Taiwanese media recently announced the latest popularity poll of politicians. The results showed that Su Tseng-chang, the head of Taiwan’s administrative agencies, had a dissatisfaction rate of 43% and a satisfaction rate of only 39%.

Taiwanese media recently announced the latest popularity poll of politicians. The results showed that Su Zhenchang, the head of Taiwan’s administrative agencies, had a dissatisfaction rate of 43% and a satisfaction rate of only 39%. In this regard, Kuomintang "legislator" Hong Mengkai believes that Su is dissatisfied with ranking first in the polls, so the outcome of the 828 "referendum" battle will be related to whether he can retain his position as the head of the administrative agency. Perhaps it is also for this reason that Su Zhenchang cannot There is no plot of military counselor Ding Yiming.

According to the Taiwan media "TVBS" announced on the 21st a reputation survey of 13 major political figures in Taiwan, the results showed that New Taipei Mayor Hou Youyi's satisfaction rate reached 74%, ranking first. Followed by "Minister of Health and Welfare" Chen Shizhong with 66%, Taichung Mayor Lu Xiuyan with 51%, Taoyuan Mayor Zheng Wencan with 50%, and Taipei Mayor Ke Wenzhe with 42%.

In addition, Tsai Ing-wen and Tainan Mayor Huang Weizhe both had a satisfaction rating of 41%, ranking tied for sixth place. Su Zhenchang ranked eighth with 39%; Kaohsiung Mayor Chen Qimai ranked ninth with 38%. Lai Qingde ranked 10th with 36%; Kuomintang Chairman Jiang Qichen ranked 11th with 33%; You Xikun, head of Taiwan's legislative body, ranked 12th with 32%; Ma Ying-jeou's reputation value was 31%.