The latest poll released by Taiwan's "Beautiful Island Electronic News" shows that the majority of people's satisfaction with the policies promoted by Tsai Ing-wen is less than 30%. Pan-green supporters also consider it a failure;

China Taiwan Network, May 2 According to Taiwan's "China Times Electronic News", Taiwan leader Tsai Ing-wen's inauguration anniversary is approaching. The latest poll released by Taiwan's "Beautiful Island Electronic News" shows that most people are satisfied with the policies promoted by Tsai Ing-wen. Less than 30%, even pan-green supporters thought it was a failure; the young people who were most supportive before the election even turned around and became the most dissatisfied group, believing that the overall economic situation on the island was "bad" has exceeded 80%. The data points to the fact that in Tsai Ing-wen’s first year in office, reforms failed miserably. The

poll pointed out that in terms of the overall economic situation on the island, 11.0% thought it was good, while 80.6% thought it was bad. This shows that the public almost unanimously believes that Taiwan’s economic situation has not improved since the Tsai administration came to power. In terms of cross-analysis of political stances, as many as 70.1% of pan-green voters think the economic situation is bad, and they are neutral or voters who care about people rather than the party; 83.1% think it is not good, indicating that most people think that the current economic situation in Taiwan is not good.

In addition, 40.5% expressed trust in Tsai Ing-wen, while 43.8% distrusted her; however, only 31.5% were satisfied and 57.1% were dissatisfied, with a gap of 25.6%. Age cross-analysis found that in the first poll after Tsai Ing-wen took office, among those aged 20 to 29, 67.1% originally trusted Tsai Ing-wen and 20.6% distrusted her; but now it has sharply reversed to 36.0% trusting and 45.3% distrusting. Supports major earthquakes in the age.

In terms of satisfaction, 20.9% of those aged 20 to 29 are satisfied with Tsai Ing-wen’s performance, ranking at the bottom of all age groups; 63.3% are dissatisfied with Tsai Ing-wen’s performance, ranking highest among all age groups. It shows that the young people who were originally the most supportive of Tsai Ing-wen have turned into the group of people who are most disappointed with Tsai Ing-wen.

Among the 10 major policies or reforms promoted by Tsai Ing-wen, about 90% of the people believe that the policies that should be promoted as the most priority are food safety, economic and industrial policies, followed by labor rights, pensions and finance, and "district reform", about 70%; Expand Foreign affairs, cross-strait relations, strengthening defense, energy and nuclear abolition accounted for about 50%; "transformational justice" accounted for only more than 40%.

However, only defense policy has a satisfaction rate of 30.5%. Pension and finance, "transitional justice", food safety, labor rights, expansion of "foreign affairs", energy and nuclear waste all have only more than 20% satisfaction. Cross-strait relations, industry and economy , the satisfaction rate of "judicial reform" is less than 20%. Most of the pan-green voters' satisfaction with these policies or reforms is only around 40%; among them, the "judicial reform" they are strongly promoting has only 31% satisfaction.

said that after Tsai Ing-wen was elected, she said that she would push Taiwan towards a "new economy, new society, and new politics." They believed that "most of them have achieved it," only 3.1%, "only a few have achieved it," 41.5%, and "none of them." Do it” was 23.2%. Among young people aged 20 to 29, 46.8% believe that Tsai Ing-wen "only a few have achieved it", the highest proportion among all age groups; only 1.2% believe that "most of them have achieved it", the highest proportion among all age groups. end. Such data echoes what was found in this survey: "Young people aged 20 to 29 have become the group of people who are most disappointed with Tsai Ing-wen." For Tsai Ing-wen, who always thinks she understands young people best, this is undoubtedly a major warning sign.

This poll was conducted from April 26 to April 28, 2017, and successfully interviewed 1,075 people. When the reliability level is 95%, the maximum sampling error is plus or minus 3.0%. (China Taiwan Net Gao Xu)