At the beginning of January, during the final season of major universities, the topic #If I wake up and go back to university# became a hot search topic and aroused heated discussions among many netizens. Screenshot from Weibo. For many people, college time is the most leisurely

At the beginning of January,

was the final season of major colleges and universities.

The topic #If you wake up and go back to college# became a hot search topic,

aroused heated discussion among many netizens.

Weibo screenshot

For many people, college time is the most leisurely time. They will not be forced to get married or have children. There are not so many worries in life. They can eat with friends at any time and still have time to do things after classes. Some things you like... How did you spend your time in college?

Xinhua News Agency Photo by Li Muzi, the picture and text are irrelevant

Suppose that one day, you wake up and go back to university. What do you want to do most? Study hard? Or fall in love? Or take a quick trip? What are your options?

I want well

@xiangdafeifeifeifeifei: If I could go back to college, I would not give up the national award that the teacher persuaded me to take away after I got it, and then go to death to get the scholarship to make myself better. More valuable

@Green Plant Life: As long as you can’t die, learn to death

@It’s Jay Chou’s milk tea: Then I started reading the postgraduate entrance examination book from my freshman year

@Gu Wei Colleague: certification , take the exam, take all the exams, so that you will feel better after graduation. If you want to go to Beijing, go to Beijing, and if you want to go to Chengdu, go to Chengdu.

I want to... have a good love relationship

@Tang-QingMi Master: I must have a love relationship to make up for the regrets I left behind.

@天天天的是什么意思: That’s great, heavy Warm love time

@情句里: The hand that grabbed would not let go even if I beat it to death! Only after I came out to society did I realize that there were really no girls at the construction site...

@The person I fell in love with at first sight: You must be single in your freshman year, otherwise you will basically be single for four years of college

I want to... spend more time with them Together

@cly---Chen: go home more often. Some people miss them for life.

@Estelle9152: Be less busy with other work and spend more time with roommates.

I really miss them. .

@TiAnYuAn_田园: I will immediately buy a ticket and take the bus home, hug my dad, I miss him

I want to... control my own hands

@ Mo and Dust Song: Uninstall King of Glory!

@ Shardao Fairy bb: Don’t use online loans, don’t open Huabei, don’t use credit cards

I want to... see more of the world

@Loveuuuuuyzg: will use his leisure time to travel, even if he has no money, he still wants to take the green train See the world! Because now I feel trapped in a cage!

@huaijinholdyuyuxinruozhixuan: is really good. You can also go to cities you have never been to with your roommates. I will study hard in professional courses.

I want to... buy a house quickly.

@婠玙: I know how to do . Advise my parents to use money to buy a house

@Wallflower·: First, buy a house, then take the postgraduate entrance examination, study for a Ph.D., and never leave school if you can

@sofa-New: Sell the pot and buy a house

Of course, many netizens said: I don’t want to go back, look at the time, it’s time to prepare for the final exam

@Y-mmd: design majors must not wake up during homework week! I have been doing homework for a month and the three subjects have collided with each other. I have stayed up all night for three consecutive nights.

@西平一灯: rejected, the paper is too difficult to write.

@siwwn: , don’t wake up in the exam. Zhou

@杨彦桢Zoey: Graduate students, career editors, and civil servants who finally got into the exam after crying for three days and three nights have to do it again. The key is that they still haven’t memorized the original question

Some people said that if they had to go back, they would choose to go back to high school!

@Ahdangdang: Let me go back to high school, I will try my best to get admitted to Tsinghua University and Peking University

@衴庄陈雅: Forget it, I would rather go back to high school

@Muse·: I want to wake up and go back High school

Of course, some comrades who are still in school have also said: I don’t want to

@元胜何在: I just went on winter vacation

, and I don’t want to go back to school

@lemonade pickup: can’t do it

I am now in my junior year and my boyfriend won’t say it Still tired from the final exam week

The student work is too much and I don’t want to do it again

@秋发__: This is not possible, I am studying in college, and I don’t want to go back after the holiday

In fact, many people want to go back to the past , because I am not the person I wanted to be when I was young. But, fortunately, we are all still young and still have time to work hard, make up for some regrets, and make ourselves better.

The past cannot be changed, and we cannot go back. Seizing the present may be the best choice.

Source: China News Service Comprehensive from Sina Weibo netizen comments

Editor: TF031