The Kuomintang held a press conference on the "General Review of Policy on the Third Anniversary of the Tsai Administration" at 10 a.m. on the 20th. Party Chairman Wu Dunyi led the think tank and "Legislative Yuan" party cadres to hold a press conference.

Tsai Ing-wen. (Photo source: Taiwan's "Dongsen News Cloud")

China Taiwan Network May 20 According to Taiwan's "Dongsen News Cloud" report, the Kuomintang held a press conference on the "General Review of the Policy on the Third Anniversary of the Tsai Administration" at 10 a.m. on the 20th. , held jointly by Party Chairman Wu Dunyi and cadres from think tanks and the "Legislative Yuan" party group. In response to the major controversies and shortcomings of the DPP during its three years in power, the Kuomintang also issued a press release criticizing the four major aspects, pointing out that the Tsai administration lacks balanced thinking in governance, lacks execution capabilities and often has double standards. As a result, most government affairs have become idle. It also caused serious chaos and confrontation.

"Internal affairs" and legal system - two sets of standards, reappearance of authoritarianism

The Democratic Progressive Party appeals for fairness and justice on the surface, but in fact it adopts two sets of standards: it claims to be non-nuclear, but restarts nuclear weapons II; it wants others to withdraw, but it interferes in schools and the media; When he was elected, he said "humble, humble, humble again". After the election, he became a violent and pro-green majority in the "Legislative Yuan". In addition, they also took the lead in spreading fake news, and even used the "referendum" results as reference only. They also wanted to amend the "referendum law" and turn it into an iron-cage "referendum."

In addition, the Tsai administration used the majority of violence to pass the "Party Property Ordinance" and "Transfer Promotion Ordinance", and vigorously fought against the opposition parties. It not only violated the law and abused power, but also allowed the establishment of illegal agencies; it also included the reform of the Water Conservancy Commission and the "Fundament Legal Person Act" "The revision shows that the DPP is blatantly seizing power and grabbing money and positions.

What is particularly debatable is that the DPP has repeatedly shown its domineering nature and lawlessness in power, such as 1 Fenying (preliminary review of the 'Labour Standards Law'), 20 minutes' forward-looking plan' preliminary review, 3 Miuyong ('president of the election meeting') Personnel cases), etc., under three years of rule, the "Central Election Commission", "Party Property Council", "Transfer Promotion Council", "Ministry of the Interior", and "Ministry of Education" were all reduced to spy factories and political thugs, "Zhang Tianqin and others" "Rampant, "independent agencies" have become a joke. The Tsai administration promotes targeted and selective annual reforms of the military, public and educational sectors, which violates the principle of the rule of law and undermines the morale of the military, public and educational sectors. All these are examples of politics overriding the law and profession after the Green Camp came to power.

Economy and environment - sharp decline in competitiveness, debt for future generations, lack of electricity and air pollution

In terms of economy and environment, the Kuomintang emphasized that the Tsai administration promoted many policies such as the "Forward-looking Plan" in order to tie up electoral stakes and lead to competition in Taiwan The country's competitiveness dropped to 17th in the world in 2018; the "Labor Standards Law" was revised twice a year, resulting in the regression of labor rights and the loss of corporate employees; and the use of ideological abolition of nuclear power caused power shortages and air pollution, which harmed the entire population.

Comparing the performance of the two parties in power, the average economic growth rate of the Ma authorities was 2.83%, while Tsai Ing-wen's average economic growth rate in the past three years was 2.4%; tourism data, whether it is the growth rate of the number of tourists to Taiwan, tourism revenue, etc., the Kuomintang clearly won .

"Diplomacy, National Defense" and Cross-Strait - External Failure, Defense Failure, and Cross-Strait Contradiction

"Diplomacy, Cross-Strait and National Defense", the contrast is even more obvious: the Malaysian authorities have "broken off diplomatic relations" for eight years, and Tsai Ing-wen has broken off "diplomatic relations" after three years in power. The number of visa-free places increased by 110 during the Maldives period, while only 4 were added under Tsai Ing-wen's administration; Taiwan is also unable to participate in the activities of international organizations such as WHA and ICAO; in addition, the institutionalized consultation, exchange, and service platforms of the two sessions are in a state of interruption. The Kuomintang criticized the Tsai administration's strategic mistakes and paranoia, which led to cross-strait confrontation, external defeats, difficulties in moving south, and a lack of military discipline.

Society and people’s feelings - social collapse, people’s livelihoods are in decline, bankruptcies are rising, and major public security incidents are frequent.

The Tsai administration has been incompetent and idling for three years in power, and policy hairpins have appeared one after another. Not only has the system collapsed, but Taiwan’s cultural heritage has also been lost. What the people actually feel is that there are frequent cases of major murders and dismemberments, cases of child abuse and death, a wave of bankruptcies of businesses, and a bleak scene in the elite areas. And the previous toilet paper price increase chaos, etc., have made people panic and miserable. Regarding the health rights of the people, the Tsai administration intends to change the control of five counties and cities with nuclear food to high-risk food control, and relax the processing of 22 kinds of pesticide residues and poisonous eggs, which also makes people feel uneasy about eating.

While the people are suffering, the DPP is busy rewarding mediocrity and occupying official positions after losing elections! For example: Beinong Wu Yinning (the daughter of Wu Sheng, the "Advisor" of Cai Office) has an annual salary of 2.5 million (NT$, the same below), Taiben Dongzhi Wu Yiqing (daughter of Wu Nairen) has an annual salary of 6 million, Ye Guangzhang (Ye Yijin's younger brother) ) was promoted to the director of First Financial Securities in one year, Taiwan Salt Director Chen Qiyu ( Chen Ju deputy mayor) with an annual salary of 3.5 million, cabinet shopping center director Chen Yongcheng ("National Security Advisory Committee" during Chen Shui-bian's period) with an annual salary of 8 million, etc. In addition, Chen Yuxiu powerfully took over "China Television", Gu Lixiong took charge of the "Financial Supervisory Committee", Li Jinyong took charge of the "Selection Committee", etc., and after the "nine-in-one" election, "the more you lose the election and the more votes you lose, the bigger your officialdom will be." The chaos, the "interpreter brother" and "station in the United States" controversy, etc. are all personnel arrangements made by the DPP to destroy the system, create controversy, and pay mediocre pay.

The Kuomintang emphasizes that a prosperous economy, honest and efficient authorities, a harmonious and just society, and peaceful and developing cross-strait relations are the responsibilities and obligations of the Kuomintang. In the face of the chaos of the Tsai administration in the past three years, it hopes that the people can support it. Only the Kuomintang can put an end to improper governance and bring Taiwan back on track. (China Taiwan Net Li Ning)