Summer vacation is coming! For children, the next step is a happy summer life; but for parents, summer vacation is a scary time. Why do you say that? Children like to play in summer, and statistics show that the number of children aged 0 to 14 who die due to accidental injuries i

Summer vacation is coming! For children, the next step is a happy summer life; but for parents, summer vacation is a scary time. Why does

say this?

Children like to play in summer, and statistics show that the number of children aged 0 to 14 who die due to accidental injuries in my country every year is close to 50,000. Inconspicuous small benches, tablecloths, hot water bottles, ballpoint pen caps... can all become "murderers" of accidental injuries to children.

Chenchen sorted out the common accidental injuries of children, and invited authoritative departments and experts to teach you how to prevent accidental injuries.

Car accident

Tell your children: Don’t play on the roadside, be careful when crossing the road


At 18:05 on September 13, 2012, Xiaoxiao, who was less than 2 years old, was playing on the road near her home. When Yang drove an off-road vehicle from north to south along Maohoushe Road in Huangcuo Village, the left rear wheel of the vehicle ran over Xiaoxiao, causing Xiaoxiao's death.

[Prevention and First Aid]

. We must put an end to the behavior of leaving children alone in the car, which is also expressly prohibited by our country's laws. If a child touches the switch, the vehicle may start unexpectedly or the child may be pinched by the window.

. Preschool children must be accompanied by their parents when crossing the road. When crossing the road, they must walk on a zebra crossing or choose a pedestrian bridge or underpass tunnel. Parents need to be reminded that children must be taught not to climb over guardrails or play on the edge of the motorway. If you are crossing the road, do not turn around or turn back in the lane. If the driver does not react in time, it is very easy to cause an accident. In addition, children should try to avoid playing in front or behind the car, because the driver has blind spots and can easily cause accidents.

. When children ride in a car, try to use child safety seats to reduce the harm to children in the event of an accident.

Playing with fire

Tell children: Don’t play with fire; parents should put lighters away


html At 19:00 on November 13, the house on the 3rd floor of the 24th floor of Building 6, Gulong Pearl, Beili, Indou caught fire. The Sunban Fire Squadron immediately dispatched 4 fire trucks and 20 officers and soldiers to the fire location. After nearly half an hour of hard work, the fire was completely extinguished. According to the homeowner, the child was playing with burning ping pong balls and accidentally let the ignited ping pong balls roll under the sofa. After a while, the sofa started to smoke and catch fire.

[Prevention and First Aid]

. When parents go out, they should turn off the main switches of gas, liquefied petroleum gas, and natural gas. Children should not be allowed to turn on the switches, and children should be left under the supervision of others. Children should not be left alone at home, and children should not be locked at home.

. In addition to improving their own fire awareness, parents must also strengthen fire safety education for their children and strengthen supervision of children playing with fire, so that they can realize the dangers of playing with fire and avoid playing with fire. Parents should keep matches, lighters and other igniting objects out of the sight and reach of children, and prevent children from igniting fire sources indoors, in combustible buildings and other places that are prone to fires.

. When a fire breaks out in a room, doors and windows cannot be opened easily to avoid air convection and cause a large fire. When surrounded by fire, children should be taught to use different methods to escape from danger depending on the situation, such as leaning down and covering their noses with a wet cloth.

. Teach children that they should call the police if a fire occurs (if they can evacuate in time, they can evacuate first and then call the police). When calling the police, they should state their address and other detailed information. If there is no phone, you should shout loudly or use other methods to attract the attention of neighbors and pedestrians to help put out the fire or call the police.


Home is a frequent place for accidental falls

[Case] ​​

On the evening of June 28, a tragedy occurred in a community in Nan'an, Yibin, Sichuan: a little girl about 2 years old died from 16 years old because an adult did not pay attention when answering the phone at the window. He fell down and died. In recent years, news about child safety accidents has frequently appeared in the newspapers. Data show that in our country, accidental injuries are the leading cause of death for children aged 0 to 14, with nearly 200 children dying every day.

[Prevention and First Aid]

The younger the child, the more likely he is to be injured by falling. The incidence of falls among children under 1 year old is as high as 54%; while homes and dormitories are the most common places for children to be injured by falls, especially those between 1 and 4 years old. Among the people surveyed, 57.4% fell at home. Therefore, education for new parents and child caregivers is particularly important.

