Representative Peng Ruide said bluntly that from the standpoint of a party member, he and many green camp supporters believe that it is more appropriate for DPP members to run for county magistrate. He himself is opposed to the DPP There is no information that the central government wants to cooperate with He Ganming.

DPP Hsinchu County Councilor He Jianhua said that Hsinchu County has always been a difficult constituency for the DPP. If he can expand more grassroots supporters of the DPP through cooperation with friendly parties, he would be happy to see the results. Yes, after all, He Ganming has gone from the Police Friends Association to the parliament, and then to the mayor of Zhubei. He has been deeply involved in the grassroots for many years, and his strength is obvious to all.

He Ganming himself said that if the DPP itself does not nominate a candidate for Hsinchu County Magistrate in the next term, he will vote for the county magistrate. If the DPP has a candidate, he will withdraw from the candidacy. After all, this is the era of party politics . Under the duel between blue and green, the non-party member will definitely be marginalized. Although he has always wanted to serve his fellow villagers, he also assessed the situation at hand pragmatically.

Zhou Jiangjie said that the Democratic Progressive Party’s decision to choose who will be elected as the next Hsinchu County Magistrate involves the DPP’s Central Committee’s “Election Committee” consideration of the election strategy of Hsinchu County as a whole and even Taiwan as a whole.