Experts said that the following measures can help children avoid accidental falls as much as possible:

. When children ride bicycles or skate, they should prepare protective equipment such as helmets and knee pads.

. Windows not used for escape must be locked or equipped with window bars, and the distance between the bars should be less than 9 cm.

. Do not place chairs, cradle or other furniture near the window.

. When changing the baby's diaper or clothes, do not leave the baby and keep one hand protecting the baby.

. Remove dangerous factors in your home, such as rolled up carpets, exposed wires, balconies and corridors with widely spaced railings, etc.

. Place anti-slip mats in the bathroom, in front of the wash basin and on the stairs.

. Pay attention to the safety of young children in walkers with pulleys, or use other fixed walkers instead.

8. Check whether the areas where children frequently move are safe, such as whether the ground is flat, etc.

First aid: The British St John Ambulance Center and the Association of Family Doctors recommend that if a child is injured after a fall, first wrap ice in a small towel and apply cold compresses for 10 minutes, then tie a bandage and elevate the injured area to slow down the blood flow to reduce cyanosis. The extent of swelling and congestion.

Being deceived

Telling children: Do not eat food given by strangers


On March 17, 2014, a 7-year-old girl and her 8-year-old brother who were temporarily living in Maxiang Town were playing in front of their home. A man took a girl on a motorcycle and disappeared without a trace on the pretext of buying candy. After the child's parents called the police, the police arrested the suspect Lin on March 20 of that year. Lin confessed that when he saw the little girl being beautiful and well-behaved, he thought that he had no family or children, so he wanted to abduct and raise the girl.

[Prevention and First Aid]

. When taking your children out, always pay attention to whether the children are around or within sight. Remember not to just chat or watch by yourself and forget about your child when you meet an acquaintance or something you are interested in, causing the child to accidentally get lost.

. Parents should tell their children that if they get lost, they should stand where they are and not sit down or squat.

. Teach children to refuse drinks, candies, gifts and hugs from strangers, and not to follow strangers, etc. Beware of criminals using various means to abduct children.

. When parents are in an emergency, never let strangers take care of their children, even for a short time. Based on past experience, children are more likely to be abducted in front of toilets in public places.

. Tell your children your home address, the full name of your parents’ workplace and the phone number and let them memorize it. Tell your children to call the police or call 110 when they are lost or abducted. You can also simulate special situations and let them practice.


Tell the children: Don’t go to the pond.

[Case] ​​

At about 4 pm on July 3, 2007, when a group of primary school students were playing in the pond near the table tennis court of Xinglin Xibin Village, two primary school students fell into the pond. One of them was rescued in time. Another person was dead when rescued. The parents of the two children who drowned were both migrant workers. They were working outside at the time and did not know that their children were playing near the pond.

[Prevention and First Aid]

. Parents should tell their children not to swim alone without adult supervision.

. People who are prone to cramps in their limbs should not participate in swimming or swim in deep water areas.

. If you suddenly feel uncomfortable while swimming, such as dizziness, nausea, palpitation, shortness of breath, etc., immediately go ashore to rest or call for help.

. If a child is drowning, the rescuer should lift the child's head from the back or pull up the child's chest from above to expose the child's face to the water, and then drag the child ashore.

. Children will lose consciousness in 2 minutes after drowning. If rescue is not timely, they will die in 4 to 6 minutes. Therefore, after the child is rescued from the shore, he should put his head down, pry open the teeth, use your fingers to clear the debris in the mouth and nasal cavity, and then hit the child's shoulder and back quickly and continuously with your palm to make his respiratory tract clear.

is stuck

The child's hands and feet are stuck and cannot be pulled hard


On the evening of April 21, a child's foot was stuck by an electric bicycle in Niutoushan Cake Garden. The child was comforted by his mother and grandmother. Has stopped crying. After the fire officers and soldiers of the No. 1 Special Service Squadron arrived at the scene, they used electric steel bar quick-cutters and large shears to cut off the two brackets of the bicycle and successfully removed the child's feet.

[Prevention and First Aid]

. When adults ride an electric vehicle to carry children, they must remind the children sitting behind to keep their feet away from the wheels and not to stretch out. If your foot is stuck in the wheel or bracket, do not blindly pull it, because unscientific rescue will cause secondary injuries. You should call the police for help in time.

. Don’t let children climb up the balcony guardrail to avoid getting stuck. It is best to put a plastic plate on the bottom of the anti-theft net. You can also install a plastic board on the outside of the anti-theft net that is equivalent to the height of the child. At the same time, parents must not place stools or desks on the balcony that are easy to climb. Children like to climb and have no awareness of danger, which can easily cause danger. The most important thing is that parents cannot lock their children in the house alone to prevent the tragedy of falling from the building or getting stuck in the anti-theft net.

. Narrow items such as door cracks, small rings, and small hoops should be kept out of reach of children as much as possible. If you encounter a stuck finger, you must not pull it hard. You can try to apply soapy water, oil or other lubricants to lubricate it and then remove it. If you cannot remove it, call the police for help in time.


Half a peanut can kill a child


One and a half year old Xiao Hao was happily taking a bath after dinner, but suddenly he started crying, vomiting and coughing. After a while, Xiaohao's face turned blue, his lips turned purple, and he kept breathing. That afternoon, when Xiaohao was transferred to the emergency room of the First Affiliated Hospital of Xiamen University, his breathing became increasingly difficult and he could not lie down at all. The examination revealed that half a peanut, about 5 x 6 mm, was blocking the bronchus in the left lower lobe of Xiao Hao's lung. After the peanuts were taken out, Xiaohao's complexion gradually improved and his breathing became smoother.

[Prevention and First Aid]

Young children, especially those under 1 year old, should mainly eat liquid and semi-liquid foods, and be particularly cautious when feeding rice and granular foods. In life, infants and young children should try to avoid contact with various beans, seeds, jellies and other foreign objects that can easily cause tracheal and bronchial obstruction.

When the child is laughing or crying, parents should stop feeding. If the child is forced to feed at this time, it is most likely to cause the child to choke and block the trachea. Children under 3 years old are not recommended to take tablets directly orally. They should grind them into fine powder and feed them with water. Finally, for children who have recurring coughs, paroxysmal dyspnea, recurrent bronchopneumonia, or who cannot be cured after long-term treatment, they must not treat themselves with anti-inflammatory drugs at home. They must go to the hospital for examination in time to avoid delays in diagnosis and treatment.


Parents should not put hot water in the bath first to avoid scalding the children.


Summer is the season when burns are most common. Some parents put containers filled with hot water, hot soup, and hot porridge not far from their children. When the children pulled them casually, they were burned.

One evening, my mother prepared bath water for 2-year-old Chaochao in the bathroom. After pouring a bottle of boiling water into the bathtub, my mother turned around and prepared cold water. Unexpectedly, Chaochao came in happily and sat down in the bathtub. The mother quickly picked up Chaochao and found that one of the child's buttocks was completely red and his pants were all stuck to his buttocks. A hospital examination revealed that she suffered a second-degree burn, covering about 10% of the area. Due to the burn on my buttocks, a large piece of skin fell off and the whole piece of flesh was exposed, so I had to sleep on my stomach.

[Prevention and First Aid]

. Parents should pay attention to supervise their children, especially families who rent simple houses. Since the bedroom is together with the kitchen, the children have small space for activities and can easily touch electricity, hot water and other things.

. Early treatment after burns is very important. The patient must first remove himself from the heat source and take off his clothes. If this is not possible, he can cut them off, because the clothes still retain heat, which will further deepen the wound and intensify the pain. If the skin is very red and blistered, rinse it with tap water or soak it in water for 20 to 30 minutes."Early and proper cold water treatment can not only relieve pain, but also reduce edema. Of course, if the burn area is large and the degree is deep, it is not recommended to use cold water treatment and should be sent to the hospital immediately for rescue."

In addition, folk earthwork, such as painting Toothpaste, soy sauce, essential oil, alkaline noodles, violet liquid, etc. will not only irritate the wound, but also deepen the depth of the wound and increase the chance of infection.

Source: Haixi Morning News, Life Times

Editor: Ren Xuping

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